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News on The 700 Club: August 27, 2020

As seen on “The 700 Club,” August 27, 2020.: Read Transcript

(light music)

- Well, welcome to "The 700 Club."

Folks, this is not survivable.

That was a dire warningto people in the path

of the monster cat fourhurricane called Laura.

It slammed into the Louisianacoast with roaring winds of up

to 150 miles per hour andwith raging storm surge

it could peak at 20 feet.

Has it all worked out quite that bad?

It seems to have gotten better.

Jenna Browder is reportingon the devastating impact

of this catastrophic storm.

- [Jenna] The Gulf Coast is feeling

the force of hurricane Laura.

Some forecasters warningpeople may not be able

to live through it and now we're waiting

to see its full effect.

- Folks, this is not survivable.

- [Jenna] The storm slamming the region

and bringing with it extremely high winds

of 150 miles per hour along with rain

and knocking out power to hundreds

of thousands of homes and businesses.

- We're bracing for a challenge

after we see this extremelydestructive storm come through.

- [Jenna] Authoritieswarning it could sink

entire communities in Texas and Louisiana.

- If you think you're safe

because you've made it through Rita

in Southwest Louisiana,

understand this storm isgonna be more powerful.

- [Jenna] Laura upgradedto a catastrophic event

as it headed toward land.

This satellite showingits speed and magnitude.

- This is a dangerous,dangerous storm surge.

And in some cases here youlook at some of these values,

it's not survivable.

- Early reports said the storm surge

had already hit nine feet

in some places and it couldgo as far as 30 miles inland,

this could be the largest storm surge

in the region since hurricane Katrina

and with it, Laura is also expected

to bring catastrophic wind damage.

Thousands are flockingto evacuation centers.

- [Reporter] Hurricane Laurais going to be catastrophic

for the areas that it hits hardest.

- [Laura] Some 580,000 peoplehave been ordered to evacuate,

although some stayed behind.

CBN contributor, Chuck Holton,

is in Lake Charles, Louisiana,

directly in Laura's path.

- So the sun is up now,we survived the night.

It's still pretty windy out here

so I'm hiding behind this wall,

but I wanna show you theoutside of the building

that I spent the night in last night.

Check this out.

Just about every windowblown out of that thing.


- Laura also threatens a centerof the U.S. energy industry.

84% of Gulf oil production and around 61%

of natural gas production were shut down.

But for now, the focus is on the storm

which weakened to acategory three a few hours

after it made landfall with120 mile per hour winds

and capable of causing severe damage.

And Operation BlessingDisaster Relief teams

are already at work.

An assessment team hasarrived in Louisiana,

while another delivered suppliesin Grand Prairie, Texas.

Jenna Browder, CBN news.

- Well Operation Blessing teams are there.

They've got Home Depotdisaster relief kits.

They've got mobile kitchens.

They've got a lot of essential supplies

and we wanna be there to help people.

So, I think people aretrying to dig out right now,

but Operation Blessing is 1-800-700-7000.

If you wanna help andcontribute, let's do it.

Wendy, you were down there in Katrina.

- Yeah and Katrina was a cat three.

Laura was a cat fourwhen it made landfall.

And I'm interested to find outif in fact those storm surges

were as high as 20 feet.

- I don't think they were.

I don't know.

But you know, Katrina, thething is the levies breached.

The water came pouring in

and just flooded the city.

It was just a devastation.

- We were on Canal Street andwe literally just were walking

up with the water as it wasrising and it was quite eerie.

And then the looting startedand it just became a nightmare.

- We had trucks positionedover on Lake Pontchartrain

all ready to give people

and people were inside of New Orleans,

they were desperate forwater, desperate for food,

desperate for supplies.

And we had trucks and FEMAwouldn't let them bring us in.

I mean the lack of coordination

between the federal government

and the state was just appalling.

So, I believe in this case,they learned their lesson

and hopefully prayers are being answered

and people aren't being injuredas much as the forecasters

would have thought, we hope so

'cause I've certainly been praying

and I know many people have

for those people to be spared injury.

