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700 Club Interactive - August 27, 2020

Melissa Helser was healed from Psoriatic Arthritis only to have the disease return. The decision to trust God and love her life led to the goodness and grace of God. Read Transcript

- Behind the music wassinger, Melissa Helser.

- I was diagnosed withpsoriatic arthritis,

when the psoriasis getsin your bloodstream,

it goes to the joint andit begins to eat away

at the bone marrow.

- Her journey from paralysisto her promise land.

Plus Efrem Graham joins us as he shares,

the latest in entertainmentfrom "Studio 5",

all on today's, 700 Club Interactive.

- Welcome to the show,

the world of entertainment changes often,

so we're here to keep youupdated with all of the latest.

- That's right, and here's, Efrem Graham,

with this week's, Top Fivestories from "Studio 5".

- At number five,

- The Stellar Awards,congratulates our 2020

list of nominees.

They provide the playlist

that gets us through troubled times.

- The 35th annualcelebration of gospel music,

is in the record books.

With Tasha Cobbs Leonardtaking home Stellar's,

for, Artist of the Year,

and, Contemporary FemaleArtist of the Year.

And Kirk Franklin, taking home

Album of the Year,Contemporary Album of the Year,

Male Vocalist of the Year,

and, Contemporary MaleVocalist of the Year.

- I'm just excited about thefact that we get a chance

in the midst of this darkmoment to celebrate this, John.

To just celebrate the men and women

that are still doing what they do,

even though they've had to face

really difficult circumstances,

that because the peoplethat do what we do,

it's built on people.

And we have been robbed ofthe human touch for a minute.

- The socially distant award ceremony,

also included a tribute tocivil rights legend, John Lewis.

♪ When you're weary ♪

♪ Feeling small ♪

- At number four,

a major update for moviegoers.

- He's road raging.

- The Box Office, hasofficially restarted in the US,

Russell Crowe's road-ragedrama, "Unhinged"

taking him an estimated 4 million bucks

over the weekend,

it's not a bad debut consideringtheaters in many markets,

including the two biggest,New York and Los Angeles,

are still closed.

Though the highest ticket salesin the country came from LA,

thanks to a drive-in theater.

- At number three,

- It's summertime, thecountry music legend,

Dolly Parton, has releaseda Christmas single,

from her forthcoming album.

The song is, "Mary, Did you Know?"

♪ Mary did you know ♪

♪ That your baby boy ♪

♪ Will one day walk on water ♪

- She wrote on Instagram,

"The song is a reminderto us all year long,

there is always hope evenwhen you least expect."

Parton said, she's foundpeace and restored hope,

in songs of faith duringthe coronavirus outbreak,

and political unrest hitting our country.

- The album, Holly DollyChristmas, is out in October.

It's the country music legendsfirst Christmas project,

in 30 years.

♪ This child that you delivered ♪

♪ Will soon deliver you ♪

- At number two,

welcome back to, SundayBest, beautiful people.

America's most inspirationalsinging competition,

crowns it's season 10 winner.

And the winner is,

- Stephanie Summers!

- That's a recordingcontract and a $50,000 prize,

for the 45 year old mother,

whose story includes aperiod of being homeless.

- 'Cause the show reallyevolved throughout the season,

based upon what was going on.

- We were in the middle of it.

We were in the middle of it.

I am just proud of the show.

I'm proud of the show.

I'm proud that we wereable to bring it back.

I'm proud of everybody thatworked so so diligently,

because to be able to do theshow during the pandemic,

it was excruciating.

- At number one,

- Welcome to another episode of,

Uncomfortable conversationswith a Black Man.

- NFL linebacker turned onlinetalk show host, Emmanuel Acho

scores an interview withcommissioner, Roger Goodell.

- What do you know now in 2020,

what does Roger Goodell,know now about the protest

that took place duringthe national anthem,

the peaceful protest thatyou wish you knew back then?

- The two of them talkedabout race in America,

and Goodell's, handling of ColinKaepernick's taking a knee,

during the national anthem.

If you were to publiclyexpress your remorse,

apologize to, Kaepernick,what would you say?

