COVID Doc Says Hydroxychloroquine 'Highly Effective' and Fears Are Overblown - Now FDA Chief Admits It Might HelpÂ
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- That's a very controversial
kind of Trump drug
that they've come out
or initially a bunch of studies
that said it worked,
and then the powers that be
came out with some other studies
that said it didn't work.
But there are many, many studies
and many doctors whoI've talked to personally
that are on the front lines
that use it all the time and it works.
The problem with it is
the powers that be, like the FDA
are trying to shut doctors down
from using hydroxychloroquine.
We know it works.
Again, you have to use it very early.
The studies that said it didn't work,
they were hospitalizedpatients that were very sick.
So some of the studies are observational,
but if you read the literature,
even The Lancet and The NewEngland Journal of Medicine
had to retract their articles
downplaying the use of hydroxychloroquine.
And it's odd that physicians such as me,
a board-certified family physician,
the other day I tried to call a Z-pack in
for one of my patients who had bronchitis.
And the pharmacist asked me if I was using
that for COVID-19.
I found that odd because
why would they question
what I was using itfor in the first place?
I'm telling you, the powersthat be are trying to control
what physicians do.
It's no time for that.
There's an art to medicine,as well as a science.
And you don't need a double-blind,placebo-controlled trial
to know that certain things work.
You have two ends, you know
one, should you treat
with some of these medicineswe know probably work,
we know work, because we use them.
But we don't have the studies yet.
It's become so politicized that
the FDA, Dr. Fauci,
they want a double-blind,placebo-controlled trial
on everything that is recommended.
Unfortunately we don't have the time
to do a double-blind,placebo-controlled trial
so you have to use common sense,
talk to other doctors who are doing it.
I know a lot of frontline doctors
friends of mine who havegone to New York City.
They're getting ready to go to Florida.
They use this routinely asa prophylactic themselves
to prevent catching the virus.
So it's been kind of maligned as a drug,
but hydroxychloroquine, which we used
to treat malaria for 50 years,
it's dirt cheap, you can getit over the counter in Africa.
We also use it for lupusand rheumatoid arthritis.
We've used this medicinefor many, many years.
They're claiming that it maycause a cardiac arrhythmia,
which is rare as hens teeth.
I've never seen that.
I've talked to rheumatologists
who use it daily for decades.
They've never seen it.
So it's kind of become politicized.
But the truth is there'smany, many studies.
There's the Yale epidemiologist,
you can look at his stuff on it.
There's a professor at UCLA out of Harvard
that uses it on his patients.
And it really does work in my opinion
if you use it early.
Not for everybody,
but in this world that we have,
we know so much more abouthow to treat COVID-19,
and the mass media's portraying this
like a death sentence
so they have everybody scared
thinking there's no treatment,
you could just end up at the hospital
or die on a ventilator.
That couldn't be further from the truth.
The truth is that the incidence rates
are going up, especiallyin Tennessee, where I am.
But the death rates re plummeting
because we know more about early treatment
and things you can do in the hospital
if you really do get sick.
There's other things we cando like convalescent plasma,
remdesevir, IV vitamin C,
things like that.
So, I'm encouraged
I don't think we're losingthis battle of COVID 19
like the mass media's portraying it.
In fact I think we're winningit or we're gonna win it.
People then need to do thosethings like social distance
probably wear masks, you know
and not go to large events
take your vitamins for sure.
Especially the vulnerable population.
If you look at who's reallyhaving problems with COVID 19,
and dying of it,
obesity comes out number one for me.
And in my research and observation,
diabetics, hyper cancers.
Now, I'm a Christian
and my faith reallycarries me through everyday
in caring for people for all these years.
And there's a couple ofthings I will tell you
one is, there's another verypowerful thing that works
against any disease or illness,
and it's called prayer.