Well, in other news,

day three of the RepublicanNational Convention featured

a Land of Heroes theme witha shiny roster of speakers

and a surprise visit.

So, what's ahead in the final rap?

John Jessop has that.

- That's right, Pat.

President Trump speaks tonight accepting

the Republican nominationto run for reelection.

This all coming after Americanheroes who built and defended

the country shared the spotlightat last night's convention.

Vice President MikePence closed the evening

by praising administrationaccomplishments,

looking toward another term,

and setting the politicaltable so to speak

for President Trump's speech tonight.

Here's CBN's White HouseCorrespondent, Ben Kennedy,

with that story.

- At historic Fort McHenry,

Vice President MikePence formally accepted

the RNC's nomination as President Trump

and First Lady MelaniaTrump made a surprise trip

to witness the moment.

- [Narrator] The spirit of heroism thrives

in the presence of tyranny.

- [Ben] And the theme Land ofHeroes was on full display.

- This evening, we lookat heroes in our land.

- They've stood at the forefrontthroughout this pandemic.

- We are nation of heroes.

- [Ben] Congressman Crenshawshared his experience

with heroism in service of our country.

- Eight years ago in the fields

of Helmand Province, Afghanistan,

close friend and teammatelaid down cover fire

against Taliban insurgentsso that I could walk,

blind and bloodied to themedivac helicopter and survive,

but he didn't.

Dave Warsan was killed two months later,

he died a hero to this great country.

- [Ben] In a very personal moment,

White House PressSecretary, Kayleigh McEnany,

spoke deciding to undergoa double mastectomy

in 2018 to prevent breast cancer.

- As I came out of anesthesia,

one of the first calls Ireceived was from Ivanka Trump.

As I recovered, my phone rang again,

it was President Trumpcalling to check on me.

I was blown away.

Here was the leader ofthe free world caring

about my circumstance.

President Trump helpedme shatter a barrier

in the world of politics.

- [Ben] As Trump's campaign manager,

Conway is credited for helpinghim win the White House

and then served ascounselor to the president,

a post she plans to leaveat the end of the month.

- He has stood by me andhe will stand up for you.

- Be a radical for our Republic

for which I stand, one nation, under God,

- [Ben] Paralyzed by a car accident,

Madison Cawthorn stood insupport of President Trump

as he runs for Congress in North Carolina.

- God protected my mindand my ability to speak.

So, I say to people who feel forgotten,

ignored and invisible, I see you.

I hear you.

- [Crowd] Four moreyears, four more years.

- [Ben] Vice President Mike Pence agreed

as he took the stage andprayed for the nation

as hurricane Laura bearsdown on the Gulf Coast.

- This is a serious stormand we urge all those

in the effected areas to heed state

and local authorities, stay safe.

- The audience then rose to its feet

with the appearance ofthe Commander in Chief,

who came to support his VP.

President Trump willclose out the RNC tonight

by accepting his party's nomination,

delivering a speech on theWhite House south lawn.

Ben Kennedy, CBN news.

- Thanks Ben.

And Pat, you have more on the convention.

- Our CBN news politicalanalyst, David Brody is with us.

David is this conventionboosting the Republicans

as far as you can tell?

- We're gonna find out ina few days, Pat, for sure.

I can tell you this, it's offto a very, very good start.

And these last three days

have been very interesting to watch.

If you notice, the Democrats,

it was all about orange man bad.

I think this week, theRepublicans are saying,

wait a minute,

it's actually Biden and farleft policies bad for America.

And if you've noticed, Pat,

what they've done isthey've really focused

on the African Americancommunity, women as well.

Why are they doing that?

Does anybody thinkDonald Trump is gonna win

the African American vote?

No, but if they can getthose numbers up slightly

and bite into some ofthe Biden-Harris turnout

on election night,

especially in those two key demographics,

that will be the key

because elections are won at the margins.

And I also noticed a bigpro-life message as well.

I mean, even Lou Holtz, theformer coach at Notre Dame,

talking about Joe Biden

and questioning hisCatholicism on the life issue.

