Anne considers her relentless hip pain an unfortunate result of aging until she hears a pain-free declaration on The 700 Club.
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- [Narrator] Ann Marie Melnick loves
the Philadelphia Eagles.
- [Ann Marie] Just need alittle bit of Eagles football
and a whole lot of Jesus.
- [Narrator] She especiallyloves going to the games,
but in recent years, thepain in her right hip
made it hard to enjoy the experience.
- It's a long day, a lot of walking,
a lot of standing, which was tough.
With the hip the way it was,
standing for too longor sitting for too long
really caused a lot of pain,
just like a stabbing.
It wouldn't go away.
Just an ache.
- [Narrator] She says thepain started 20 years ago.
Getting out of bed or her car was a task.
She couldn't even enjoy hiking,
one of her favorite activities.
- Going from a sitting positionto a standing position,
that caused pain and discomfort.
Hiking on uneven terrain was out
because I just didn'thave the flexibility.
- [Narrator] Ann Mariewent to see a chiropractor
hoping to find relief.
- Many years ago, I had a slight scoliosis
and that could have been fromthe misalignment of the hip,
so I just continue togo to the chiropractor's
and do the stretches,just do the best I can
to try to keep myself movingso I didn't get more stiff.
The chiropractic helped tremendously,
but it was only temporary.
- [Narrator] She also wentto some medical specialists,
but they couldn't find anything.
She decided it justcame with getting older.
- Didn't go to the Lord for this.
Silly, but I just kinda thought,
well, it's one of those things.
As we get older there's aches and pains
and you just do what you can do
and you deal with it thebest you can deal with it.
- [Narrator] In addition to football,
Ann Marie, a CBN partner, alsoloves watching The 700 Club.
One day, Pat and Wendy were praying.
- You have a hip, the hip isn't quite
sitting the way it's supposed to be
and right now you're leg is growing
and you're hip will almost be able to feel
a crushing in your bones
as that thing straightenedup from this moment on.
- All of the sudden, I justfelt the presence of the Lord
just claim it.
This is for you!
So I put my hand on myhip and I raised my hand
and I just started cryinguncontrollably, but it was joy.
I had my arms up and Iwas praising the Lord
and I took my shoes off and I walked
all around the upstairs barefoot.
It was just unbelievable.
There's no doubt in mymind that the hand of God
touched me that day.
- [Narrator] Now, totally healed,
Ann Marie is thrilled tobe able to hike again,
and can't wait to get back to the stadium
to see her favorite team in action.
- I could stand longer,I could sit longer,
I could get out of a seated position.
And I come home after a nice long walk
and I'm not in pain.
The Lord loves us and he wantsgood things for his children.
Trust the Lord.
He will take care of you.
Just offer your prayers to him
and just let the Lord love on you.