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Stories of 'Unknown Valor' from the Battle of Iwo Jima Mark the 75th Anniversary of VJ Day

Stories of 'Unknown Valor' from the Battle of Iwo Jima Mark the 75th Anniversary of VJ Day Read Transcript

- We're gonna obviouslycome back to this live.

- [Narrator] MarthaMacCallum host of" The Story"

on Fox News.

- The ongoing feud between President Trump

and Nancy Pelosi boiling over today.

- [Narrator] Knows how to tell a story,

each night interviewingguests from politicians

and heads of state, toeveryone else in between.

What's the impact on the economy

and also potentially on your re-election?

- [Jenna] And now she's telling her own.

"Unknown Valor" a story offamily, courage and sacrifice

from Pearl Harbor to Iwo Jima.

It's the story of these men right here,

who sacrificed everything at Iwo Jima,

one of the bloodiestand most brutal battles

of World War II.

And from Martha it's deeply personal.

Who was Private Harry Gray?

- He was my mother's first cousin.

His sister is still alive, Nancy Gray

and she's my aunt Nancy.

So, he would have been my uncle Harry.

- [Jenna] At 18 Harry left homeand enlisted in the Marines.

- Obviously, his family was concerned.

He was very young.

His mom wanted him to finish high school

and so he did that for her,but as soon as he graduated,

he was off to ParisIsland in South Carolina

for training and then to the West Coast

and then on the USS Rochambeauacross the ocean to Guam

and ultimately to Iwo Jima.

- [Jenna] Marthaskillfully weaves his story

and more than a handful ofothers who served on the Island

together with the history ofthe war on the Pacific front.

She says her fascination with Harry,

started when she was young.

What kind of stories didyou hear about Harry,

your uncle Harry, whenyou were growing up?

- Well, my mother sharedhis letters with us

when I was a teenager

and I remember reading themand I just started crying.

They were so moving to meand I wanted to know more

about him and about his life

and then when I started writing the book,

I got to a whole another level,because my aunt Nancy and I

sat down and we spoke forhours and I interviewed her.

- And that was just thestart of her research.

You went to Iwo Jimayourself and researching

and writing this book.

What was that like actually being there?

- It was extraordinary and Iknew that I had to go there

in order to tell the story accurately,

to walk on the island.

The island is small, it'sonly eight miles square

and it was loaded with 60,000 US Marines

and 20 to 30 to 40,000 Japanese soldiers

who were mostly in the island.

They had dug 11 miles of tunnels.

So we got to see some ofthose caves and those tunnels.

I climbed Mount Suribachi,where the flag was raised

and looked down at the black beaches

and we climbed up the beaches,

which are black, volcanic sand

and they're hard toclimb up those terraces.

And so I climbed themwith jeans and a shirt on,

not with a rifle or a pack on my back

and certainly not under fire

and it was difficult justunder those circumstances.

So it gave me a real senseof just how hard it was

to fight on that island.

It was a brutal, brutal battle

and so many people lost their lives.

- [Jenna] Including Harry Gray,

who died in a nighttime mortar attack.

With the constant fear of death,

looming large over these men,

Harry and many on the islandturned to their faith.

- One of the most movingthings that I found,

that I didn't know existedwas Harry's wallet,

which was in his frontpocket when he was killed

and there were bloodstains on that.

There were pictures of his family

and then there was thislittle tiny prayer book.

And in the back of it,

he had written in his own handwriting,

this beautiful prayer,which basically said,

"Watch over me, but whatever is your will,

"is what will happen and I praythat you'll watch over me."

And just to think of this 18-year-old,

writing this beautifullywritten painstakingly,

lettered prayer and making sure

that it was with him in hispocket was really moving to me.

And I thought it was fascinating,

that there were 19 Catholicpriests who were on the island

and that they were giving communion.

Sometimes four, sometimesfive times a day.

These men were asking forit, these Marines on Iwo Jima

and knowing that theycould die any minute.

So there's a real presenceof God in this story

that was kind of unfolded tome in a very sort of real way,

as I learned about them and their faith.

- [Jenna] Even though Harrydidn't survive the war,

his legacy lives on.

- My son Harry, is my youngest

and I named him with Harry Gray in mind.

He's roughly the same age nowthat Harry was at that time

and I hope that this bookwill be a legacy for him

and for all my kids andfor other people too,

because my feeling is that

it's not just a story about Harry Gray,

it's a story that so manyfamilies across this country

have a Harry Gray.

Have someone that they lost too is not,

sort of someone who earnedmany medals or was a hero

that everyone's aware of,

but just an everyday Marine,

who gave everything for our country.

- The battle of Iwo Jima lasted five weeks

and all close to 7,000men lost their lives.

But because of those like Harry Gray,

who gave their all, theUnited States won the battle

and ultimately, the war.

In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN News.

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