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Praying For Your Needs: September 3, 2020

Pat and Wendy pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing. Read Transcript

- Here's one.

Since December, Rhunetteof Duluth, Minnesota,

suffered from two serious health issues.

One day she was watching "The 700 Club"

when she heard you givea word of knowledge, Pat.

You prayed, "Someone dealing with an issue

in their intestines.

A blockage is being removed.You will feel much better."

Then I had a word.

"You've got a problem with your hips.

Your hips and spine are out of line

and you have pain comingup the small of your back.

Your spine will behealed, your hips aligned.

Rhunette believed and was instantly healed

of both conditions, so, (claps)

double whammy there.- That's fantastic.

You know, the Biblesays, "If you abide in Me

and My Word abides in you,you can ask what you will,

and it'll be done unto you."

He said, "Without Me, you can do nothing."

But he said, "I'm thevine, you're the branches."

And so, as we abide in Jesusand His Word abides in us,

then nothing is impossible.

"You can ask what you willand it'll be done unto you."

Now here's another answer.

Rose, who lives in Williamsburg, Virginia,

suffered from a severe allergic reaction,

and treatments didn't help.

She was watching ourprogram on August the 5th

when she heard Wendy say, "Someone,

you had an allergic reaction to something,

a lot of swelling and redness.

Put your hand on your top of your head.

God is touching you, andthe poison is leaving."

And Rose said, "It's me!"(Wendy chuckles)

And Rose was healed instantly.(Wendy claps)

- Praise God! I remember that word well.

- Wendy and I are gonna pray together,

and listen, there's nothing impossible.

"If you abide in Me andMy words abide in you,

you can ask what you willand it'll be done unto you."

The Lord is all powerful, and we're going

to pray for you right now.

- [Wendy] Amen.

- Father, I join with Wendy

and we pray-- Yes, Lord.

Thank you, Jesus.

- We pray right now.

Somebody's got extreme constipation,

you just don't know what to do,

and God is just takingcare of it right now.

You just feel everything isgonna be fine, in Jesus' name.

And I mentioned, I believeagain, that diverticulitis,

that somebody has got thatdiverticulitis in your intestine.

Those lesions there, there'sa complete healing right now.

That intestine is completelyhealed, in Jesus' name.


- There's someone, youare in such deep despair.

You've just been through aseries of losses, one thing

after the other, and you'rejust at the end of your rope.

But God wants you to knowthat this season will end,

and He's got joy and He's gota future and a hope for you,

so hold on, because God sees everything,

and there is joy and hope in your future,

in Jesus' name.- Thank you, Jesus.

- Thank you, God.

And there's also someone who, it's almost

like chronic indigestion.

You've had it for a number of weeks now.

The doctors can't figure it out.

But God's touching you right now,

just put your hand on your stomach.

You're being healed right now,

in Jesus' name.- All right, somebody's

got something called dysplasia.

I'm not exactly sure what it is.

But God is healing it right now,

you'll know that it's you.

- Yes, Lord.- And there's somebody

named Norman, and you have anobstruction in your throat.

Norman, just reach up andtouch your throat right now,

and this obstruction is completelyremoved, in Jesus' name.

And Father, for others in this audience,

they're praying, they'recrying out to You.

They have trouble in their family.

They're afraid of the coronavirus,this fear gripping them.

And we cast out the spirit offear, "for fear has torment,"

and we deliver people.

In the name of Jesus, theWord of God will set you free,

and "perfect love casts outfear, for fear has torment."

You are free in the name of Jesus, amen.

- [Wendy] Amen, (claps) all right.

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