In his new book, “Help! I Work With People!†Pastor Chad Veach implores rising leaders to first lead themselves to a disciplined character, balanced lifestyle, and expound upon their strengths.
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(upbeat music)
- "Help! I Work WithPeople," that's the title
of the latest book by ChadVeach and it releases today.
As the pastor of a hugechurch, Chad interacts
with thousands of people,including lots of celebrities.
Take a look.
- [Announcer] Chad Veachis pastor of Zoe Church
in Los Angeles.
He's also a husband and a father of four.
His diverse church includes people
from every walk of life,including celebrities
like Justin Bieber, HaleyBaldwin, Kourtney Kardashian,
and Chris Pratt.
Pastor Veach believes working with people
can be the most challenging
and the most rewarding part of life.
In his book, "Help! I Work With People,"
Veach shares practical tips on developing
your people skills, learninghow to influence others,
dealing with conflict, andbecoming a great leader.
- Chad, it's great tohave you with us, today.
- Well, thank you somuch for having me on.
It's always a delight to talk to you.
- Well, the first word in the title
of your book is "Help!"
Why do we so desperatelyneed help in our interaction
with each other?
- Well, you know, I thinkthe whole premise of the book
is pivoting from, "Help!I Work With People"
to, you know, having a desireand really a motivation
to say, you now, "Help,I work with people."
And like the apostle Paulsaid, "I want to become
"all things to all peopleso I can win with them."
So it's not like adreaded, "Help," my in-laws
or my neighbors, or my co-workers,
but really the spiritof the book is saying,
"Help, I wanna be good with others,
"because I want to lead themto the ultimate destination
"which is a relationship with God."
- And you say that the hardest person
you're ever going to have tobe in charge of is yourself,
so really, when you'resaying help, it's help me be
better, myself, first, right?
- You know, the wholething about the blame game
is that I'd love to play it,
it just doesn't get me anywhere.
So I'd love to blame othersand they're the problem
and their opinion, and their issues.
But the common denominator inall my relationships is me,
so I've gotta get healthy, I've gotta get
a right perspective and a right premise.
I've gotta get reallycomfortable in my own skin
and discover the why of my life.
And then if I can leadmyself, leading others
gets really easy.
- We need to be people persons
because we interact witheach other every day,
but some people are shy,
some people are extroverts,
some people would like totalk, but really don't know
if they have the ability or the right to.
How do we become people persons?
- Well, that is the question, how do we
become people personsbecause the reality is
no matter what business you're in,
even if you're astay-at-home mom right now,
during COVID, you'rein the people business.
All of us have influence.
The definition of leadership,
leadership is influence,nothing more, nothing less.
They say the average personwill influence 70,000 people
in their lifetime.
That's just the average person,so we have to first realize
we are, number one, inthe people business,
number two, we're influencing others.
And if we're gonna get goodat this, we gotta determine
that people are not the problem.
People are who God loves the most.
If that's who God loves the most
and who I work with the most,
I should spend a little bit of time
trying to get good atnavigating through life
because you can't do life wellif you're doing people wrong.
So we gotta figure this out.
If we wanna do lifewell, we gotta figure out
how to work well with others.
- Well, one of the things you say is that
to connect with people,we have to first show them
that we care about them,and I think most people
would say, "How do I do that?"
- Yeah, well, it firststarts with the motivation
or the desire to connect with others,
tryin' to find the common ground.
You know, we live in this divided culture
in a divided nation, and allwe're focusing on right now
is our differences.
But humanity, we have so much in common,
so if I wanna win withothers, I'm not gonna do that
from my opinion, and youknow, from my place of life.
I've gotta really lean in and listen,
and try and discoverwhere they're coming from,
and their unique gift mixfor them for their life.
So I think we just gotta work hard.
Connection starts witha desire to connect.
- Well, because we're sobusy sharing our opinions,
as you mentioned,there's a lot of conflict
in the world today, not justhere in the United States,
but literally in the world, today.
But you say in the bookthat actually conflict
can be a good thing.
In what way?
- Well, I always thinkconflict is an opportunity
to prove our commitment to one another,
our real connection to each other.
I'm never afraid of conflict.
Conflict is inevitable.
Anybody that's been in afamily knows there's conflict.
Anybody that's been a part of a church
or any job you've had,conflict's that inevitable thing
that's gonna happen in life.
I'm never afraid of conflict.
I'm only concerned withthe one that doesn't have
conflict resolution,'cause we gotta resolve.
We gotta bring, it's kinda like
you know, I grew up inchurch playing piano
and I love that suspendednote, that suspended chord,
but it's gotta resolve back to the one
so we can continue on with the music.
Life is that thing that wegotta resolve our issues.
Maybe you've been offended,
maybe you've been betrayed or hurt.
You know what?
I'm not discrediting that,
but we've got to getto a place where we can
resolve our conflicts and move forward
because it's not gonna do us any good
to hold onto those offenses.
- You could've written about many topics
in this day and age, whywas it important for you
to write this specific bookat this particular time?
- Well, I really felt likewriting my first leadership book
that I wanted to write what I think
leadership is all about.
I think leadership andlife are all about people.
Life is about people.
If anything that we'velearned out of COVID is that
it's not about the buildings,it's all about people.
People make a place and peoplemake the world go 'round.
So I wanted to write abook to inspire people
to really pivot from thatwhole (grunting), you know,
"Help, I work with thisperson, that person
"and that," you know,this kind of conflict
that's in my life, to reallyinspire people to say,
"No, no, no, let's really get our hearts
"and our minds right."
Life is about others:adding value to others,
serving others, encouragingand equipping others,
and if we can get thatdown, life is going to get
so much better.
- Encouraging others, we windup watering our own souls.
I wanna say Chad's book is called,
"Help! I Work WithPeople," and don't we all?
I wanna say it is a fresh encouragement
to how to do that withinfluence and leadership
and doing it effectively.
It's being released today.
It's available wherever books are sold.
Thanks for another goodon, Chad, it's great.
- Always great to see you.
Thanks so much.
Thank you, bless you.