Against doctor's advice, Sabina refused to end her ectopic pregnancy and beat the odds, giving birth to a healthy son.
Read Transcript
- [Andrew] A woman defiesher doctor's orders.
Abort the pregnancy, or you could die.
- I said, "No, I'm notgoing to kill the baby,
because it's a promise from God,
and I'm not gonna kill it."
- [Andrew] See the supernatural promise
that led to a miracle, plus.
- I never wanted to betruthful with myself,
as to who I was and what I'd become.
- When she told the truth, I was like,
"I don't want you here, Idon't want you in our house.
I don't want to sleep inthe same bed with you."
- Alan Robertson shareswhat that truth was,
and how a tore his marriage apart,
and what brought theirdynasty back together,
on today's "700 Club Interactive."
(serene music)
Hi, and welcome to the show.
According to the March of Dimes,
one in every 50 pregnancies in the U.S.
is an ectopic pregnancy,
where the baby is outside of the uterus.
- Jermain and SabinaPatterson were excited
to find out that they were expecting,
until the doctors told Sabinato abort her pregnancy,
or she could die.
Sabina refused to endher ectopic pregnancy,
and miraculously beatthe odds, take a look.
- [Reporter] When starting her family,
Sabina Patterson initially faced problems
with infertility, but through IVF,
she was able to become a mother to twins.
In her late 40s, she longedto have another child.
Doctors said her tubes were damaged,
and needed surgery to have been removed.
But the night before the operation,
her husband Jermain said a few words
that would change her story.
- My husband have a revelation.
We prayed at 11:15 p.m.
So 12 midnight, he jumped off of the bed.
and I said, "What's happening?"
He said, "God said you're pregnant.
He give you a son named Judah Emmanuel."
And when I get to the hospital,
I let the doctors knowthat God said I'm pregnant.
- [Reporter] At the hospital,
Sabina's pregnancy testresults were positive.
But doctors determinedit was a false pregnancy.
They saw developmenton her fallopian tube,
and urged her to proceedwith surgery to remove it.
But Sabina remainedconfident in God's promise,
and refused the operation.
- I was speaking to them, I said,
"You know, I'm pregnant, and it's a baby."
And they said, "No, it's not a baby."
So they want me to understandthat it's not a baby,
but I keep on refusing to say that word,
because people was doubting God.
They make it seem that I'm crazy.
God can use the foolishto confound the wise.
So, I tell God to "Proveyourself to them."
So that was our prayer.
- [Reporter] Sabina couldn'tfind a medical professional
who would agree to prenatal care.
So at eight weeks, shewent to a Christian clinic,
where she could have a sonogram.
- They find a fetus, andfetus heart rate 158.
And I say, "Thank you, Jesus."
And Judah raised his hand, in my stomach.
So the doctors also captured it,
and they said, "The baby hands is up."
And they said, "Congratulations,you're pregnant."
- [Reporter] It was determined
that she had an ectopic pregnancy.
The fetus was developingon her left fallopian tube,
and her uterus was filledwith fibroid tumors.
Her condition posed a serious risk
to her child's life, and her own.
But the clinic was notequipped to treat her.
At another office, she sought
pro-life Dr. John Bruchalski for care.
- The baby couldn't get through the tube.
And it was behind theuterus, and so we said,
"You need to go to the emergency room,
so we can take care ofthe condition you're in,
which will happen tohurt and kill the baby."
And she, at that moment,
her eyes lit up andshe's like, "No, Johnny,
the Lord has told methat I'm gonna be healed,
and that everything will be okay."
- [Reporter] She soughtseveral other medical opinions,
but the doctor's responsewas always the same,
abort the pregnancy, or she could die.
At home, the coupleheld onto God's promise.
- And I said, "No, I'mnot gonna kill the baby,
because it's a promise from God,
and I'm not gonna kill it."
- [Reporter] Six months intoher pregnancy, her water broke.
And she was finally admittedto Johns Hopkins Hospital.
Her placenta had invadedher liver, and kidneys.
Doctors said the baby couldbe delivered premature,
but Sabina wasn't expected to survive.
Sabina checked into the hospital,
and was scheduled to deliver in one month.
- I knew that I couldn'tallow the doubt to set in,
but I knew that I had to keep praying,
keep pushing, because Iknow God can do anything.
