Historian William Federer Explains Why America's Youth So Captivated by Socialism
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(upbeat music)
- Well socialism,
who would have thoughtwe'd be having a party
where one of the major candidates
running for the office ofpresident was an avowed socialist.
What's the big attractionfor American views?
Is it's a neuro free everythingor is it something more?
We're joining again ishistorian William Federer
and he's author of a veryfascinating book called
"Socialism, The Real HistoryFrom Plato To The Present."
And Bill is good to have you with us.
Let me ask you something.
There's something calleda Hegelian dialectic,
that I'm sure you're familiar with
the idea of thesis antithesis, synthesis.
And there were people who used to say,
"Well, after we get thecommunist whole system in place,
"it'll go away, it'll vanish."
Has anybody ever tried that
or is just another one of their lies.
- Well it keeps getting tried,
it's the eternal bait and switch.
It's heaven on earth without God.
And, Pat, I've beenreading through your book,
"I Have Walked With the Living God",
you've lived through so many crises,
and it seems like what'shappening now is more or less
a culmination of thisteaching that Hegel had given.
Hegel was a philosopher atthe University of Berlin,
and one of his students was Karl Marx.
And Hegel said the stateis God walking on earth.
And the dialectic triangle is
you start off with a status quo,
you create a problem that is real bad,
and then everybody's happyto settle for your answer.
That's half as bad.
So Karl Marx took this and says,
"How do you create aproblem that's real bad?"
You send in agitators, Agent provocateurs,
provoking agents, communityorganizers, labor organizers.
Their job is to identifygroups with grievances,
racially, economically, ethnicity,
and you stir them into crisis and riots
and when it gets violentenough, everybody says,
"We need someone to comein and restore order."
And that's when a mayor or agovernor comes in and says,
"I'll restore order.
"I just need to take awayyour rights in the process."
- Well, has any place wheresocialism really worked
or is it always a failed system?
- It is because there's norights other than from the state,
a great quote from Eisenhower.
He says, "In some countries,
"the state claims to be theauthor of human rights."
"If the state gives rights,
"it can and inevitably willtake away those rights."
And one of the interestingscenarios is after World War Two,
Germany, France, England gave independence
to their former colonies.
They voted in new leaders.
It was a perfect world untilthe Soviet Union decided
to send in KGB agents andidentify groups with grievances
and stir them into riotsand then Coop the media
with bribes and threats toblame the leader of the country.
And when the public gotpanicky enough, they did a coup
or rigged election
and replaced the leaderwith a Soviet puppet.
So this is a model that's been in practice
for over 70 years.
- Well Bill, you think in America today,
that's what's happening, I mean,
we have now, lets say Antifa,we've got Black Lives Matter,
we've got these other radicalgroups, destroying the cities,
and they're trying to take away the police
and create an incident likethis where there's anarchy,
is this the model that is being used?
- Well, an observable domino effect
is that the COVID responsewas let criminals out of jail.
And then crime goes up in the cities.
And then some people move out.
Who?Maybe those with children
and families, well,
pro family people tend to belong
to a particular political party.
Who's left in the city?
Maybe more people dependenton government entitlements.
Well, they tend to belong tothe other political party.
And then you shut downbusinesses as a COVID response
plus violence of smashingwindows with riots.
So pro business people move out.
And then you shut down churches,
and that's where socialconservatives gather.
And then you let students out of school.
And a lot of the collegeand high school students
who've been indoctrinatedwith hate America,
they participate inthese riots, net result.
One party moves out,
the other party gets amonopoly on city politics.
And in presidential election years,
whoever wins the big cityusually wins the state.
Whoever wins the state
gets all the electoral votes for the state
and the president iselected by electoral votes.
So there is a clear politicaladvantage to one party
for having violencegoing up in the cities.
- Well, now kids are going to school
and what are they beingtaught about American history,
they this
thing was advanced that 1619was the beginning of America
and we were a racist country.
Are these children buyingthat in the public school?
- Well, there's a socialisttactic called deconstruction.
It's where you separatedpeople from their past,
get them into a neutral
where they don't rememberwhere they came from,
and then you brainwashthem into the future,
you have plan for them.
It's a sellers technique.
