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Surgeon General Explains How US Can 'Get Back to Some Sense of Normalcy'

Surgeon General Explains How US Can 'Get Back to Some Sense of Normalcy' Read Transcript

- Well tonight the US hasthe dubious distinction

of another world record.

Hitting more than four millioncases of the coronavirus.

- That's right and farsurpassing other nations

and now with more than 147,000people who've contracted

the virus and died.

CBN News White Housecorrespondent, Ben Kennedy,

spoke exclusively withthe US Surgeon General.

Ben, what did he have to say?

- Well, John and Jan, theSurgeon General hit on everything

from the administration'splan to safely reopen schools

and churches to vaccinesand treatments for COVID-19.

Dr. Jerome Adams expectsthings to get worse or stay

at current levels for the time being.

He warns the country can'ttest or treat its way out

of the problem, so it's up to people

to help stop the spread.

- Well, the latest aboutthis virus is that we know

more than ever about howto actually control it.

I talk about the three Ws all the time.

Wash your hands, watch your distance,

and wear a face coveringlike I'm doing right now.

If we do these three things,there's actually data

out there, studies out therenow, that show us that we can

effectively slow the spread of coronavirus

and safely open schools,safely get back to worship.

- Do you think thevirus can be eradicated?

- Well, we don't know about eradication,

but know that we can stampdown the level of spread

enough that we can get backto some sense of normal.

So Italy, for instance, oneof the hardest hit places

in the world, just two months ago.

We were talking about peopledying in hallways in Italy

because the healthcaresystem was overwhelmed.

They're now playing soccer games there.

They're now havingtourism come back again.

They're now opening schools.

This virus course isabout one to two weeks

in the average person.

Which means if you takethe right steps now

to prevent spread as anation, you can see dividends

in as little as two weeks.

We can turn this thingaround very quickly.

There's evidence out there.

- Right now, Dr. Adams, several vaccines

are in human trials.

Do you expect or do youthink we'll see a vaccine

in the fall?

- Well, I talked to Tony Faucievery day or every other day

and he still is very confidentthat we will have a vaccine

by the end of this year orthe beginning of next year.

But I want people tounderstand that's step one.

Less than 50% of adults inthe US get a flu vaccine.

So we can have a vaccine that's safe.

We can have a vaccine that's effective.

But if only half ofAmericans, or even fewer

in certain populations,are accepting of it,

then it's not gonna help them.

We need to work on vaccine confidence.

At last estimate, it wasover 4.2 million children

who were behind on theirvaccinations because of the virus.

So we're worried we'regonna see resurgence of

vaccine-preventable diseaseslike measles, mumps, rubella.

The World Health Organizationactually has looked at this

on a global scale andthey're looking at millions,

potentially, of deaths aroundthe world from the shut down

because people are fallingbehind on both vaccinations

and on diagnosis ofinfectious diseases that go

beyond COVID, like HIV and malaria.

- Right now we are wearing masks.

How important is it for the public

to take the same approach?

- It is incredibly importantthat the public realizes

the importance of wearing face coverings.

This has become politicizedand I think people need

to understand that all politicsaside, all of us benefit

when we wear face coverings.

- Right now lawmakersare working on the next

round of relief.

What would you like to see in the bill?

- We wanna make sure wehave the resources available

from a public health capacityto be able to respond

to this outbreak.

We wanna make sure we haveenough testing available

for people and that we candecrease turnaround times.

And I want the American people know

that we are working on that.

We're increasing availabilityof point of care testing,

which returns results in 15 minutes.

- Do you expect things toget worse in the country

before it gets better?

- Based on the currenttrajectory, we do expect things

to get worse or stay level forawhile, because we know that

cases are the first thing you see.

The second thing you seeare hospitalizations.

The third thing you see are deaths.

- Dr. Adams, you are a religious man.

What is your advice to churches,

to people in places of worship?

- I talk to churches.

I talk to places of worship.

I talk to faith leaders allthe time because they are

in communities, and Ijust wanna applaud them

for being innovative,providing ways to keep people

connected even thoughthey're socially distant.

We know that our worshipis a source of strength

for many of us in trying times.

I really want us to reallyfocus on those public health

measures we can promote thatwill allow us to get back

to in-person worship,

focus on those socialdeterminists of health.

And we know that in manycases, our churches,

our synagogues, are really theplaces that help provide food

when people are hungry,that help provide clothing

when people don't have it,and help provide housing

for the homeless.

We just wanna underscore howimportant those aspects are.

I just ask people in the faithcommunity to continue to pray

for me and to pray for ourleaders and to pray that we have

the wisdom that we needto help fight this virus,

that we have the humilityto understand where we've

been wrong based on what wethought we knew about the virus

and to of course correct, andto pray that we have the words

to be able to help Americansunderstand the role they can

all play and to keepthe politics out of it

because we're all in this together.

Now Dr. Adams said more than50% of COVID cases is spread

by someone with no symptoms.

That's why he keepspleading for the public

to do the three Ws: washhands, watch your distance,

and wear masks.


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