- Welcome to "The 700 Club."
Two police deputies are now expected
to recover after an attemptto assassinate them.
They were shot point blank multiple times
Saturday night in Los Angeles.
And here's the worst part.
After the shooting protestersthen swarmed the hospital
blocking the ER entrance withof shouts of "let them die."
- It's hard to believe isn't it?
Well, as the LAPDsearches for the shooter,
the two presidentialcandidates are taking different
approaches to thisescalating crisis of crime.
What are they?
Dale Hurd explains.
- The LA County Sheriff's Department
has announced a $100,000 reward
for the arrest of the gunman.
And the shooting has alreadybecome a campaign issue.
Two Los Angeles sheriff'sdeputies were left fighting
for their lives after being shot
multiple times Saturday night.
Disturbing surveillancevideo showed a man dressed
in black walk up to the deputy's vehicle
near the Compton Metro Station
and then fire a gun intothe car before running away.
- He acted as if he wasgoing to walk past the car
and then he made a left turndirectly toward the car,
raised a pistol, and fired several rounds
inside of the vehicle striking
both of the sheriff's deputies.
- [Dale] The deputiesare a 31-year-old mother
of a six-year-old and a 24-year-old man
who was sworn in only 14 months ago.
After the shooting, demonstratorsthen went to the hospital
and tried to block theemergency room entrance.
One shouted that hehoped the deputies died.
- [Demonstrator] I hope they die.
- There were saying death tothe police, kill the police.
And they were usingall type of curse words
and derogatory terms about the police.
- [Dale] Los Angeles MayorEric Garcetti told CNN
there's no place in civilized society
for those who wish the deputies would die.
- I won't ever let a couple of voices,
that not only are uncalled for,
but it's important tosay something like that
when we have two deputies
who are sheriff deputiesin grave condition.
- [Dale] President Trumpand Joe Biden both tweeted
condemnations of the attack early Sunday,
then Biden tweeted again calling
for a ban on assault weapons,
while Trump called the shootings part
of the war on the police.
- The radical left in America is waging
open war on law enforcement.
Hundreds of officersnationwide have been injured
in left wing riots and mobs.
- [Dale] This takes place amidviolent protests nationwide
and calls for defunding ofpolice by leftist groups
including the Black Lives Matter movement,
which is openly Marxist.
- Myself and Alicia in particularare trained organizers.
We are trained Marxists.
We are super versed on sortof ideological theories.
- Meanwhile, the citymanager of Lynnwood outside
of Compton is facing criticismbecause after the shooting,
he posted that the chickenshave come home to roost,
the quote Malcolm X usedfollowing the assassination
of President Kennedy.
Thankfully, both deputiesare expected to recover.
Dale Hurd, CBN News.
- Well, you have to pay attention
to the ideology behindthese kinds of attacks
and what is currently going on in America,
whether it's rioting or looting
or so-called peaceful protests
that end up with cities on fire.
You have to look at the ideology.
And if the ideology iscoming out of Karl Marx,
let's take a history lesson.
Back in 1848, he published"The Communist Manifesto."
Many people don't knowbefore that he was a poet
and in 1841, here's a pieceof poetry by Karl Marx,
it's called "The Fiddler."
"Till heart's bewitched, till senses reel:
with Satan I have struck my deal.
He chalks the signs, beats time for me,
I play the death march fast and free."
When you look at the resultof Marxism, of Communism,
of what he put out in the world,
and you consider the number ofdeath marches that happened,
the millions that were killed,
anyone today that saysthey're Marxist ideologue,
either doesn't know the history
or doesn't know thespiritual roots of this.
This leads to this kind of violence.
This leads to death.
This leads to anarchy.
This leads to rioting.
This leads to everythingwe're seeing today.
And we need to have very clear,from our national leaders,
that they don't support this in any way.
That's the deal here.
If you are Marxist,
you're going straight back into that poem,
you've made a deal with Satan.
In other news, at least 33 people are dead
and half a million ordered to evacuate
as wildfires sweep the western states.