- [Reporter] On November 17th, 2017,
family and church members were prayerful,
as Sabina entered surgery.
Two hours later, she gavebirth to a baby boy, Judah.
Sabina made a full recovery.
- We both, you know, we cried,
and it mostly was, well I just say,
our crying was thanking God.
Just, we danced in the hospitals,
we danced until we couldn't dance anymore,
because, it's like, "Yes!"
- [Reporter] Meanwhile, Judah was treated
in the neonatal intensive care unit.
- When he was in theincubator, he raised his hand.
And I said, "Thank you,Jesus, we made it."
- [Reporter] After threemonths in the NICU,
Judah came home with his parents.
- 12 midnight, a daybefore Judah, you know,
supposed to be released,
Judah himself disconnected the tubes.
He pulled it out from his nose.
He came home with no oxygen, no tubes.
And since then, he hasn'treturned back to the hospital.
- Every day. I look athim, he's a miracle,
a miracle child.
He's coming to do great things.
- At the heart, it's the grace
and the mercy of Jesus Christ.
The love of Sabina for Judah,
and then thirdly, the expertiseof the docs at Hopkins.
And for that, thank you Jesus.
- [Reporter] Today, Sabina and Jermain
say their family is complete,
and they're thankful for a special promise
that brought them Judah.
- Always have faith, ifGod said it, believe it.
And just have confidence in him,
no matter what the situation looks like.
- [Sabina] It is miracle,
and I believe that he's here for a reason.
(serene music)
- I love this story.
I love the way this couple heard from God,
knew that they'd had a word,
and stood on it in theface of such opposition.
What a promise, what afulfillment of promise.
And I love what Jermain said,
you know, "If God said it, believe it."
You know, that soundsso simple, but in life,
it's often more difficultthan that, isn't it?
And yet it is what scripture says,
when he says it, then you declare it.
We're to declare it in our lives,
as it becomes truth for us.
And so today, we wannastand with all of you
who have issues in your life,
that you're struggling with,
things that you believeGod has promised you,
that have not yet come to pass.
Maybe it's somethingyou've been praying about.
You're asking God over and over again,
"Please God work in this area of my life,
or bless me in this area of my life."
We wanna stand with you today in that.
Andrew and I are going topray, and just agree with us.
The Bible says where two ormore are gathered in his name,
there he is in the midst of them.
And so, God is with us rightnow, as we seek his face,
and as we turn to him, so let's pray.
Father, we come to you today,and we come expectantly.
We come because our faith has been built
by the story we just saw of what you did
in the life of this couple,
who stood on the word yougave them, and believed.
And so we do that today, God,we do that for each other.
We do it for the words youhave declared to all of us.
We do it for the words you've declared
in our hearts individually.
God, today, for thosewho are standing with us,
who are struggling with standing firm
on something you've told them,
you've spoken to them, apromise you've given them,
that's not yet been fulfilled.
Jesus, come right into themidst of that situation
and breathe life into that promise.
I pray for fulfillment for that promise,
that people would see the majestyand the power that is you,
that you offer to allof us, as your children,
that you are alive in us,
and therefore so is yourpower and your promise.
And we embrace that today, Lord.
- Yes we do, Terry, whenyou said that, "Stand firm,"
it just resonated in my heart,
as the Holy Spirit says,"Stand firm in spite of,
whatever that word is that you've heard,
that negative report,
that fearful word, stand firm in spite of
what you're hearing.
Father God, right now wethink of what Paul said
in Colossians, I believeit's the 3rd chapter.
Set your on things above, setyour mind on things above,
not on earthly things.
We are thinking of kingdom things.
Faithfulness of God,the Holy Spirit's power.
These are the things we focus on,
not what frightens us here on earth,
but the promises of heaven in Jesus' name.
- Yeah, there's someone, Sandra,
you're praying for somethingvery specific from the Lord.
And you'll know this is you,
because no one calls you Sandy.
Everyone calls youSandra, by your full name.
God has heard your prayer.And the answer is in process.
Now you stand firm on the wordthat God has given to you,
until you see it come to pass.
It is in process, in Jesus' name.
- And Father God, we come against fear.
So many fearful of what'sgoing on in this world,
and in this country,
conflicts among peoplegroups in this nation,
this virus, Father God,we come against fear.
