Omar and Danielle Gonzalez began their relationship focused on the instant gratification of drugs, alcohol, and sex, but they learned that to preserve their marriage, it would take something beyond themselves...
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- We partied a lot.
He had a lotta money to spend
and that was usually a new outfit
every weekend so we cango out to the clubs.
It was money on alcohol.
It was money on drugs.
We were smokin' a lotta weed.
We were doin' cocaine.
That was pretty much the first years
of our relationship together.
- [Reporter] Omar and Danielle Gonzales
brought a history ofdrug and alcohol abuse
into their relationship.
Omar was also addictedto sex and pornography.
- I was not thinkin' about her.
I was thinkin' about myself.
It was all about me.
It was me leaning on what I wanted,
instant gratification to meet my needs,
getting drunk, druggin',watchin' porn, having sex.
- [Reporter] The couple datedon and off for seven years.
When Danielle found out she was pregnant
they decided to get married.
Danielle's partying life slowed down,
but Omar's did not.
- We had really had arocky year that year,
felt like we were both kinda goin'
in different directions.
Our priorities, our goals,they weren't in line
as a married couple.
They weren't in line as a family.
- [Reporter] Danielle didn't see any hope
for their marriage and left Omar.
- When I realized that she was gone,
my marriage was about to be gone,
I started realizing thatit was me the problem,
that I needed something bigger to help me.
- [Reporter] Omar searchedfor something bigger
and found it attending a friend's church.
- The guy that wasteaching or facilitating
the class started talking about the power
of the Holy Spirit.
I still remember that.
He started thinking about,talking about, the power
what he does, what the Holy Spirit does
when he dwells in youand he's your companion
and every day and all of a sudden
I felt something really deep in my heart
and I stopped the class and I said,
guys, wait a minute, wait a minute.
I want that.
I want what you guys have.
I wanna commit my life to Christ.
I prayed the good confessionto accept Christ in my heart.
It was the greatest moment of my life
to know Jesus personally.
Two weeks later I got baptized
and I continued seekinghim, reading every day
the Bible, reading his word.
- [Reporter] Several months had passed
and Danielle saw a change in Omar.
- I could tell that hiswords and his voice,
it wasn't coming from aplace of anger any more.
It wasn't coming from aplace of I would say hate
any more, which I feltlike for a long time
that's what our levels ofcommunication were at and I
just felt like it was better.
- He put that desire forto restore the marriage,
because that's what I ultimatelywanted is my marriage.
But, alongside I discoveredJesus that gave me
a bigger desire for him, for his kingdom,
for humanity, not just my marriage.
I needed to see thatcompassion that Jesus Christ
seeks in us every day.
I needed to model that.
I needed to love my wife theway Jesus loves the church.
- He shared with me that histhought process is different,
that he wants to be better, that he wants
to really grow as this new person,
a servant, a follower of Christ.
And, that was never apriority in our marriage.
That was never a priority in my life
as a child growin' up and I feel like
it wasn't really in his.
But, I knew it wasn't coming from nowhere.
I could tell that attendance at church
and his willingness to be baptized,
it was coming from agenuine, a genuine heart.
- [Reporter] Omar and Daniellemoved back in together
and he eventually led her to Christ.
They have left theirlife of partying behind
and today their marriage is thriving
with Jesus in the center of it.
- I am so grateful that Godhas restored my marriage
because we can really focus on our calling
for the kingdom and we're grateful
for what he's done in our life,
not just restoring our marriage.
We get to do his will, whichis preaching the gospel
to people that don't know him.
- I've lived in a marriagethat was of the world
and I now have that samemarriage that is of Christ
and I absolutely believe that you can
get through it and you canget through it stronger.
It's just, what is yourwillingness to give grace?
Do you really grasp that concept?
Do you know that you're not perfect
and that our Father gives all of us grace.
But, as long as we learn andwe move on and we put him
at the cornerstone of our lives,
we can absolutely get through it.
- Jesus is not done with your marriage.
God is not done with it.
God created your marriageto be a relationship
and a covenant between youand God and your spouse,
so don't give up.