John Jessup has more on that story
from our CBN News Bureau in Washington.
- That's right, Gordon.
100 fires in 12 westernstates are devouring
millions of acres.
In California where firefightersare stretched to the limit,
neighbors are helping eachother protect their homes.
Chuck Holton reports from Sugar Pine,
near Yosemite National Forest.
- [Chuck] The landscapeis truly apocalyptic.
Millions of acres of forest are burning
along the West Coast.
The smoke blotting out the sun.
Dozens have die and officials fear
that number could go much higher.
Here in Yosemite National Park,
the normally breathtakingscenery is hidden
by a choking layer ofsmoke and falling ash.
And the fire season isonly getting started.
The Creek Fire in the SierraNational Forest is keeping
1600 firefighters busy day and night.
But considering its size,
locals say that's not nearly enough.
- The whole area for miles around burned
and it burned Monday, I believe,
so I'm worried about mystock hasn't got anything
to eat for four or five days.
I'm hoping to get back as soon
as the officers andofficials will let me in.
- The smoke coming from this175,000 acre fire is almost
overwhelming up here just about an hour
to the east of Fresno, California.
And it's blanketing allof Southern California,
all the way to Las Vegas, Nevada.
But that's not necessarily a bad thing
according to some of the officials
who say that this blanket of smoke is part
of what is helping to contain this fire.
- The one thing that we're trying to share
with folks is that whilethis smoke is a real burden
and it's not any fun to haveyour community socked in
with smoke and be breathing this,
it's actually doing a lot of good
because it's moderatingfire behavior substantially.
And that's giving us a chance to try
to get out in front of this thing.
- [Dale] The Trumpadministration has dedicated
more than 26,000 personnel to assist,
dozens of grants payingfor fire suppression
and to help rebuild.
- My administration isclosely coordinating
with state and local leaders.
And we want to thank themore than 200,000 people
that are working on it inand 28,000 firefighters
and first responders who courageously
and bravely are fighting out there.
- [Chuck] But in many places,
residents aren't waitingfor government help.
They're helping each other to try
and save their communities.
- The other day, I put out a call
to have some friends comehelp me on our property,
brush, in case this fire,the Creek Fire comes this way
'cause the fire departments are short.
And man, I have 12 guys showed up
and four other guys on theother side cutting line
and it's just amazing.
These guys are making the road wider
and just making it so thefire department comes in,
they have an easier time to try
to stop the fire coming down.
- [Chuck] Despite the massive response
from state and federal governments,
the fires continue to rage out of control
and residents here are continuing to pray
for the best and prepare for the worst.
- I've been a firefighterfor about 34 years now,
wild land mostly and I'veseen a lot of wildfires,
but I haven't seen any fireslike this that have been
so widespread up and downthroughout the state.
We are getting readyin advance of the fire
that may or may not come this way,
but we're doing the hazard reduction
that we need to do tofortify the community here
and make it safe and they'redoing a good job of it so far.
We're well organized.
But like I said, I haven't seen any fires
like this in a long time.
- [Chuck] Chuck Holton, CBNNews, Sugar Pine, California.
- Thanks, Chuck.
New Orleans is in the cross hairs
of Tropical Storm Sallyforecast to hit the city
as a hurricane early Tuesday.
Millions along the GulfCoast are getting ready
for high winds and heavy rain.
The storm dumped nearly a foot of rain
on the Florida Keys over the weekend.
Now out over the Gulf,forecasters expect Sally
to become a hurricane today,
possibly a Category 2 bringingas much as 20 inches of rain.
The potential for severe weather stretches
from the western Floridapanhandle to Southeast Louisiana.
Mandatory evacuations have been ordered
in Mississippi and Louisiana.
- We have a really goodreason to be very concerned
about this storm, particularly because
it is going to be avery slow moving storm.
- After Katrina, anything around here,
anything on the water,you're going to take serious.
You can't take anything lightly.
