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“I serve a God that can miraculously heal”

After trying for years to conceive, Hannah and Craig were overjoyed at the birth of their son Kase. Yet, when he was diagnosed with a disease most cannot even pronounce, they trusted God would heal him whether through a miracle, medical science, ... Read Transcript

(gentle music)

- [Narrator] Hannah Chaneyand her husband Craig

tried for years to get pregnant,

even pursuing fertilitytreatments, all to no avail.

While they are on vacationhowever she says she got

a message from God.

- So I remember sitting there on the beach

and having this conversation with God.

I'd asked God, "Lord, if Istick my hands in the sand

and I pull out a perfectlytogether shell then I'll know

that you're gonna give us a baby."

And he, I felt the Lord speakand say, "I know the plans

I have for you and I controlwhat goes in and out of you,

just like I control what goesin and out of this ocean."

And when I did I pulled outthis completely unbroken

spiral shell, that I stillhave, and I was so excited

I began to cry.

- [Narrator] Their son Kasewas born on August 28th, 2015.

But before he even left the hospital

Hannah knew something was wrong.

- Kase was born completelyblue and he was in the NICU

for five days and would turn blue there.

And they told me that wasnormal and they sent him home.

When he was two weeks old he turned blue

and I had to call 911and that's the first time

that we took him to the hospital.

- [Narrator] Kase hada rare condition called

Tracheobronchomalacia,meaning his wind pipe

would not operate properly.

- I don't like a diagnosisthat I can't pronounce.

It was always in theback of my mind thinking,

"My God, I mean, we couldlose Kase at any moment."

But I was reminded, youknow, God reminded me,

you know, just keep faithful.

- [Narrator] The weeks andmonths after Kase was born

were an emotionalrollercoaster for his parents.

- I just relied on God during those times

and so I would just check on him.

And any time he cried I wouldget up, I would stimulate him,

I sang "Amazing Grace"to him, I prayed over him

and I spoke life overhim from the very moment

that I put my hand on him.

- [Narrator] EventuallyKase was allowed to go home

with his parents butseveral close calls at home

forced them to take him back

to the University ofKentucky Medical Center.

- A few weeks later heturned completely blue

and I had to give him mouthto mouth resuscitation

and get him back to UK.

This is not in the

"What to Expect WhenYou're Expecting" manual.

- [Narrator] As the doctors did more tests

they became more concerned.

- The doctor informed usthat Kase may not live.

He may not even live to be six months old.

He may never walk or talk.

He could be partially brain dead.

And I said, "But here'sthe deal, I serve a God

that can do three things."

I said, "I serve a God thatcan miraculously heal Kase

and that would be awesome."

I said, "God could do asecond thing, he could use you

and medical science.

That is a wonderfulgift if he chooses that.

And he could choose totake him to heaven."

And I said, "And I love Godso much that though I wouldn't

be okay with it at that momentand though it would devastate

my mama heart to thecore, I love God enough

that I trust his plan."

- [Narrator] The Chaney'sset up a Facebook page

and began to contact familyand friends to pray for him.

- I posted every day an updateand kept people informed.

And people were praying and fasting

and a group did t-shirts.

- [Narrator] After Kasemade it to one year

his doctor suggested anairway reconstruction surgery

which turned out muchbetter than anticipated.

- Ultimately Kase had avery severe airway anomaly

and being faced with theprospect that he might not live

beyond six months of lifewould be hard for any family.

When his ear nose and throatspecialist redid his airway

it went from being 18% open to 80% open.

The lower part of hisairway and his lungs,

there wasn't really a greatprocedure that could be done

to help that area as muchand we just had to wait

for it to heal on its own.

- [Narrator] Kase's familyand friends continued to pray.

Amazingly, Kase's airwaybegan to heal quickly.

- And we got to see God grantwisdom to Hannah and Craig

and to the medical team in order to make

the right decisions.

And we also got to see Godguide the hand of the physician

in the OR as he was usingvery specialized techniques

to rebuild his airway.

And we also got to see God's healing touch

in the lower airway becausethere really wasn't a procedure

to repair that area.

- When we found out, orcome to the realization

Kase was going to make a full recovery

and we felt like a wholehuge weight had been lifted

off our shoulders.

Through it all we realizethat God never left us

and he never left Kase.

- When I think of him Ithank God every time I think

of our doctors and nurses.

Dr. Krishna Pancham, Dr. Kelli Trent,

the list could go on andon from nurses to doctors,

to physicians, to peoplethat were bringing food in.

I appreciate them so muchfrom the bottom of our hearts.

- [Narrator] Today Kase is anormal, healthy five-year-old.

- And I believe that the factthat Craig and I were able

to join together and pray together

through those really hardtimes is what sustained,

not just Kase, itsustained Kase, I believe

that it played a hugepart in Kase that we gave

all the faith we had to God,but even more so it sustained

us as a married couple becausethings weren't always easy,

things haven't always been beautiful.

Things have been difficult and hard.

But no matter how hard theygot or how difficult they were

we trusted God for every little thing.

And I believe that'sthe most important thing

that you could tell anybody about God.

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