- Well, the first thing I'd say,

is I wish we had listened earlier, Kap,

to what he was kneeling about,

and what he were tryingto bring attention to,

we'd invited him in several times,

to have the conversation,to have the dialogue,

I wish we had the benefit of that,

- Well, Efrem's backwith us and welcome back

to the show.

- Thank you.

- All right, let's get right into it.

That YouTube talk with the commissioner,

and Emmanuel Acho,what's your take on that?

- I was really impressedwith, Roger Goodell,

I learned some things abouthim that I did not know,

he regrets the way the whole,Colin Kaepernick, issue

was handled back then,

he's since made videos,

talking about the factthat the NFL, of course,

supports the peaceful protest,

but I didn't know that hehimself has a black nephew,

who was adopted by his brother,

he's named after his father,

that his father matchedwith, Dr. Martin Luther King,

as a matter of fact,

Coretta Scott King, refused to do a match,

unless his dad was rightalongside her at one point.

And it was great to see,

and Emmanuel Acho saidsomething that I liked,

I follow him and here he goes,

"We are so quick to cancelpeople and not give them a chance

to make mistakes and grow."

And he applauded, Roger Goodell,for sitting down with him,

and said, okay, now he,we've had this conversation,

let's give him an opportunityand you don't cancel someone

just because they made amistake or they dropped the ball

if you will.

- Let's talk, controversial.

I mean, just taking a knee,

you would think we've gone past that,

but it's still controversial.

You still see people saying,

well, you shouldn't takea knee during the anthem,

I don't care what you're trying to prove,

or what you're trying to protest.

Why is that?

Why haven't we as a culturelearned that it's okay,

we've got some problems,

and let's try to solveour problems together.

- Well, Roger Goodell talked about that

and he said, really, we werenever able to fully separate,

patriotism and protestthat taking the knee

had nothing to do with the flag,

it had nothing to dowith the national anthem,

it was really simply tryingto draw attention to an issue.

And he wishes that it was madeclear from the very beginning

that this had nothing todo with the national anthem

or patriotism, it reallywas about using the platform

that you have to callattention to a problem.

And everyone has the rightto peacefully protest.

- Well, it's, it, Frankly, hastaken me back to my childhood

in the 1960s,

and the protests against the Vietnam War,

which in my opinion wereentirely legitimate,

but what were we trying to do,

why we were in that war,

and the counter was, "America,Love it or Leave it,"

then the famous Olympicswith the sprinters

that raised their hand in silent protest,

for the civil rights movement,

and they were roundly condemned,

for taking that opportunityand that platform,

and it seems like we haven'treally moved past it.

- It's sad, we really needto embrace people's right,

to have an opinion and thought,

and it's funny that you mentioned that,

ironic that you mentioned that

because, Roger Goodell's, father,

was a United States Senator from New York,

and when he came outagainst the Vietnam War,

he lost his next race.

- Well, it's obviously very political,

and during the Kaepernickprotest, the NFL suffered,

there was a ratings decline

and there was this wholepushback from ownership

that, wait a minute, you'rehurting our pocket book here.

And I think that's why Kaepernick,still is not in the NFL,

and wasn't ever picked up by any team

that he'd became so controversial,

people didn't want him'cause they were afraid

that there would be apushback from the fans.

- Indeed and it's sadthat even to this day,

they've never sat down with Kaepernick,

and can have that conversation.

- Wow, well, I definitely thinkit's big of the commissioner

for him to say,

I regret not understandingwhen, Colin Kaepernick

first did this a couple of years ago.

Which I think is pretty huge,

and I think it's, what you saw on YouTube,

is just an image of restoration

and hopefully, people willbegin to really understand

why people are doing this,

- Well, my hope from it

and it's good to have the conversation,

and I'm really proud of him for taking,

he's taking a risk.

- Yeah.

- So, he didn't, he did great.

What I hope is coming out ofthis, we as a culture say,

well, let's do this, let'shave the conversation,

let's not just circle the wagons,

and the flag is under attack.

Let's have a country,

let's have a society that our children,

our grandchildren, our greatgrandchildren will be proud of.

- Yeah.

- Right now we've got some problems.

Please let us take the timeto have the discussion,

and how do we fix it?