You tell us be anxious for nothing,
nothing, be anxious for nothing,
a the peace from Jesus far surpasses
anything the world can offer or give.
The world does notunderstand it, Father God,
we claim that peace foundthrough Jesus Christ,
and it's in his name we pray and rejoice.
- Thank you God for your faithfulness.
Thank you that you stand withus, that you live within us,
that you declare truth to us,
and that you have lit the path before us.
Teach us to walk in your ways, Lord.
We surrender ourselvesto you with a new depth,
with a new passion, witha new determination.
Come Holy Spirit, move in our lives,
and walk this out ineach of us individually,
we pray in the hour andthe day that we live in.
Lord, we ask all these things
in the mighty name of Jesus, amen.
- Amen, Amen.
We wanna remind you,
of course you can always callus for prayer, 800-700-7000.
Whatever your need is,there is someone here
that would love theprivilege of praying for you.
Well, coming up, candid confessions
from "Duck Dynasty's"Alan and Lisa Robertson.
(gentle music)
- I don't want you here.
I don't want you in our house.
I don't want to sleep inthe same bed with you.
- Alan and Lisa will talk about
what shattered their relationship,
and saved their marriage,that's next, after this.
Stay with us.
(happy music)
Alan and Lisa Robertsonwere childhood sweethearts.
And if you've ever seen 'emon the show, "Duck Dynasty,"
you can tell they're very much in love.
What you don't see is the years of lying,
cheating, and adultery.
- He was a hottie.
I've been in love with himsince I was in the sixth grade.
You know, I thought, "This is my destiny.
This is the person I'msupposed to be with."
I never would have thoughtthat anything bad could happen.
You just think that it'sa happily ever after.
Everybody thinks that.
(serene music)
Wasn't too long into our marriage,
where we realized that was not the case.
- I was still veryindependent in my behavior.
You know, sort of lived theway I lived as a single person.
- Alan was working for the church.
He was very involved.
Of course we had two young children,
so I had to stay home with them.
So I kind of felt abandoned.
I was looking for somebodyto love me for me,
someone calls, and it'ssomebody that I, you know,
had a relationship with.
One small talk led tomore talk and you know,
that led to a meeting, andthen it lasted for 14 months.
I think it was just the darkness,
that I had never really gotten rid of,
being sexually molested as a child.
So I thought, from that point forward,
this is what I'm supposed to be.
I'm supposed to be a pleaser of man.
Of course that's messedup thinking, but you know,
that's what happenswhenever, at an early age,
something so detrimentalhappens in your life.
It was just something that took hold,
and I never could justjerk myself out of it.
I never wanted to be truthful with myself,
as to who I was and what I'd become.
So I would pray to God, "I want out,
but I don't know how to get out."
And he kept opening doors,
but those doors were alwaysfor me to tell the truth.
And that was the onething I never could do,
because I thought, "Idon't wanna hurt Alan."
- I had enough information thatI was ready to confront her.
I wanted Lisa to tell the truth.
Finally, when she broke emotionally,
when she told the truth,
my first feeling was notanger, was not resentment.
It was relief.
All of a sudden it was like,the truth is out there.
At that point, I was like,"I don't want you here.
I don't want you in our house.
I don't want to sleep inthe same bed with you.
But for the future, I don't know.
We're going to have to see."
- My whole life hadbeen built around Alan.
I think all that I had actually done
was to make Alan the Lord of my life.
I didn't have a relationship with God.
I'd just been sittingon a pew for 15 years,
listening, but nothing ever penetrated.
Nothing ever went into myheart, and changed my heart.
I have nothing.
Without God, I have nothing.
I finally just went and said,"God, you're all I have.
What do I need to do? Showme how to get past this."
I had a group of ladiesthat I studied with.
About three weeks into it, I said,
"Do you know what, I don'tthink I have God's Spirit.
I think that's what's missing here."
I read that the way forme to get God's Spirit,
was for me to be baptized.
So, me and that group ofladies went to a pool,
and I was baptized.
I put it all out there on the line.
I took that shame, and I laid all of it
at the foot of the cross,and Christ took it.
And I felt relief from all these burdens,
from all the problems that I'd had,
with being molested.
I felt just an immediatewashing of all of that.
At that point, I thought,"I can do anything.
Even if Alan and Idon't get back together.
Even if I lose that relationship,
I still have my relationship with Christ."
