- [Reporter] Just outsidethe Gaza strip area
where we're located,
the border police are activatinga new laser guided system
that is capable of shooting down balloons.
- [Julie] And thatprotection is greatly needed.
For more than two years,
terrorists have attacked Israel
destroying land by sendingfire kites and balloons
packed with explosives across the border.
In the past month alone,
it has led to 450 firesin southern Israel.
Fortunately, the new lasersystem deployed by Israeli police
is succeeding against this threat.
- And until now, thelatest new guided system
has a success rate of more than 90%
of shooting down the balloons,
and we're doing that inorder to prevent them
from exploding inside community areas
and causing injuries orpossibly killing people.
- [Julie] The system is designed
to work alongside aircraft.
Ben-Gurion Universityprofessor, Amiel Ishaaya,
says the laser system could have
an even greater use beyond Israel.
- We don't see any otherballoons threats in the world
except for here, maybe inSouth Korea or North Korea,
between that border,
but the main business wesee in it is the anti-drone.
Anti-drone is a big worldwidethreat that is coming up.
- [Julie] Hamas, whichcontrols the Gaza strip
recently announced a ceasefire
so Israel would restorecritical fuel shipments to Gaza.
If the past is any indication,
Israelis realize ceasefiresdon't last very long.
That's why the lasersystem is such a Godsend.
Julie Stahl, CBN News Jerusalem.