I think that's the way to go.

- And I will say,

- And I think that's the American way.

- Yeah,- Yeah, for sure.

There's unity in ourdifferences, we're all different.

But we're all the same at the same time.

But I do love just seeinglike the NFL, the NBA,

the players standing alongside each other,

even if one is kneeledand the other is standing,

there're like touching still.

- Yeah.

- Still care for ofCOVID, of course (laughs).

Yeah, I know.

- Full contact spoiled Efrem.

- That's true. Yeah.

- Anyway, well, we'vetaken the entire time,

with just this one issue,

but I think it's an important issue,

I think it's one that allAmericans need to celebrate

our freedom of speech and our freedom

that we get to protestwhen we see injustice.

We get to have our grievances,

and we get to have our grievances

presented to our government,

and how can we become a better society?

And that is a wonderful, American thing.

- Yeah.

- Well, for all the latestand entertainment news,

check out Efrem's weeklyshow, it's called, "Studio 5",

you can watch it on the CBS News Channel,

or online at,

and Efrem will see you again next week.

- See you next week.

- All right, thanks, Efrem.

Well, up next,

a heartbroken little girl,

struggles with the loss of her father.

Watch as her life is changed,

all thanks to a televisionshow, right after this.

(bright upbeat music)

- Chana was devastated,when her father died.

Then her mother abandoned her.

Feeling all alone, shespent every break at school,

sobbing in the bathroom.

Then this Buddhist girlbegan watching "Superbook,"

and soon she would never feel alone again.

- Nine-year-old Chana,moved to an orphanage,

after her father died andher mother abandoned her.

- When he died and mom gave me away,

I was afraid to love anyone.

I thought if I loved them,

they will die or leave me.

- The longer, Chana,lived at the orphanage,

the more isolated she felt.

For a long time,

she cried in between classesin the school bathroom.

- I did not have any friends.

I cried because I miss my dad.

- One day, a teacherat the children's home,

heard about "Superbook,"

through our CBN website in Cambodia.

She showed her class, the Bible stories,

including the episode about,"Daniel in the Lion's Den."

- I saw how God protected, Daniel.

It's helped me to learn thatGod will never give up on me.

That God will never leave me.

- One day, Chana's teacherinvited her to pray,

to become a Christian.

- I asked her to pray with me,

so, Jesus will forgive mysin and come into my heart.

Since that day, Chana hascontinued to watch "Suberbook,"

and read her Bible.

And that's helped herto learn a vital truth,

that God really loves her.

- I know now that God is my father,

he helps me with everything.

- Chana has also learned to trust others

at the children's home.

She said that changebegan with "Superbook"

- "Superbook" has mademe into a new person.

Thank you to everyone whobrought "Superbook" to me.

- You can take the stories of the Bible,

to the children of the world.

How about joining the Superbook Club,

for a donation of $25 a month,

you help with the production costs,

the translation costs,

the distribution costs forthese wonderful stories,

that are going around the world,

we have literally, over100 million viewers,

of "Superbook" last year,

there's all the different languages,

all the different places where "Superbook"

is being broadcast byterrestrial television,

or by cable television,

we do have some internetbroadcasts as well,

that's for the Chinese language primarily,

and all the restricted access countries.

But you're a part of it,

when you joined the SuperbookClub, and for a gift of $25,

we'll send you three copies,

of the latest episode of"Superbook," so you can see them,

and every time we comeout with a new episode,

you'll be the first to receive them,

you'll also unlock all three seasons,

for the first three seasons of "Superbook"

on the Superbook App, it's all yours,

when you join the club,

and you'll have thesatisfaction of knowing that

you're changing lives for all eternity,

you're taking the gospel topeople who have never heard it,

have no experience with it,

are growing up Buddhist,

are growing up Muslim, are going up Hindu,

are all the variousreligions of the world.

We want to show them,here is the real thing.

Here is a God that you don'thave to make yourself perfect

for what He does is He comes to you,

and He takes care of all of it.

That's the good news.

That's the news the world needs to hear.

If you wanna be a part of sending it,

around the world, call us, 1-800-700-7000,

just say, I wanna join the Superbook Club,

and here's my first gift of $25.