- She was finally doingit for the right reasons,
in her relationship withGod, separate from me.
I saw in her a true life change.
I mean an inner life change,that she went through,
when she really made Jesus her Lord.
When we made the decisionto get back together,
I didn't want to do itflippantly, "Okay, move on back,
Everything's great," I knewthis had to be a moment for us.
And we basically had a vow renewal,
but it was personal, it wasprivate, just the two of us,
and we got new rings.
And then we started our lifeagain, as husband and wife.
- That was probably the one greatest gift
that I've ever received, his forgiveness.
- It was very raw at thetime, it was very tough.
Every day I didn't wake up,
feeling like, oh I'mthe best, I'm forgiving.
It took a lotta growth,and it took a lotta love,
and took a lotta time tolive that forgiveness out.
- It is shameful, the thingsthat I've done in my life,
but that shame that does not define me.
The thing that defines me is forgiveness,
and grace, and just beingthe woman that I need to be,
a Christian and godly wife, and woman,
and mother, and grandmother, and friend.
- And God has put us in a position now,
of we're on national television.
You know, we're writing books,
we're all over the place.
All of a sudden yourealize that, you know,
we're in this place I nevercould have imagined us being.
- The relationship we have now
is something that I nevercould have imagined us having.
I wake up everyday, and think,
"Could I love this man anymore?"
And the next day I'll wake up,
and I love him more thanI did the day before.
That's just God, and he gives us that,
he gives us the abilityto love exponentially,
more than we ever thought we could.
I'm praying that there'smarriage in heaven.
I wanna be married to him forever.
- I told her Jesus said there wasn't,
but you know, she's still hoping
that maybe he'll change his mind.
- I'm still asking God tochange his mind, you know.
- She talking maybe he'll change his mind,
by the time we get there, I don't know.
- Well, we certainly thank Alan and Lisa
for their very transparentstory of their marriage,
and their journey inthe midst of adultery,
and conflict, hostility.
And then the healing that came
through the power of JesusChrist, and forgiveness.
As I'm watching that story,I just began to reflect,
we really make a mistake, don't we,
when we begin to put thepressure on our spouse,
on our husband, or our wife,
to fill a void we havethat only God can fill.
We're expecting ourhusband, expecting our wife,
to give us satisfaction, orgive us joy, or fulfillment,
or identity that we're supposed to find
through the Lord, andthe love of the Lord.
It's a recipe for disaster.
We cannot expect our spouseto carry that type of burden.
And you heard Lisa say,her husband became an idol.
She put her identity inwhat he thought of her,
in their relationship,and things crumbled.
So we wanna find our identity,
and our true, honestrelationship, based in the Lord.
It's key to a marriage, isn't it?
And if you're in yourmarriage, and you're fighting,
I'd like to fight for you in prayer,
and a great weapon of warfare,
in the kingdom of God, is forgiveness.
That is a weapon that makes Satan tremble,
because it changes hearts.
It changes relationships, andforgiveness is so difficult.
We heard Alan and Lisatalk about forgiveness,
and that process, and it's not overnight.
But so many people watchingnow are in a strained marriage,
a tension filled marriage,
and forgiveness can reallyunlock a lot of power
that the Holy Spirit wants to work.
So I'd like to pray for you now,
whatever the condition of your marriage,
the condition of your heart,
I'd like to pray for your marriage now.
Terry is here with me, and wewanna lift you up in prayer.
Father God, for those watching right now,
who are in a marriage,
that is going through tension, hostility,
you, Father God, we know canbe the ultimate peacemaker,
and bring restoration.
And Father God right now,
for those who are very,very angry at their husband,
or very angry at their wife,or hurt by their spouse,
Father God, we pray that wewill let your Holy Spirit
direct our heart and our mind.
We will not let our feelings take control.
And those hard decisions,such as forgiveness,
we pray, Lord God, yourHoly Spirit will equip us
to forgive that hurt.
Help us walk out now, in the days forward,
not what comes naturally,
but what is heaven sent,
walking in a spirit of forgiveness,
walking in a spirit of servanthood,
how can I help, assist,love, serve my spouse,
not what is in it for me.
And for those who aredesperately heartbroken,
and discouraged becauseof the pain of adultery,
Father God, I pray your HolySpirit moves in a powerful way
in healing their heart,and identity is found
in a love relationshipwith the heavenly Father,
not just what a spouse thinks of me.
