'Trump 2024': A New Documentary Film Looks at What Happens to America After Donald Trump Leaves Office
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(upbeat music)
- While most of thecountry is focused on 2020,
one new documentary islooking further down the road.
Producers of "Trump 2024" want to paint
two pictures of what ourcountry might look like in 2024.
One, if President Trump isre-elected to a second term,
and another if he is not.
Take a look.
- [President Obama] We are five days away
from fundamentally transforming
the United States of America.
- [Narrator] The left, inthe words of Barack Obama,
want to fundamentally transform
the United States of America.
I don't.
I want to improve theUnited States of America.
- I think Donald Trump'sone of the worst things
to happen to this country.
- When he was elected I cried.
- The guy has integrity.
= I think Trump is real.
- I think he's a crazy bugger.
- I go, oh my my,
this is gonna be a problem today.
- So, he cusses when he gets mad.
He says things that are brutally honest,
but you have to look past that
and look at what he's donefor this country so far.
- [Man] This is ridiculous.
- [Man] I don't think he'sa typical politician at all.
- He's a danger for the world.
- We need to be secure.
I love America and Ithink that he does, too.
- I cannot forgive him.
- Oh, he said something wrong and hurt
somebody's feelings, I'm so sorry.
- I mean, let's get real here.
(dramatic music)
- This great republic of ours was built
on the notion of individual liberty,
individual freedom, and that means
individual responsibility.
- America is a fragileexperiment in liberty.
The left wishes to undo that experiment.
- This is not about Donald Trump per se.
This is about principlesto govern a country.
- We're a nation of laws.
- [Man] This is good or bad.
This is whether ourcountry is gonna get better
or whether it's gonna get worse.
- Sooner or later asecularist is gonna win.
- Joining us now by Zoomare Paul Crouch, Jr.,
one of the film'sproducers and Mike Lindell,
the founder of My Pillow,and one of the backers
of Trump 2024.
So Paul, we'll start off with you.
What do you, what do youexpect from the film?
Why are you taking this approach?
- Well, I think our initial approach
was really to show evangelicals
and to show the world a side of Trump
that the secular media just will not show.
They are so just adamantabout gettin' this guy
out of office, tearing this guy down.
And listen, there isanother side of Donald Trump
that people have not seenand we want to present it.
- All right, well Mike, let's ask you.
What do you think isone of the worst things
that could happen by 2024if Trump is not re-elected?
- If he's not re-elected it's doom.
I mean, I can't say it in any other way.
I think this is the mostimportant election in history.
I come from a time where I didn't know
anything about politics.
Well, I know now they arethe most important things
that affect our lives every single day.
- Well, let me take the other side
and I'll give it as a toss up,
either one can answer it,'cause I hear this a lot,
both within the Christian world
and within the secular world
and it's along thelines of, as a Christian
knowing what you know aboutDonald Trump's behavior,
how can evangelical Christians
participate in this?
And if he were a member of your church,
wouldn't you have some concerns
about his behavior?
How do you respond to that?
- Can I jump in there, Mike?
I mean, I wanna jumpthrough the screen, Gordon.
Listen, we did not elect Donald Trump
to be the pastor of our church
or my church or your church.
We elected him to be president
and one thing that we explore in this film
very, very clearly is willGod use flawed leaders?
And the answer is absolutely yes.
Look at Peter, look at Paul,
look at anybody that has been used
for anything good in the kingdom,
my parents, your parents,none of us are perfect.
- All right Mike, I'll letyou throw in on this one.
- I'll tell you, anyone,I'm a flawed person.
I was an ex-crack/cocaine addict,
and I have first hand that I got to,
I was blessed to be ableto meet Donald Trump
in a private meeting beforehe was elected president.
So, I can tell everyone out there,
you know what?
This is a guy that God has chosen
for such a time as this.
He wasn't chose to bepastor of our church.
It's like this, I'lltell you, it's kinda like
a doctor thing.
Would you rather have adoctor you really like,
but he doesn't know what he's doing
and since has done some bad operations
for 50 years, or would you rather have
the best surgeon in the world,
but you just don't likecertain things about him?
- All right well, you've reached out
to private citizens, you've reached out
to Christians to help back the project.
What has been the response?
- I've put it out to my social media.
Go to Trump2024.film and I've heard it's,
everyone that I've talked to it's been
I think it's been an amazing response
because everybody realizes the seriousness
of what's gonna happencomin' up in November
and we've gotta get the message out there
to people on the left.
This is my message.
It's not just people that traditionally
don't know which way tovote or people on the left,
educate them and say, you know, here's,
what are the things he'sdone that's manifested
good in your own life, orfor our Christian values?
And I think it's been amazing.
- All right, well the film "Trump 2024"
will be released in September this year
and if you want to learn more
about the project all you have to do is go
to Trump2024.film.
That's a unique web address,.film, for more information.
Paul and Mike, thanks for being with us.
- Thanks for havin' us on.- Thank you.