Do it now. 1-800-700-7000.


- All right, we're coming up.

She was 17 years old anddiagnosed with a wasting disease.

- And attacks every joint in your body,

and then turns and freezes them.

You've already lost four or five layers

of burning your hands and feet.

You could be paralyzed,in a year and a half.

- See how singer, Melissa Helser,

defied her diagnosis, still ahead.

(bright instrumental music)

Have you ever receiveda supernatural healing,

only to have the disease return?

Well, that's what happenedto, Melissa Helser.

But her story doesn't end there.

This is her journey to complete wholeness.

- At 17, I was diagnosedwith psoriatic arthritis,

which is psoriasis of the skinand psoriasis of the bones.

And they said, you've alreadylost four or five layers

of burning your hands and feet,

you could be paralyzedin a year and a half.

When a psoriasis gets in your bloodstream,

it goes to the joint,

and it begins to eataway at the bone marrow.

And then the tissue gets infected,

and attacks every joint in your body,

and then turns and freezes them.

I could barely get out of bedwithout taking the medicine.

They were just hoping that the medicine

would take the pain away, easethe swelling, but it wasn't.

It was a Friday, that I justreally wanted to go to church.

The speaker got up to share and he's like,

I just feel like there's people here

who need to be released for bitterness.

If that's you, I want you to stand up.

And all of a sudden,

my heart starts racingand then I'm standing up.

Many moments of my lifejust really began flashing

through my mind.

It was rejection.

It was stuff that hadcarried for my family,

and I just start hearingthe Lord speak to me.

And then the first thing He said was,

Melissa, what are you doing?

I've given you the authorityand the courage to stand up

and fight against this thing.

Why are you laying down and dying in it?

After that, I threw away all my medicine

and I went on a 30-day fast,

and was radically healed.

- The first time I met Melissa,

I remember thinking to myself,

whoever that is and the way sheloves God, I wanna know her.

- We got married in 2000,

and then a year after that,

we got pregnant with Cadence,

and then a year after that,

is when everything cameback pretty intensely.

Within about a year,

70 to 80% of my body wascovered in psoriasis.

Any little thing that anormal person would do,

like, open a jar,

all those little things thatyou used your hands for,

were constant in chronic pain.

Everything that a mom needs to do,

just to be able to holdthem, to lift them,

to run, to play, waspretty much impossible.

- My heart was justlike, Lord, heal Melissa,

come on, I know you can do it.

It's nothing for you. It's so easy.

And He just whispered into my ear,

I want healing for Melissamore than you want healing.

Will you trust me?

- As the years went on,

it got harder and harder tojust do life, to be a mom,

sometimes you feel like you're losing it,

'cause in one second,

you're declaring the goodness of the Lord,

and then the next second,

you're thinking, He's totally left me.

And I don't even know where to find Him.

(slow piano music)

I made choice after choice after choice.

I'm not gonna get better.

I am not gonna bedisappointed in the Lord.

I'm gonna love my life.

(slow piano music)

Without tension youreally can't make music.

If you take the tensionout of any instrument,

they won't make a sound orthey'll make a really bad sound.

I was like, oh my gosh, I'm becoming new!

I'm becoming like the Lord!

Even though I'm in thiscrazy tension with my body,

do I believe that the Lordwon't tighten me so much that

it will break me?

I remember like, smiling reallybig and just feeling like,

oh my gosh, I'm changing.

I really began to know Him in my desert.

That's where He proved His love to me.

- We literally watchedsongs, chase away the lies,

that even in the tensionof her not being healed,

music was made,

and the songs that she wrote,

I know chased away the fears.

♪ Whisper my name ♪

♪ So only I can hear ♪

What I wanted,

was for another supernatural healing.

♪ Call to my heart ♪

♪ Chase away my fears ♪

I hadn't been on medicine since I was 17,

because it did so much damage.

But the Lord was asking me tolet go of all my expectation,

He's like, I'm gonna honor your heart.

I see the faith and the hopeand the belief inside of you,

but I'm going this way (laughs).

Like, I need you to get up,

and I need you to follow me this way.

