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'You Should Be Scared of It': One Man Recounts His Glimpse of the Horrors of Hell

'You Should Be Scared of It': One Man Recounts His Glimpse of the Horrors of Hell Read Transcript

- Welcome back to the Prayer Link.

For Josh Miles, coming down with the flu,

turned into a life-changing experience.

He was sick with a 106degree fever and his friends

and family say he justwasn't acting like himself.

- That's right.

His dad was so concernedthat he took him to the ER

and on his way there,Josh's soul left his body

and he says he went straight to hell.

Josh Miles joins us now,

to share more about hisharrowing experience.

Thank you for being on thePrayer Link today, Josh.

- Yeah, how you doing?

It's an honor to be here.

- Okay, first of all,Josh, you say that hell

is nothing like it'sdepicted in the movies.

How so?

- You know, in a lot of themovies it's a lot of like fire

and things like that, andI think people, you know,

in the Bible it says"The world shall be cast

"into the lake of fire",but hell is not actual fire.

It's just, it's like molten rock,

it's almost like the center of the earth.

And you know, in themovies, it's all this fire

and things like that and it's not really

what you would think it would be.

And the tortures is ata level that you really

can't comprehend in the human mind.

It's pretty crazy.

It's a hard thing for sure,

especially if you're gonnabe there for eternity.

- Josh, how would you describe the torment

that you felt there?

You said it was extremely hot,

but that you didn't get burned

and you said it was sortof like losing your mind.

- Yes, I think people misconstrued

the statement of supernatural.

I think they think that'sonly a heavenly or God.

I mean everything in thatworld, in a spiritual world,

is supernatural.

It's just, you have good and evil.

So even in hell it's supernatural,

because it's meant to dwellwith demons and things,

of a spiritual level.

So I think people willthink that supernatural

only exists in heaven, butit also exists in hell.

So because it's so hotand we're talking like

thousands of degrees high,and there's so much torment,

your body is not burned.

Your skin is not burned.

It's not getting eaten byheat or anything like that.

It's just, you feel so muchheat and so much torment,

but yet your body itselfis not experiencing

any effect of that.

And I think that's a very,very difficult thing,

especially for the torment you have,

because you're feelingso much pain and regret

and paranoia and all ofthese different emotions

at one time.

I tell people, you know,you imagine your worst day

you could ever have, andit's multiplied tenfold,

thousandfold when you're in hell.

That's a place that youshould be scared of it.

I tell people, you know, Istate what's true, you know,

and that hell's definitely placed that's

a scary, scary thing.

- [Wendy] Wow.

- And Josh, it's amazing that you say,

you still had all five over your senses.

Tell us a little bit about what you saw

and what you smelled.

- The smell was very terrible,especially because you're

housing millions of people anddemons and things like that.

And it's very hot.

So the smell was terrible.

And also, you know, hellis the opposite of heaven

in every single way, and so is the devil.

So, you know, hell smelledterrible from the fact

that it's a pungent odor that is,

I can't even reallydescribe how bad it smells.

And then you combine that with the heat.

That is, I mean, you know,if you go into your car

and it's a 100 degrees in theday and you open the door,

sometimes if you sit in it,it can be a little difficult

to breathe, but that'sonly a 100 to 120 degrees.

You know, if you're talkingabout thousands of degrees,

that makes it extremely hardto breathe on that fact alone.

Because hell is literallymeant for torture.

People think that God sent people to hell.

We choose our own.

God gave us a will for a reason.

We choose our own path of life.

And if you choose Him,that's where you end up.

If you choose another way,then hell's where you end up.

It's not like, God is like,"Hey, people go to hell."

He wants us to go to heaven.

He wants us to live with Him.

He wants us to be his bride,but we have to choose Him.

- Josh, you said other people were there,

there were lots of people there.

Did you see their faces?

Did you see demons?

- I did.

You can definitely see faces.

You know, people ask me ifI saw anybody I recognized.

I didn't.

But there's millions of people in hell.

Like it is millions upon millions.

And everybody's standingon like shelves of rock,

like molten rock, andeverybody's screaming out

and in turmoil.

And it's crazy because you arein pain and turmoil yourself.

This is true.

But to see other people gothrough that kind of turmoil

hurts even more, you know?

And you can remember the thingsthat you did on this earth,

secrets and things like that.

And you actually have a hungerand a thirst for God himself.