- Officials in Mississippiwarn Sally was expected
to coincide with high tide leading
to significant storm surge.
Turning now to the coronavirus crisis
where there's some good news on vaccines.
The CEO of Pfizer's saying it's a quote
"likely scenario thatif the FDA approves it,
the company could have a vaccine ready
for distribution before year's end."
Although it's only now movinginto phase three trials,
Albert Bourla said there's agood chance they'll likely know
if the vaccine worksby the end of October.
Meanwhile, Oxford Universityis resuming phase three trials
in the United Kingdom on the vaccine
it's working on with AstraZeneca.
Researchers put that trial on hold
after one of its volunteers came down
with an unexpected illness.
The COVID-19 crisis is forcing Israel
into another full lockdown hoping to
lower the skyrocketing numberof cases and the death rate.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
announced the lockdownwill begin Friday afternoon
just before the celebrations
of the Jewish New Year Rosh Hashanah.
The first phase willextend for three weeks.
After that, authoritieswill reassess the situation.
Prime Minister Netanyahuwill be here in Washington
for tomorrow's signing ofa historic peace agreement
with not one but two Arab countries.
As CBN Middle East BureauChief Chris Mitchell reports,
this follows Friday's announcement
that Bahrain is joining the UAE
in normalizing relationswith the Jewish state.
- [Chris] Netanyahu called it a pivot
of history toward peace.
- It took us a full 26 years from Israel's
second peace agreement with an Arab state
to the third peace of agreement.
And now it's taken us only 29 days
from the third peace ofagreement to the fourth.
What a change.
- [Chris] That followedlast month's announcement
by the United Arab Emirates
they would normalize ties with Israel.
Netanyahu says the achievements
will make a major impact for all involved.
(speaking in foreign language)
- [Translator] This is a new era of peace
for which I've been working for 25 years.
These agreements will be a union
of political peace and economic peace.
They will flow billions ofdollars into our economy
in investments, economiccooperation, and ventures.
- [Chris] President Trump broke the news
that Bahrain would join the peace effort.
- They will exchangeembassies and ambassadors,
begin direct flightsbetween their countries,
and launch cooperation initiatives
across a broad range ofsectors including health,
business technology, education,security, and agriculture.
This is a truly historic day.
- [Chris] American Rabbi MarcSchneier says there was more
than one factor pushing theagreements forward at this time.
- For us to have this raging pandemic,
it's only a natural alliance for the Gulf
and for Israel to combatthis virus together.
You have the existential threat
that continues to come from Iran wanting
to strengthen relationswith the US administration
and both the UAE andBahrain were very concerned
about the possibility of annexation
on the part of the State of Israel.
That was one of the contributing factors
that created the tensionto make this deal.
- [Chris] Schneier told CBN News the deals
would be good for everyone.
- When the King of Bahrainsaid to me time and time again
that our only guarantee for a strong,
moderate Arab presence inthe Gulf is a strong Israel.
The Gulf is looking to the State of Israel
to be its defender, to be its protector.
- [Chris] Trump will presideover Tuesday's signing
and says it's only the beginning
and indicated he expectedothers to follow quickly.
- The momentum in theGulf is to normalize ties,
to make peace with Israel.
It's a win, win, both for the Gulf
and for the State of Israel.
- [Chris] There are fourmore Gulf states and other
Muslim countries that couldmake peace with Israel.
Chris Mitchell, CBN News.
- Transformational change inthe Middle East, thanks, Chris.
Gordon, back to you.
- It is transformational change
and it's absolutely incredible.
I never thought I would see it,
I would see Arab states coming and saying,
"We want peace with Israel, wewant to normalize relations."
Anwar Sadat was the first to do it
back in the Camp David Accords in 1978.
Jordan followed suit.
And now we're seeing the UAE. Bahrain.
Hopefully soon, we can see SaudiArabia join with that group
to normalize relations with Israel,
to recognize Israel has a right to exist,
no longer call for Israelto be driven into the sea.
This is a truly historic
and a wonderful development for peace.