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Trump, Biden Hit Swing States as 2 Battles Rage: 'Death to America' and 'Shut Down the Whole Economy'

Trump, Biden Hit Swing States as 2 Battles Rage: 'Death to America' and 'Shut Down the Whole Economy' Read Transcript

- [Paul] In Kenosha, Joe Bidentalked to residents there

after visiting the family of Jacob Blake,

the African Americanwhose shooting by police

kicked off days of violent rioting.

Biden was discussing racism in America.

- [Joe] It also exposed

what had not been paidenough attention to,

the underlying racismthat is institutionalized

in the United States still exists,

has existed for 400 years.

- [Paul] In Biden's homestate of Pennsylvania,

Trump attacked his opponentfor softness on the violence

amid racial justiceprotests in recent months

and silence on law and order.

- For the entire summer Biden was silent

as far-left rioters viciouslyattacked law enforcement

in Democrat-run cities all.

Burned down businesses,terrorized civilians,

and just recently marchedthrough the streets

chanting, "Death to America."

This is what we have.

- [Paul] Biden's been trying to use

the coronavirus pandemic's death count

and havoc caused to theeconomy by the lockdowns

against the President,but Trump says the economy

is quickly rebounding asAmerica is moving ahead

on its effort to defeat COVID-19.

- In the hopefully roundingthe turn on the pandemic,

we're rounding that turn.

And vaccines are coming along great.

You know, the job thatthey've done, the doctors,

everybody else, we'reyears ahead of schedule.

Anybody else as president,you wouldn't be talking

about vaccines for twoor three years from now,

I'll tell you right now.(crowd cheering)

- [Paul] Also on thesubject of coronavirus

and the economy, Biden's triedto clarify his recent stand

that he would shut thewhole country down again

if scientists recommendedthat move to fight the virus.

- There's gonna be no need, in my view,

to be able to shut down the whole economy.

- [Paul] While thoseissues predominate now,

Trump is again highlightinghow Democrats' push

for tens of millions of mail-in votes

could be the biggestproblem come election day

as both campaigns arealready lawyering up.

His attorney general, WilliamBarr discussed the problem

on CNN, including how it'sbeen portrayed in the media.

- The bipartisan commissionchaired by Jimmy Carter

and James Baker said backin 2009 that mail-in voting

is fraught with the riskof fraud and coercion.

Since that time there havebeen in the newspapers,

in networks, academic studies saying

it is open to fraud and coercion.

The only time the narrative changed

is after this administration came in.

- Law and order, theeconomy, and the coronavirus

are certainly top issues in the campaign,

but by election night the problems

with widespread mail-in votingcould be the major headline

and a roadblock to quickly knowing

who's actually won the election.

Paul Strand, CBN News, Washington.


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