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Laura Packed a Deadly Punch in Louisiana, but Operation Blessing Is Helping and You Can Too

Laura Packed a Deadly Punch in Louisiana, but Operation Blessing Is Helping and You Can Too Read Transcript

- [Paul] People are picking up the pieces

after Laura raged for 11hours across Louisiana

as a massive hurricane,taking the lives of at least

six people in the state andknocking out power for 900,000,

leaving behind a trail of devastation.

But governor John Bel Edwardssays it could have been worse.

- First of all, it is clearthat we did not sustain

and suffer the absolutecatastrophic damage

that we thought was likely based

on the forecast we had last night,

but we have sustained atremendous amount of damage.

- [Paul] 100s of 1000sfled from the hurricane,

but some stayed behind,those who didn't evacuate

faced 150 mile an hour windsand hid out where they could.

- There was four of us.

It was like a jigsawpuzzle in this closet.

We were on top of each other,

just holding each other, crying.

- [Paul] Areas aroundhard hit Lake Charles

saw massive and widespread destruction,

lines and trees downeverywhere, homes crushed,

and vehicles knockedover, businesses damaged.

CBN contributor, ChuckHolton is in Lake Charles

where wind made the biggest impact

knocking out power and water service.

- One of the bracesthat this water shortage

is most acute is right hereat St. Patrick's Hospital.

They need tanker truckslike this to bring them more

than 30,000 gallons of watera day to be able to serve

the 150 or 200 patients whoare being cared for here,

and if they don't get thatwater, they're going to have

to shut down this hospital and evacuate

all the patients tosomeplace else in the state.

- The hospitals they don't have water,

and we're providing them water right now

on an emergency basis,but the length of time

it would take to repair the water mains,

to identify to the brakes and repair them,

it could require forevacuating the hospitals,

which would be, if wecan avoid that we will.

- [Paul] CBN's Operation Blessing arrived

in Louisiana shortly beforethe storm hit and is helping

those in need in the midstof Laura's devastation.

- Operation Blessingand our assessment team

is on the ground in Louisiana,ready to serve the community,

specifically with the construction trailer

that we already have herefilled with materials

to do tarping on roofs,mucking and gutting of houses

that have been flooded, andtree removal with our chainsaws

and any kind of debris cleanup

that's needed for the community here.

- Operation Blessing'steam will be working

in Lake Charles and surrounding areas,

connecting with localchurch leadership to see

what the needs are in those communities.

Paul Strand, CBN News.


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