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How the Bible and Faith of Our Founders Shaped Our Constitution

How the Bible and Faith of Our Founders Shaped Our Constitution Read Transcript

- The US Constitution,

written and signed byour founding fathers.

Sits here at the National Archives.

These founders sawthemselves as men of faith

and used what they learned in God's word.

To help them form their newnation's law and government.

- So I like to say

its not that we establisheda Christian country.

But without Christian values

we would never establishthis kind of country.

We are shaped by the bible.

- [Narrator] Outside theNational Constitution Center

in Philadelphia.

Historian Peter Lillback,

showed me phrase by phrase

how the preamble of the Constitution

reflects these biblical values.

- It begins by saying we the people

of United States come together

to make a more perfect union.

They wanna be one,

they know they can't be perfect.

That's a biblical idea

we're trying to getbetter, we can progress.

- [Narrator] Then establish justice.

Lillback quotes Micah 6:8.

- The Lord is showing you

what he requires of they old men,

that you would do justice and love mercy.

Justice is a biblical concern.

- [Narrator] Insure domestic tranquility.

- Paul would say in Romans chapter 12,

as much as lies within me Iwill live at peace with all men.

- [Narrator] Providefor the common defense.

- So we know that one of thegreat principles of God's law.

Is to defend the orphan and the widow.

- [Narrator] Provide the general welfare.

- We should do good to all men,

especially to those ofthe household of faith.

- [Narrator] And securethe blessings of liberty.

- I always like to saythat the word blessing,

is a word you don't use atheists using.

The very nature of blessing I something

that's being given to us from God.

And liberty is somethingthat God has blessed us with.

- And then the Constitutionlays our legislative,

and judicial, and executivebranches of government.

And all three reflect differentaspects of God himself

that is shown in the bible.

- In Isiah 33:22, weretalks about how our God

is a God who's a law giver,

he is in fact a judge.

He's also a king or a ruler.

Again derivative of God's very word,

God's very nature.

- [Narrator] Lillbacksums up what the bible

did for America through our founders.

- By learning from his word

we gain wisdom and that wisdom creates.

If you will the longestcontinuously used Constitution

in the face of the earth.

- In September 17th, 2020,

marks the 233rd birthday

of that historic freedomguaranteeing document.

Paul Strand, CBN News

reporting from the National Archives.


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