And Father God, we put allthese things before you,
and know you desperatelydesire to save marriages,
because marriage is your idea.
And it's in the nameof Jesus we pray, amen.
- Amen.
- Remember you can call us at any time.
We'd love to pray for yourmarriage, 800-700-7000, Terry?
- Well, still to come, meet a 10 year old,
who wants to be just likeher favorite cartoon hero.
Watch how "Superbook's" Joy
teaches this girl to befrienda child being bullied,
when we come back.
(happy music)
Innea is a young girl living in Albania,
who has a role model.
She wants to be loving and kind,
just like the character Joy,
from CBNs animated series, "Superbook."
Joy has made such a huge impact on her,
that her mother saysit's changed her life.
- [Interpreter] When Iwas five or six years old,
I watched "Superbook" for the first time.
- [Reporter] Ten yearold Innea found a hero,
in her favorite cartoon series.
- [Interpreter] I amthinking all the time,
"Why can't I become like Joy?
She believes in God, andshe is good and kind."
I begin to believe, and I started to pray.
(speaking in a foreign language)
- [Interpreter] This cartoon
changed the life of my daughter.
The story of Esther,when Joy makes friends
with children that others have rejected,
it had a strong impact on Innea.
(speaking in a foreign language)
- [Interpreter] Joy, in the cartoon,
walks with a girl namedBonnie, who used a wheelchair.
I saw it, even Joy canbe so kind, and brave.
So can I.
- [Reporter] So Inneabefriended a child at school,
who had been bullied by classmates.
- [Interpreter] I foundout she was a nice person,
and I realized that all peopleneed to be given a chance.
- [Reporter] Innea is one ofthe thousands of children,
across Albania, whoselives have been changed
through CBNs "Superbook."
Albanian missionary, Rachel Byler,
has witnessed the influenceof "Superbook" firsthand.
- We love the show,"Superbook" in Albania,
because wherever we go, and this is true,
wherever we go, thekids all know the song.
And it's the song of salvation.
(singing in a foreign language)
- [Interpreter] Thiscartoon is very important
for our country because somany children are in families
who don't know Jesus.
But now they know Gizmo, Joy and Chris,
and they hear about God through them.
- [Interpreter] Now I talkedto my friends about Jesus.
Thank you to everyone who madethe wonderful "Superbook."
(serene music)
- Who would have thought that a cartoon
would be having this kind of an impact,
here at home in the United States,
but all around the world.
Part of the reason isI'm sure you caught that,
in what you just watched,
but all of those "Superbook" episodes,
and the song that thosechildren are singing,
are done in their own language.
And that's true forlanguages around the world.
Take a look at that map,
broadcast languagesfrom the United States,
all the way around the globe,
because we want children to understand
the love, and the mercy,and the grace of God.
You can be a part of thatby joining "The 700 Club."
When you do, a portion ofevery gift that you give
goes into the work of "Superbook."
It's 65 cents a day, $20 a month,
to join "The 700 Club."
When you join, you'll bejoining with thousands of us
who are out to touch the world,
with the love of Jesus Christ,
and that's happening in so many ways.
It's happening medically,
it's happening as far asnutrition is concerned,
teaching of the Word, and as you just saw,
with "Superbook," touchingthe lives of children,
who maybe have no other opportunity
to learn of the love of God.
So do it now, it's assimple as a phone call away.
Our number is toll free.It's 1-800-707-7000.
Call now, just say, "Iwanna join 'The 700 Club.'"
We welcome you to the familyof ministries here, Andrew?
- We were watching "Superbook"in our home, just last week.
- Were you?- Yeah,
my daughter wanted to watch it.
She picked the Revelation episode,
which I thought was a little heavy duty,
but that's what she wantedto watch, eight years old.
- (laughing) It's amazing,what touches their hearts.
My granddaughter too, on my phone,
with the "Superbook" app.
- And then she was singingthe song, and dancing,
Very sweet.- Awesome.
- Wonderful stuff.
We leave you today with Philippians 2:4,
do not merely look out foryour own personal interests,
but also the interests of others.
Also, consumed with money,partying, and drinking,
until one night she heard thevoice of the Lord in a bar.
Now she can't help buttell everyone about Jesus,
that is tomorrow on"700 Club Interactive."
(serene music)