- Welcome to "The 700 Club."
International outrageous isaccelerating against China.
First Beijing botched thehandling of the COVID-19 crisis.
Now that government is in themidst of a brutal crackdown,
against Christians so horrific
it's been called the stain of the century.
And that's not all.
Against Muslim Uyghursforced sterilization
and genocide are underway.
That's today's China.
Gary Lane brings us this report.
(speaking in foreign language)
- [Gary] July 22nd, 2020,a loud knock on the door
at the home of a womanin China's Xiamen city.
She tells the police outside
they cannot enter herhome without a permit.
Moments later, they destroy the lock
and enter anyway breakingup what the government
says is an illegal meeting.
Four days later, Sunday, July 26th,
government workers remove the cross
from the roof of SmallRiver Christian Church
in Xinfeng county, Jiangxi province.
These are just two recent examples.
Both incidents occurring just days ago
in the Chinese Communist Party's crackdown
on Christians and their churches.
China Aid President Bob Fu says this wave
of persecution actually began in 2015.
But now the Chinese CommunistParty has a new excuse
for targeting Christians.
- Now under this the pretextof COVID-19 coronavirus,
the Chinese CommunistParty has intensified
its persecution by banningall the church activities
even those services orworship or prayer meetings
in believers own homes withtheir own family members.
- [Gary] The government is also using this
as an excuse to arrest Christians
who call for online prayer meetings.
CBN has reported on the removal of crosses
from church buildings andthis month it picked up steam.
In addition to the SmallRiver Church cross removal,
on July 7th, more than 100Public Security Bureau police
and others were sent tooversee the demolition
of crosses at Aodi Christian Church
and Yinchang Christian Churchin China's Zhejiang province.
Security guards reportedly beat Christians
who try to stop the cross removals.
Church members saying those injured
included a man in his 80sviolently pushed to the ground.
And on July 5th, policeinterrupted services
at Guilin Enguang Churcharresting church elders.
Hours later, church members sang hymns
outside the Seven Star PublicSecurity Bureau station
as they awaited therelease of their leaders.
(singing in foreign language)
Fu says it's all a part of a new campaign
of Sinicization which meansChristians are only considered
to be good citizens if theyadhere to communist ideology.
- Ironically Xi Jinping'sportrait was even put
on the church pulpitalong with Chairman Mao
and the first line item of worship
by the government-sanctionedchurch before COVID-19 was
to sing the CommunistParty's National Anthem.
(singing in foreign language)
- [Gary] And examples go beyond churches.
In Fuzhou city, aCatholic family was forced
out of their governmentsubsidized housing after
they refused to removereligious icons from their home.
And China's ReligiousAffairs Bureau has banned
religious funeral ceremonies
and preaching in funeral places.
Meanwhile, Christians aren'tthe only ones suffering.
Ethnic Uyghurs from East Turkistan,
a region the communist governmentcalls Xinjiang province,
are under attack.
- China is home to one of the worst
human rights crisis of our time.
It is truly the stain of the century.
- [Gary] The US Council on International
Religious Freedom goesfurther calling it genocide.
For years the Chinese governmenthas forced Uyghur women
to undergo abortions.
Now, a new development.
The president of EastTurkistan's government
in exile told me on the "Global Lane"
that China is also conductingforced sterilization.
- Hundreds of thousands of Uyghur
and other Turkic women havebeen forcibly sterilized
by the Chinese government.
China has a long standingpolicy of forcibly
aborting Uyghur and other Turkic babies.
In fact, according tothe Chinese government,
between 1979 and 2009 they prevented
3.7 million illegalbirths in East Turkistan.
- [Gary] Also Hudayar and theUS Defense Departments say
as many as three million Uyghursare being forcibly detained
in re-education and forced labor camps.
- Beijing describedXijiang's internment camps
as vocational training camps.
New reports of forced abortionsand sterilizations add
to a body of evidencethat contradicts that.
- The US State Departmentis alerting corporate CEOs
and others about China'suse of Uyghur slave labor
so they won't become involved.
The East Turkistan governmentin exile is taking its case
to the International Criminal Court.
But whether it is the persecutionof Uyghurs or Christians,
China's Communist government is likely
to ignore internationaloutrage describing it
as foreign interference inChinese internal affairs.
Gary Lane, CBN News.
- Ladies and gentlemen, some years ago,
I went to China before muchof this stuff had happened.
I was out on the streets and I preached
and people were so open to the gospel.
I later went and preached on a Sunday
at a three self church that was filled
with people worshiping Jesus.
And it looked to me like Chinawas fast becoming the largest
Christian nation on the face of the earth.
What's happened withthis Xi is just horrible.
People can come into the home of a couple
and if they don't findpictures of Mao Zedong
or one of the Marx or Lenin
or one of those communist leaders,
these people can be stripped of their
livelihood prohibited against working.
It's a horrible thing.
Now we're supposed to prayfor our leaders, okay?
That's what the Bible says,
prayers be made for those in authority.
But there's nothing in the Bible that says
we can't pray that Godwill take down leaders
of oppressive regimes thatbelong to somebody else.
And I think we ought to bepraying as hard as we can
that God will take the president of China
and those awful people out of office.
And I think He can do it.
We don't have to ask someinternational court to do it.
I think we can appealto the court of heaven.
And I think in your prayer time,
and we just declare itin the name of Jesus that
this persecution against God'speople in China will stop.
Because the Chinese, way back in history
in their kanjis, in their writings,
they show a knowledgeof the Old Testament.
It was a country thatwas given to God Almighty
and they are wonderful people.
And I think the current wave of Chinese
leadership is an abominationon the face of the earth
and something needs to be done.
And I think, let us allappeal to the court of heaven
to say take down these wicked leaders
and set the Chinese people free.