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Healed Right Before Surgery

The doctor told Pat Eaves her gallbladder was full of gallstones, but God spoke healing over her right before surgery. Read Transcript

- Hi, my name is Pat,

and I love spending time with my family.

I am a mother, grandmother,and great-grandmother.

I love to knit

and I love to crochet.

I've knitted afghansfor all of my children,

and grandchildren.

I enjoy that very much,and as I'm knitting

and making those, I pray over them,

I pray for that child.

I was having this excruciatingpain that was in my back.

It was like, one of themost miserable feelings.

Never having had that feelingbefore, I was nauseous.

Anything that I ate, anything at all,

I had such pain in my midsection.

I was at the point thateven drinking water

hurt my midsection.

So my doctor, she said,

"I think we need to order

an ultrasound of your gallbladder",

and then we got the resultsback and she called me.

She said, "Your gallbladderis full of gallstones",

and she had made anappointment with a surgeon,

and I was going to meetwith him on July 3rd.

I had the appointment atlike 9:30 in the morning,

so I was in getting ready,

I was watching 700 Club and then they said

that they were going to pray.

I just felt that I neededto stop getting ready,

so I went and stood in front of the TV

with my hand on my abdomen,and just as I started to pray,

- Someone else with deeppain in your abdomen

from gallstones and agallbladder condition,

and God has just healedthat. He's taking away

all the pain, all thatinfection, all the stones

now in Jesus name, begone, and be made whole.

- And I'm telling you the pain I felt now

for like two three weeks,it was instantly gone.

I think it's like that state,

I knew that the Lord had healed me,

and when the girl wasdoing the ultrasound,

she said, "let me tellyou, I can't find one stone

in this gallbladder", and Iwent, "Yes! Praise you Jesus!"

It's just proof.

And so my little doctor comes walking in

with his face beamingand he's holding a paper,

and he said, "You wereso right. What was there

is no longer there",and I'm doing wonderful.

How do you explain the magnitude

of God that heals?

He made these bodies andhe knows how to fix them.

And I'm very thankfulto him for the healing.

It's the power of the HolySpirit, and I'm so appreciative.

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