Start on the medicine in March of 2007,

and within three or four weeks,

I started getting full feelingback in my hands and feet.

I remember the first dayI walked up the steps

and it didn't hurt to get, Haven,

pulling her out of the crib.

The first time that Ifelt beautiful again.

And the first time me andJohn, I think, went on a date.

God, it was...

- Her beauty has neverfaded in my eyes at all.

She loves Jesus in a fierce way.

The way she trusts the Father's goodness,

even when the disease is still hanging on,

I've watched her look inthe face of the giants

that are lying and say, who are you,

to my Father's not good?

♪ Hello promise land ♪

♪ We've waited for so long ♪

- A lot of people look at itlike, but you're not healed,

and I'm like, you don't understand.

He absolutely gave me whatHe promised. He gave me hope.

He gave me life. He gave me love.

He gave me grace.

♪ Explode my soul ♪

The promised land for me hasbeen the opening in my eyes,

to see the Lord for who He really is.

Which is a good Father, inspite of all of this suffering

that I've walked through,

and the suffering I still walk through.

It is the promise of His goodness.

(bright instrumental music)

♪ I feel wind in my lungs ♪

- God is so so good.

And He's such a good Father,

and He loves each and every one of you,

who are watching right now,

and if you're suffering with something,

I just run a reiterate thefact that God loves you,

and that goodness and mercy,

will follow you all the days of your life.

And Gordon and I, are gonnapray for your needs right now,

and I want you to think of your needs,

but before that,

I wanna read you some encouragingscripture about, faith.

As you saw in that story,

it was Melissa's faith, thatgot her through the desert.

Faith, that God is a good, good Father.

So let's go to that scripture.

It's Hebrews 11:1,

and it's "The Passion translation"

and it says,

"Now faith brings our hopes into reality

and brings the foundationneeded to acquire the things

we long for.

It is all the evidence required to prove

what is still unseen."

So all that is required for us today,

to see things manifested,to see healing, is Faith.


- And how do you get that?

How do you get the faith that,Melissa so had in abundance,

and in evidence.

Here first, she heard an audible voice,

why aren't you contending?

And so she contends.

She contends for her body.

She contends for her healthand she sees a miracle.

And then what happens years later?

It comes back.

It comes back with a vengeance.

And where do you go with that?

And for her, you hear the honesty.

God seems so far away,but what did she do?

She did what all people should do.

She began to praise the Lord.

Now, God inhabits thepraises of His people.

He rejoices when you cometo Him with thanksgiving,

not for the problem,

not for the thankinghim for the suffering,

or for the disease, no,don't thank Him for that.

Thank Him, in advance for the healing.

When you do that, you'reshowing God your faith.

And He always looks for that.

The eyes of the Lord go toand fro over the whole earth,

to show Himself strong.

For who? For those whosehearts are loyal to Him.

When you start praising in advance,

you're showing how loyal you are.

And here's Melissa,

she's praising in the middle of her pain.

She's looking forward to thathealing. So let's do that.

Let's make our requestsknown with thanksgiving,

knowing that He who hears willanswer and deliver you today.

Let's pray, Lord, we come to you,

we come to you with thanksgiving.

We come to you withthanksgiving for the cross,

for the pain, for thebeating that you endured.

When we suffer, you suffer along with us,

and we have fellowship in that suffering,

but we also have fellowshipin your resurrection,

and in your healing.

For by your stripes, we are healed.

So, Lord, we thank you for your healing,

we thank you for your touch,

we thank you for your presence now.

Stretch forth your hand to do miracles,

for we ask in it Jesus name.

Ashley, God's given you something.

- Yeah, I believe somebody is watching,

Tony, you have lung cancer,

and God is healing that for you right now.

Just begin to take deepbreaths in, an exhale

and just receive that healing right now,

from cancerous tumors in your lungs.

Just receive it in Jesus name.

- Someone else has rheumatoidarthritis in both hands,

God is healing you,restoring your joints now,

in Jesus name, Amen and Amen.

Here's a scripture from, Hebrews,

"Let us hold fast theconfession of our hope

without wavering, for Hewho promised is faithful."

(bright instrumental music)

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