So, you've got that going on

and basically you haveDemocrats last week omitting God

from the pledge ofallegiance a couple of times

in their caucuses,

while you've got pro-lifenuns speaking on stage

for the Republicans,

quite a contrast.

- David, it looks like thewinning ticket for president

is law and order

and the Democrats just didn't touch it.

They didn't address itduring their campaign,

I mean their convention at all

and this is upper most on theminds of the American people,

what do you think?

- Well, you're absolutely right, Pat.

And you have been sayingthis, before others,

you have been saying that law and order

is the bread and butter

and what can win the election for Trump.

And you're absolutely right.

To go to that point,

Joe Biden has really

given Trump and Pence an openinghere to win a second term.

What do I mean by that?

He doesn't talk about it.

Even yesterday, when he briefly mentioned

the violence that we're seeing,

the rioting and the chaos in the streets,

overall he just doesn't mention it.

They turn a blind eye to it.

He, Joe Biden is giving oxygen

to the Trump-Pence campaign

and sources that I talked tothis morning in Trump world

and many close to the president say

they are seeing a differencein the polling because of that.

In Florida, and Wisconsin,Pennsylvania, Michigan,

they are seeing an uptick,

not just in their internal poll numbers,

but even polls that are out now and why?

It's on the law and order issue

and about rioting in the streets

because ultimately folks wanna feel safe.

And if Joe Biden continuesto not talk about it

and just turn a blind eye

and put his two fingers in his ear

and go la la la la la,not gonna work, Pat,

not gonna work at all.

- Well, he made one gaffe too.

They said, well, if thisCorona breaks out again,

what would you suggest?

He said, "Well, I'd shutthe economy down again."

And you think no way in the world

are the people gonna go for that.

Has that been played much you think?

- Yeah, I mean, it was a major faux pas

in a major interview withDavid Muir from ABC news.

I mean, look, so you're now gonna run on,

what does that mean?

You're running on what?

High unemployment.

I mean, that's what you're gonna do?

You're gonna run on,

let's go from a recession to a depression?

I mean, it's been horrible.

What we have seen, I can tell you this,

from some of my sources,

is that indeed there seems tobe an uptick in the polling,

not just in those battleground states,

but the fact that on the coronavirus,

the cases are comingdown and because of that,

some of the negativityregarding Trump and coronavirus

is also coming down and that has boosted

the president's approval job number.

We saw in a Zogby poll52% approval rating.

That's the highest he's been ever.

So, they've gotta watch out.

Here comes Trump yet again.

It's kinda like Secretariat at the,

wherever it is, the Belmont Stakes,

down the stretch they come.

- He's coming.

Well, you know, the last time around,

they kept talking about a path to victory.

And I had figured itout along with our staff

that indeed Trump didhave the path to victory

in the electoral collegeand nobody was reporting it,

but it was clear he was gonna win.

And it seems to me that withthis law and order thing,

he's gonna, I hate to usethe term coast to victory,

but these other polls arejust not gonna be accurate,

about showing Biden so farin the lead, don't you agree?

- Yeah, Pat, I think you're right.

And I think you're onto something.

You know, the Trafalgargroup which predicted

the race correctly in 2016,

they actually predictedTrump would win Michigan

when no one else was predicting

that Trump would win Michigan.

The lead pollster there at theTrafalgar Group actually says

there is a much largercontingent of secret Trump voters

this time around in 2020 than2016 for various reasons.

But, that's what towatch on election night.

We're gonna see if that silent majority

becomes even more vocalif you will in 2020.

That's what Lara Trump, earlier this week,

had told me on Faith Nation,

you can catch that by the way.

But anyhow, that's whatthey're banking on, Pat.

- Well, thank you,David, for your insight.

It's always very helpful.

But, I tell you, you want my prediction,

ladies and gentlemen, lawand order is the winner.

The American people don't want

to have mobs taking over their cities.

And unfortunately, or fortunately,

for the Democrats, unfortunately,

most of these cities are run by Democrats

and they won't talk about it

because they're guilty ofallowing this stuff to happen.

And the American peoplefigure the first job

of the president of the United States

is to keep them safe fromenemies foreign and domestic.


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