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Hope Grows in Mother’s Heart and Womb

Mike and Jessica receive devastating news that her pregnancy will most likely result in delivering a deceased baby, and in response the couple turns to God in prayer... Read Transcript

- I sensed God just saying,

"In this moment whileyou really don't know

what I'm asking of you,I want you to say yes."

And I just said, "Okay, Lord."

- [Reporter] Jessica andMike Ptomey were thrilled

to be the parents of two boys.

Now, expecting their thirdchild was no different.

- It was exciting.

We were ready to have another kid.

They thought maybe it might be a girl,

but they couldn't get a good look.

- [Reporter] But with Jessicanow in her second trimester,

the ultrasound didn't confirm the gender.

Instead, it showed the baby'sgrowth was four weeks behind

and Jessica's amniotic fluid was low.

Their doctor told them thebaby would not survive.

- He said, "Whenever the heartbeat stops,

you're so far along,we'll have to induce you

and deliver a dead baby."

I don't think there'sany way you can really

at all prepare for thatkind of news as a mom.

I remember obviously being so sad,

but to be quite honest, I was terrified.

- That was the hardest thing for me,

the idea that there wasstill going to be a birth.

The baby was going to be delivered,

it was going to not be alive.

That was really, really, really heavy.

- [Reporter] Back atwork, Mike managed to keep

his emotions in check,but later that night-

- Everyone was asleep,and it was the first time

I was by myself with the news

and I just laid on thefloor and just cried.

- [Reporter] Now, their focus shifted

from getting the baby roomready to planning a funeral.

The couple shared the newswith family and friends,

asking them to pray forcomfort and strength.

- I was like, "Lord, howcould I possibly live

through that experience?"

I can't even honestly imagineanything more horrible,

and I just knew that Iwas going to have to have

supernatural strength to beable to get over that fear.

- [Reporter] Then came the task of telling

their oldest son, four-year-old Tyler.

- We said, "You know,this baby is not growing

in mommy's tummy and itlooks like he's going to die

and he's going to gobe with Jesus in heaven

and we're all going to bevery sad and miss him."

And his response was, "Well,I'm not gonna let that happen.

I'm gonna lock all the doors."

- [Reporter] Over the next few days,

the couple still struggledto accept the news,

especially since the baby was still alive.

That is, until Jessica readan article about a woman's

miraculous healing fromcancer through prayer.

- I remember just havingthis sense of peace,

that, "All right, Lord,the baby is not dead yet,

and I just feel called to pray

in accordance with Your will."

You always ask us to ask You for things,"

and I said, "I'm justasking you for a miracle."

- [Reporter] Althoughstruggling with doubt and fear,

Mike came alongside hiswife, asking for a miracle.

Over the next week,

their community envelopedthe Ptomeys in prayer.

- It was everything tohave other people pray

and to join you in prayerand to see the body

of Christ come together regardless

of their denominational background.

It was beautiful.

- [Reporter] Jessicaalso attended a special

healing prayer service with a friend.

- That was a moment ofspiritual healing for me,

sitting there, kneeling in the pew,

waiting my turn to go be prayed for.

I wasn't afraid anymore.

- [Reporter] Then a couple of days later,

Jessica had another ultrasound.

The baby's heart was still beating.

- I had such a peace that,

"Okay Lord, whatever Your willis here I'm good with it."

But there was a lot of hope.

- [Reporter] And that hope grew.

So much in fact, thatJessica asked her friends

to pray not just for peace and comfort,

but that her amniotic fluid would increase

and that the baby would double in size.

Then, two weeks aftergetting the bad news,

Jessica went in for another ultrasound.

- He was like, "This is really weird.

The baby has actually doubled in size."

And then I knew exactly whathe was about to say next.

"And the amniotic fluid has increased."

The doctor said, "I don'thave any explanation for you."

I said, "We don't need an explanation.

We've had a lot of people praying for us."

He said, "Well, whoever's praying for you,

can they please pray for me too?"

- I love the expression on the nurse's

and doctor's face comparedto when it was the bad news,

'cause they're still perplexed.

All of a sudden, the story has changed.

It was unbelievable.

- [Reporter] There was one brief scare

when Jessica got aninfection at six months,

but again, with prayer, sheand the baby pulled through.

Then on June 26, SamuelGerard Ptomey was born

at full term, a little smallat five pounds, nine ounces,

but perfectly healthy.

- I don't think I even have words

to express the emotion that I felt

of seeing that baby that I had prayed for.

He was so tiny and just soprecious, but so perfect.

- To see him, it was transformational,and it was wonderful.

It was the best.

- [Reporter] By his one-month check-up,

Samuel had gained three pounds.

A few years later, Mikeand Jessica went on

to have little girl, Stella.

Today, Samuel is ahealthy, happy little boy,

but Mike and Jessica say

that's not the only miracle God performed.

- The biggest miracle thathappened was the miracle

that God did inside of my heart

before He healed my babyand that He made me okay

with whatever it wasthat was going to happen.

- It's beautiful that God allowed us

to have this child andgifted us with this.

But the real transformation is knowing

that we have a good God who loves us.

The only thing that really matters

is our relationship with Him.

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