Internet Sensations 'Diamond and Silk' on Politics, Love of Country, and Why They Urge Democrats to 'Ditch and Switch'
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- Hey y'all.
- Hey.
- [Journalist] Meetsisters Lynnette Hardaway
and Rochelle Richardson.
But you may actually know thembetter as Diamond and Silk.
- We're not politically correct,we're politically direct.
- That's right.- You can say
we're two black chickswho style with politics
that love this country,- Yeah.
- Love America.
- [Journalist] And ifyou know much about them,
you know they feel prettygood about Donald Trump too.
- Leave Donald Trump.
- Leave him alone- Leave him alone, period!
- Bye!
- [Journalist] Theirjourney to supporting Trump
and attaining fame is chronicled
in their new book called Uprising,
a look at how two regular,working-class people
made it big in America.
As two preacher's kids,
their thankfulness starts at the top.
- We had no plans for any of this.
- None of this.
- And it just all snowballedinto what you see today.
- Yeah.
- God is the author of our lives.
- And we often say that Godwould not have brought us to it
if he wasn't gonna see us through it.
- And that's why we sayit's a divine order.
We was created for such a time as this.
- [Journalist] It's been along, wild ride for sure.
Growing up with strict parents,
they went through a rebellious stage,
and both got pregnant out of wedlock.
Growing up black, politicswas standard Democrat fare.
Then, over the years, thesisters began questioning
the party's policies, andduring the Obama years,
well, they made a change.
As black people we wereconditioned to vote one way,
- That's right.- And that was
for the Democrat party,whoever the head of the ticket.
- Mhm.- But we found that
just because you black, it didn't mean
you have to vote Democrat.- That's right.
- What we did, we got off of what we call
that Democrat plantation.- Mhm.
- [Journalist] Along came Donald Trump,
and they jumped in the bus.
- The President is cleaninghouse up there in DC.
- Yes.- He's draining the swamp.
- Yes.- Even the rats
that's clogging the pipes have to go.
- That's right.- The left do not like that.
So what will they do?
They will do everything in their power
to try to destroy him,and try to destroy him
in the eyes of the American people.
But it's not going to work.- That's right.
- [Journalist] The left hasbeen trying to take down
Diamond and Silk, too.
As two outspoken, conservative,African American women,
they've been subjected tonegative media treatment.
- This was in a way, kindof, to let people know
the true Diamond and Silk,
and to push back againstany of the media stuff
that they're trying to concoct out there.
- Absolutely.- Exactly.
- The media is so nasty,especially the left-wing media.
They so nasty, when you don'tgo along with their narrative,
you have to understand, David.
What they've done to Black America,
is they depicted Black America
as to how they want them to be.
- That's right.- These left-leaning liberals.
- [Journalist] They also face censorship,
such as bans on Facebook, forsupposedly unsafe content.
Facebook later apologized,but to this day,
still puts fact-check warningson Diamond and Silk content.
They've had problems withTwitter and YouTube as well.
During the congressionalhearing on the matter,
Democrats tried toquestion their complaints.
The sisters weren't having any of it.
- You not going to brushus off and dismiss us,
- No you're not.- Like we don't
have merit here, these people censored us,
for no reason they putlimitations on our page,
for no reason, and that was wrong.
- [Journalist] Good lucktrying to put limits
on this dynamic duo.
- They wanted us to be a particular way
in the eyes of everybody else,
because two black women,
two black, strong, conservative women
went against the narrative of the left.
So all of these different,negative stories
and spins that you hearcoming from the left
was only merely to makederogatory statements
towards us and our character.
What we did this time is we sat down
and we wrote about our truth.
- Right.- We wrote about
our true self, so thatpeople can understand
and learn Diamond and Silk,
who we are, our upbringing,and how we got here.
- [Journalist] Theyspent part of their time
with a campaign called Ditch and Switch,
encouraging Americansto follow their lead.
As you can imagine, Trump invites them
to spread the word.
- While the media continueto play the race card,
we gon continue to play the Trump card,
so we can win, win and win!
(audience cheers)
- [Journalist] And they evengot en exclusive private tour
of the White House residence
by the president and first lady.
Not bad for two sisters whocould never have dreamed
or imagined all this.
Fighting through the hurdles of childhood,
stereotyping, and attackson their character.
- You ladies are underattack all the time.
- Well, I don't feel likeit's a target on my back.
- Right.- Okay.
- They got the chip on they shoulder.
- That's right.- So anytime, you wanna come,
and you can tell, when they don't even,
when they don't have any comeback.
- Comeback, yeah.- From the truth,
that you spillin.- Right.
- Cause then they talk about your skin,
- Yeah.- They talk about your hair.
- Your hair.- They talk about
your skin color.- Yeah, characteristics.
- Lemme tell you something,
that's the chip on they shoulder.
- That's right.- I don't have to be
what they want me to be.- That's right.
- I can be what God created us to be.
- To be.
- He created this boldness
in us.- Yeah.
- [Journalist] And the country has surely
taken notice of that.
David Brody, CBN News.
- I thank god for that, andhoney, give yourself a hand
because we can celebrate.
- Yes!- We did this!
- Yes!