'Cause you know you didn'tmake it and you're just begging

Him to come get you, but youalready know it's too late.

And that makes it even morepainful when you have a love

for God, and sometimes wetake advantage of that here.

And then you end up in hell.

You don't have a choiceanymore, because you're there.

- Wow.

Now Josh, I understand yousaid you also went to heaven.

What was that experience like?

- It was the most blissfulthing you could honestly

ever think of.

Anything you can imaginehere, accomplish every goal

you can, do everythingyou can, have children.

Everything that's positive on this earth,

if you put it all in one day,

and you have still nothingcompared to heaven.

It's a blissful state.

It feels amazing.

You're not hot, you're not cold.

There's no winds.

Everything is just supercalm, super blissful.

Everything in you is satisfied.

The presence of God is sostrong, it makes you so humble

and so obedient that youjust really wanna listen

to what He wants you to do.

That's all you want todo is just be obedient,

because His presence is so strong.

I mean, His presence is strong here.

You know, we pray, we lay hands on people,

but to be around the source of that,

that close in proximity isa feeling that is so hard

to put into words.

- Josh, you're only 25 years old.

I mean, you consider yourself a believer

before this happened, right?

- Yes ma'am. I do.

- So why do you think theLord took you down to hell

and then also showed you heaven?

- I think it was to givepeople perspective, you know.

I'm 25 years old.

I'm a normal guy, you know,in a young generation.

I think He wanted to givepeople perspective of

yes, heaven is a wonderful thing.

That is true, but hell is alsosomething to take serious.

You know, I mean you cango to church every day

and still go to hell.

You know, people have tounderstand that you have

to really walk this life out.

And I think the hell, andthen heaven perspective

was a perspective to givepeople the full spectrum

of how important it isto really walk with God.

Because I don't thinkpeople quite understand that

if you don't choose God, thatis a place that you really

don't want to end up.

And me seeing heaven lastwas, it was an honor,

because God is like, I'm gonnagive you a glimpse of me.

The most potent purestform of me that I can

before you go back.

And I think it's a beautifulthing that He gave.

I'm more than honored that Iwas able to go through that

and give people theperspective of both ends

of where you could endup to live with Him.

And if you don't chooseHim, where you also end up.

- [Wendy] Wow.

- Now Josh, you say thatdeath is not the worst thing

that can happen to a person.

Why do you say that?

- We all know that we'rehere temporarily, right?

The average life is 70 years.

Death is not the worst thing.

The worst thing is, wherewill you go when you die?

I think people kind of misconstrued that.

Like, don't be scared of death.

Don't rush to it, obviously,but don't be scared of it.

But it depends on whereyou're going when you die.

Are you really walking outthis life of God for real?

I don't mean just going to church.

I don't mean just feeding the poor.

I don't mean just prayingeight hours a day.

I'm talking about reallywalking this life out

in every area that you can.

Are you really walking that out?

Because when you die, ifyou're goin' to heaven

and you know you're goin' to heaven,

then death is nothing, becauseheaven compared to this

is tenfold, thousandfold better.

But if you're not sure about your life

and you're not sure youreally have a heart for God,

then death can be the worstthing you will ever go through,

and you will go through it for eternity.

- And you say, Josh, we're notguaranteed our next breath.

I mean, here you were 25.

You had a stroke, you had a heart attack.

You almost died.

You did die.

You came back.

So we need to know where we're going.

That's the most important question.

- Very, very.

I think people reallytake this for granted.

We are not guaranteed our next breath.

I want people to really understand this.

There are so many thingsgoing on in this world.

People are being called awayfrom life every single day.

You never know what could happen.

So you have to realizethat you don't have time.

You don't have tomorrow.

You don't have the next hour.

You don't have the next minute.

You have to really understandthat I need to walk this out

and have heart for God right now.

because if you can't tell yourself,

if I went and died right now,

that I will be for sure going for heaven.

If you're not completely sure about that,

you have a really hard task andyou really need to fix that.

You really need to have aheart after God and really walk

with Him, because you are notguaranteed your next moment.

I am 25 years old.

That happened to me outof nowhere from the flu.

I've had the flu so many times in my life

and that happened to justhappen out of nowhere.

And I'm only 25 years old.

- Josh, God bless you andkeep sharing this message

with everybody.

- I will.

God bless you guys as well.

- All right, take care.

- Amen, Amen, Amen.

Well up next, we'll be praying for you

right after this.

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