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EXCLUSIVE: Democratic Convention Meetings Omit, 'Under God' from Pledge of Allegiance

EXCLUSIVE: Democratic Convention Meetings Omit, 'Under God' from Pledge of Allegiance Read Transcript

- David to the conventions.

There's a story that's breaking, actually

that you broke on specificdemocratic caucuses

reciting the pledge of allegianceat the virtual convention,

leaving out the words, "under God."

Let's take a listen.

- I pledge allegiance to the flag

of the United States ofAmerica and to the republic

for which it stands onenation, indivisible,

with liberty and justice for all.

- David, this seems to be a pattern.

You broke another story on arelated topic back in 2012,

what's going on here?

- Well right, back in2012, we broke the story

about those words,"under God," being left,

or the word "God" being left out

of the democratic party platform.

Here, what you just saw there

was the DemocraticNational Committee caucus.

It was a Muslim affairs caucus,

a meeting that the DNCwas holding this week.

They left the words, "underGod," out, as you just heard.

Also the LGBTQ or excuse me, LGBT caucus,

that's what they callthemselves at the DNC,

also left the words, "under God," out.

That video also up at,and on my Twitter feed.

So, what's the point of putting that up?

Well, a couple of things, first of all,

let's put this all in contextand be clear that the DNC

on day one did go ahead andsay the words, "under God,"

in their pledge, that was on day one.

They also said it on daytwo in the general session,

but in these smaller caucuses,

they're not saying it, atleast in these two instances.

The point is that there is an underbelly

of a progressive farleft that the democrats

are gonna have to deal with, and that's,

what's kind of- Okay.

- driving the ship.

All right, CBN's David Brody, thank.


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