- Josh Reinstein. Great to be with you.
- Thanks, Chris.
- You've written a book called
"Titus Trump and the triumph of Israel."
Tell us about the book.
- Well, the book takes youfrom the time of Titus,
who destroyed the second temple
and declared victoryover the God of Israel.
And, of course, he thoughtthat paganism won out.
That that was the end of thehistory of the Jewish people
and the God of Israel.
But people who knew the Bible,
people who knew the story of Israel,
knew that that was justthe beginning of prophecy
that would be kicked out of the land
and brought back to the land of Israel.
Now, the book basically shows you
that if you look at Israel,
not from a Biblical point of view,
but a political point ofview, you miss the story.
And so all of history fromthat time until today,
when Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem
as the embassy to Jerusalem.
If you look at it from apolitical point of view,
people don't understandwhat's happening here
in this small little country,
but from a Biblical point of view,
things come very understandable.
And that's basically the idea of the book.
- We're looking at the Jaffa Gate,
the walls of the old city.
2000 years ago Titus was hereand he had destroyed the city.
And here we are 2000 years later,
and a bit of fulfillment ofBiblical prophecy right here.
- Absolutely.
I mean, the book's called "Titus Trump
and the Triumph of Israel,
The Power of Faith-Based Diplomacy."
And the power of faith-baseddiplomacy is your viewers.
It's Christians who get involved
with the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy.
And we've seen in the lastthree and a half years
under the Trump administration,
probably some of the biggest successes
we've ever seen before becauseof Christian involvement.
And we go into, in thebook, not just the history
of the Jewish people, butalso what's happening today.
- So why is this book soimportant at this time?
- Well, I think it's essential.
We see that Judeo-Christianvalues are under attack
around the world and peopledon't understand why.
First of all, it'simportant for people to know
why are our Judaeo-Christianvalues under attack?
Why do people hate Israel so much?
Why are churches beingfirebombed in America
and Bibles being burnt today?
What's the connection?
And there is a big connection to it.
But secondly, we have toknow, what do we need to do?
What's the plan?
How do Jews and Christiansneed to work together
in this new relationshipin the 21st century?
And I think in the book,
I go through our historywhere we are today
and what does the future holdfor our cooperation as well.
So I think it's a very timely book,
but also it's a veryimportant book for people
who want to know how theycan stand with Israel.
- So how can Jews and Christianswork together at this time?
- Well, I think if you read the book,
"Titus Trump and the Triumph of Israel,"
we go through a variety of different ways
that we can stand together.
First of all, politically, wetalk about the embassy move
being a Christian initiative.
We talk about the anti-BDS legislation
being a Christian initiative.
We talk about the Africanblock of Christian nations.
Also we talk about Jews andChristians coming together
in this unprecedented burst of activity.
Secondly, it's to know what is the plan.
What is God's plan for Israel
and how do we follow that roadmap?
The importance of faith-based diplomacy
is taking Biblical support
and turning into real political action.
And in the book, I try to give a roadmap
of how you can do that.
- You're really probably the pioneer
of faith-based diplomacy.
How would you explain that?
- Well, it kind of issomething that I didn't expect.
We got into this in 2004,
when we established the KnessetChristian Allies Caucus,
and that led to the establishment
of the Israel Allies Foundation.
Today have 44 Israel Allies Caucuses
in countries around the world,
over a thousand members ofparliament in our network,
and we run faith-based diplomacy.
But I believe that this is all
part of the fulfillment of prophecy.
We knew that the nationswill come up to Jerusalem
for the feast and payhomage to the One True God.
We knew that it would be the Gentiles,
the nations that carry oursons and daughters back to the
Land of Israel.
And when we come together,Jews and Christians together,
and work for Israel,incredible things happen.
But at the same time, whenwe turn our backs on Israel,
bad things happen as well.
And I think in the book,
"Titus Trump and the Triumph of Israel,"
I tried to dissect that whole relationship
and see where have we goneright, where are we gone wrong,
and what do we need to do moving forward?
I will tell you that there has never been
a more pro-Israel Presidentthan Donald Trump.
As an organization, theIsraelites Foundation
made a list of the top 10 things
America could do for Israel.
And in the last three and a half years,
Donald Trump has done nine of them.
I mean, each one of them on their own
would have been a sea-change in policy
for American-Israel relations.
So obviously people inIsrael want that to continue.
- What do you wantpeople to take away from
"Titus Trump and the Triumph of Israel"?
- Well, I think that peopleunderstand that this story,
our past, our present, andour future has been foretold.
It's in the Holy Bible.
And I take great comfort in the fact
that there will be peace in Jerusalem,
as I know you do too. Chris.
The question is, what isour role in this story?
This fulfillment of prophecy?
And I think if people readit and they love Israel,
they're gonna understandwhat their role is.
And if they're not sure about Israel,
they'll understand better
why people are standing with Israel,
and why they should stand with Israel.
This story is of magnificent story.
It's a story of ages andwe're living through it
right in our own lives.
So I encourage all ofyou to go to amazon.com
and look up "Titus Trumpand the Triumph of Israel."
I think it's a very important book
and it's something that people of faith
will really enjoy andnot just look at Israel
from a Biblical point of view,
but from other aspects as well.
- Well, congratulations on the book, Josh,
and thanks for being withus on "Jerusalem Dateline."