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Praying For Your Needs: August 17, 2020

Pat and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing. Read Transcript

- Absolutely.- All right, heres one.

Michael, who lives in Colorado Springs,

he had a condition known as dry eyes.

And one day he was watching

and Terry said, "Someoneelse has dry eyes.

It's not just unpleasant,it's affecting your vision;

eyes are so dry.

Jesus is healing your eyes."

By faith, Michael said "That's me."

Immediately, his eyes were healed

and he's got plenty of moisture.

- That's awesome.- Yeah.

- [Terry] This is Mary, Pat,

who lives in Portsmouth, Virginia.

She couldn't shake a lingeringand annoying dry cough

that followed after aterrible cold she'd had

three weeks earlier.

One day, she tuned into this program

and was delightfully surprised

to hear you pray over hercondition and call her by name.

You said, "God right now ishealing the influenza virus.

You've been coughing, you'vebeen crying out to God.

I believe your name is Mary.

You're being healed."

Mary believed. She hasbeen healed ever since.

- [Pat] Isn't that great?

- It is great.- Now folks,

look, God's no respecter of persons

and He's able to do exceeding abundantly

above all we ask or think

'cause with God, all things are possible.

Now we want to pray for you.

Terry and I are gonna believe God for you.

So would you please pray with us?

And don't be saying in yourmind, "No, it can't happen."

Just open yourself to God's power.

Father, I join with Terryand we pray together.

What is it, Lord?

Somebody's got something called catarrh.

Your nose runs continuously

and you don't know what it is.

Right now, just put your hand on your nose

and you are healed, in Jesus' name.

Terry, what else do you have?- Yeah, someone else,

you have a problem with your feet.

It's not fallen arches,

but it's very painful for you to walk.

God is healing that condition for you.

You're gonna have your mobility back again

right now, in Jesus' name.

- Somebody has got a dislocatedvertebra in your back.

It's really sore.

And right now, just if you would,

if you can get your handback there, touch it.

If you don't, just believe God.

- Yeah, someone else, your hearing

has just kind of interrupted.

All of a sudden, you can'thear well out of one side

of your hearing,- Yes.

- and God is opening that right now.

You're just gonna hearlike paper crinkling

inside your ear and yourhearing is restored,

in Jesus' name.

- There's...

You've been taking blood thinners.

There's a burst artery right now

and you've got a great big patch of blue

where the blood has come out.

The Lord is healing thatat right this moment

in the name of Jesus.

Donella, I believe the name is.

In the name of Jesus, touch 'em.

Now Lord, may the anointingof the Holy Spirit

reach out to everyone in this audience

who's crying out to you.

Lord, answer their prayer,hear the cry of your people,

and do miracles in their behalf.

In Jesus' name, amen.- Amen.

- Amen.

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