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13-year-old Entrepreneur Tithes with Joy

13-year-old entrepreneur Sofia Kunst always tithes from her successful tapestry business but what she receives is even better... Read Transcript

- [Narrator] Sophia Konst was 12 years old

when she started knitting blankets.

A hobby, she picked upfrom her grandmother.

One day, she ran into a snag.

She was running out of yarn.

- I didn't have enoughmoney to buy more yarn

because the yarn I likedto make blankets with

is more expensive.

[Narrator]Sophia's mom,Courtney suggested she used

the remaining yarn

and weave a wall tapestry and sell it.

So they found a design online.

And for three days,

Sophia sat at her roomweaving her creation.

When it was finished,

Courtney posted it on Facebook for sale.

- As soon as I posted it,

she was getting comments like right away.

And then someone messaged me and was like,

``I want it, take it off, youknow, tell everyone at sold.``

And I was like,

``soph You just soldyour first tapestry.``

And she was super excited.

- When it sold. I was extremely surprised.

I did not expect it to sell.

[Narrator]It wasn't just the one,

three more orders came in that same day.

Soon, what used to be a hobby

became a businessInterwoven by Sophia Grace.

- It made me feel reallyhappy and excited.

I got to work on them the next day.

[Narrator]With her parents guidance,

the now 13 year oldentrepreneur began learning

the ins and outs of running a business,

including a system to handle money.

- Well, before we can spend our money,

we have to put it into the jars.

The first jar is the tithe jar,

and that goes to the church.

[Courtney]Honestly,tithing is something that

I grew up with.

My parents always tithed 10%in, always went to the church.

- I think it's important to do it

because God calls us to,

but it's also a great way toshow that He's our provider

[Sophia`s Dad]At the root of it.

It's an opportunity topractice trusting God.

The more we can train them

in that way to first and foremost,

know that they can trust God.

I think the better jobwe've done, as parents.

[Narrator]In her first six months,

Sophia started selling her tapestries

at two consignment shops,

in addition to her online sales.

During busy time,

she even enlisted thehelp of her younger sister

to fill the extra orders.

- I never thought I would bein a store with tapestries.

It's gotten really busy attimes around Christmas time,

I was doing one every daysometimes like two a day.

- Aside from, you know,any financial blessing

it's just a greatexperience for the family.

It allows her to connectwith her siblings too.

So, I mean, the whole thing is,

has been a blessing for us.

[Narrator]In its first year of business.

Interwoven by Sophia Gracehas sold over 100 tapestries

and has no fears of running out yarn.

Sophia is excited for the opportunity

to continue her giving to God

and His work through helping others.

- The business has been way busier

than we thought it was going to be.

I think God's going to usethis for something like,

she definitely seems like she's blessed

in His hand on her business.

- I believe Jesus said whatever you give,

you will get it back in the same measure.

I don't believe it's very literal,

but more of you give money.

You get joy because I know I do.

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