Trump Is the 'Right-to-Try President': That's Why He Says Doctors Should Be Free to Consider Hydroxychloroquine
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- Alyssa Farah, good to see you.
- Good to see you, David.
Thank you for having me.
- COVID-19, look, if you,
if you hear the media talk about COVID-19,
they like to say that thispresident has blood on his hands
and all of that.
What is the reaction towhen this administration
hears that type of talk from the media?
- Well, first off it's atragedy that our nation
is united and that we'velost 150,000 Americans.
This weighs heavier on no one'sheart than the president's.
I'm in with him in meetings daily
when he's getting updates,he's getting data reports,
he's deploying PPE,
he's sending support tostates and it's just,
he doesn't let the noise bother him.
It's hard for those who careabout him and those around him.
He's focused on leading though.
And what our government hasbeen able to do to respond
to this unprecedentedcrisis is truly amazing.
One thing I would tell your viewers
that I think is important to know
is just how far we'vecome since March and April
at the height of this virus.
Yes, cases are still rising,but we have therapeutics,
we have PPE, we have hospital capacity.
We've actually got someexciting announcements coming
on further therapeutics soon,
and we're racing toward a vaccine.
And that is all thank you toPresident Trump's leadership.
- So you think that medianarrative is pretty much bogus?
- It is.
Listen, the media plays animportant role in public health,
and in getting informationto the American people.
What's not helpful iswhen they're weighing in
and not giving all the facts,
not properly contextualizing it
and really politicizing what's a tragedy.
We all really need tobe united and together.
- Hydroxychloroquine.
I'm glad I pronounced it correctly.
There are a lot of folks that say,
hey, the president was right all along.
What's the feeling
inside the White Houseabout hydroxychloroquine?
- Well, I would startby saying the president
is the right to try president.
He passed historic legislationthat helped terminally ill
patients try medications thatare still in the trial phase,
anything to try to save their lives.
So that's the mindset heapproaches this virus with as well.
We've always said, whiletalking about hydroxychloroquine
you should only take it in consultation
with your medicalprofessionals, so with a doctor.
- Let me move on to newsof the day, a little bit.
There was a tweet from thepresident this morning,
on Thursday morning,where he talked about,
and he put a lot of question marks after,
but should the election be delayed?
We've already heard SenatorMitch McConnell and Ted Cruz
come out and say, no, we'renot gonna delay the election.
What was the thinking behind that tweet?
- Yeah, so the presidentwas raising awareness
about the issues with mass mail-in voting.
So he's been raising alarmsabout this for a while.
When you have states send out mass ballots
to voters to turn in at anytime, they're ripe for fraud.
So an example we would point to
is a New York congressional district
had their election results
or their election was weeks ago,
but the results have yet tobe called three weeks later
because of mass mail-invoting, some fraud related to,
and just not being able toaccount for the ballots.
So the point he's makingis if we go to this model
and we do this across the board,
how can we even be surethat the election results
are gonna come on election day.
- The economy, some tough numbers today
in that second quarter.
What does that portend forthe future potentially?
Because last time I checked,
the third quarter comesafter the second quarter.
And oh, by the way, thatcould be right around October.
- Yeah, so we were anticipatingpoor numbers for Q2,
just to be honest.
If you think about it, April and May,
the economy was artificially shut down
to deal with coronavirus,
so millions of businessesweren't operating,
money wasn't beingcirculating in the economy.
We started some phasesof reopening in June.
So we anticipated, actuallyour projections showed
it would be worse than32% it ended up being,
but we have, we do think a GDP growth
is a bit of a lagging indicator.
We expect that Q3 is gonnabe significantly better.
- Speaking of a president and the economy,
he's also, as he says, thepresident of law and order.
And of course, what we've seen in Portland
for what now, 63 straightnights, has just been,
it's been hard to watch it.
What's the view of this White House
when you see Democrats likeJerry Nadler and others
at the bar hearing the otherday and others who were saying,
they're calling these folks protestors,
sometimes peaceful protesters
and we're seeing the imagesare the exact opposite.
- Oh, it's the exact opposite.
And we've been getting footage.
The Department of Homeland Security
has been doing an incredible job,
trying to maintain the peacein the streets of Portland.
When frankly, the governorand local police enforcement
have not stepped up to the job.
And what you see as organized agitators,
you see anarchists trying toburn down a federal courthouse.
Men and women across this country
aren't gonna stand for that.
We've heard tremendousfeedback on this issue.
It's one that just really resonates
with the American people,
because if we're notgonna defend, you know,
our federal buildings, what's next,
is it my neighborhood next?