So if I was a toothpastesalesman, the first thing I do
is say negative thingsabout the toothpaste
you're currently using.
"You're still using that old stuff?"
And then you're repulse by it.
And then you're in aneutral, you're open minded.
What are all the toothpastes out there?
Then I can give you my pitch
for this brand new tartarcontrol breathe freshener stuff.
So they go into the classrooms
tell the kids negative thingsabout the founding fathers,
they were racist, took land from Indians,
and the students are repulsed by it.
Now you got the kids into aneutral, they're open minded,
then you brainwash the kidswith socialism, or LGBT
or Sharia Islam.
So it's a drive new to reverse.
It's sort of a Gene ReplacementTherapy only for a culture
but it starts with destroying the history.
- Was there a emperorin China who actually
would execute somebody if hebrought down a history book
of the previous administration?
- Yeah, this is interesting.
So around the third century BC,
you had the Warring States Period in China
and one Emperor wins named Qin Shi Huangdi
and he got criticized fordoing things differently
than they had been done for centuries,
he got tired of it and decidedto destroy all the history
of how it was done before.
So he ordered anybody that was caught
with the classics ofhistory to be tattooed,
sent to build the GreatWall of China or be killed
and his family be killed.
And so if it wasn't for a previous Emperor
burying the classics ofhistory in their tomb,
they wouldn't exist,
because it was his effortto destroy the history.
And believe it or not, MaoZedong followed this model
with his cultural revolution,
wanted to destroy thepast so he could bring
a whole bunch of millions of young people
into the brand newPeople's Republic of China.
- Well, "1984" is a book about
"Big Brother- the Overweening State"
And one of the things is
they were burning the books all the time,
every page was set on fire.
Talk about that.
- Right so George Orwell's book "1984",
he said, "Whoever controlsthe past controls the future,
"but whoever controls the present,
"controls the past."
So in other words, you getyour identity of who you are.
There's a great quote fromArthur Schlessinger Jr.
He said, "History is to the nation
"what memory is to the individual."
And so an individualwho loses their memory,
they're vulnerable.
Well, we as a nation have lost our memory.
And so when you sharethese history stories,
the story that givespeople their memory back,
but the "1984" book is aclassic of this idea of
having the state changinghistory to promote an agenda.
- Do you think we're gonnasurvive right now if we are
or we got to come backto God, like do something
to regain the fact that our rights
are given by God Almighty?
- Yeah, this is critical, this election
because the socialistmodel has no room for God.
You know, we go back toGermany in the 1930s.
It was a republic, until itgot a leader named Hitler
who had a violent groupcalled the Brown Shirts,
the Sturmabteilung, the stormtroopers,
they would storm into themeetings of Hitler's opponents
and disrupt them,
they would lock arms and block streets.
And then they would go into the cities
and smash 7000 windows of Jewish stores.
And in the confusion,Hitler usurped power,
killed his political opponents.
And he transitioned thecountry from Republic
to a dictatorship.
So this is a dangerous timethe unleashing of crisis,
because you'll have someMayor or governor come in,
and thank God that none of these governors
are sitting in the White House.
- Bill, your book is called
"Socialism, The Real HistoryFrom Plato to Present".
It is an excellent book,
I commend everybody watching this program,
how do they get it?
Can you buy a copy at the stores or?
- Yes, the quickest wayis AmericanMinute.com,
and we'll get one out toyou in probably two weeks.
- "Socialism, A Real HistoryFrom Plato to Present"
This is an absolutely outstanding book,
I just Bill Federer, I might add
is one of the Board ofRegents at Regent University
and he's distinguished.
- Another great attribute.
- Another great attribute at Regent.
Bill, God bless you thank you friend.
- Thank you Pat.
Thank you for your book "I HaveWalked With the Living God".
- Amen, I'm glad you likedit, thank you so much.
Well who wow.
- Powerful, we need to understand,
we need to know our pasts.- With this book
he really lays it out I mean,
when you go through all these
there's the history is incredibleall the way from Plato,
where we got these ideas of socialism.
- Yes, you can see thatthe pattern repeats itself
unless someone gets it.- Amen well.
- To leash according to fromeach according his ability
to each according to his need,
I mean, it just spread the wealth.
Okay, what do you got?- Well Coming up.