A rise in unemployment applications as lawmakers race the clock to find a deal on the latest relief package. The latest from Capitol Hill. Plus how the U.S. is reaching a boiling point in relations with China. And why a new mosque has a ...
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- [John] Tonight a rise inunemployment applications,
as lawmakers race against the clock,
for a deal on a relief package.
- There are only three weeks left
until the office work period.
We don't have time for this mess.
- [John] The latest on Capitol Hill, plus.
- President Trump has said enough,
We're not gonna allow thisto continue to happen.
- [John] U.S. China relationsreaching a boiling point,
and why a new mosque hasa well known NBA player
crying foul over religious freedom,
against Turkey's president.
All this, and moretonight, on "Faith Nation."
(mellow music)
- A coronavirus relief deal is in sight,
but not without drama on Capitol Hill.
Hi everyone, thanks forjoining us, I'm Jenna Browder.
- I'm John Jessup, andbefore we go any further,
Jenna, I just want to sayit's great to have you back.
- It's great to be back.
- Well, the trillion dollar bill
will provide aid formillions of Americans,
struggling in the pandemic,but time is running out,
and a final deal is stillfar from being reached.
- "CBN News" White Housecorrespondent, Ben Kennedy,
is following the negotiations,
(wind whooshing)and has our top story.
Ben, where do things stand tonight?
- Well, Jenna, John, monthsafter the house passed
a Democrat led bill,
the White House is makinga major concession,
as the Republicans waitto unveil their plan.
(wind whooshing)
Inching closer to a deal.- Hopefully we'll get there.
- [Ben] The president prepared to give in.
- The payroll tax cuts are very important.
- [Ben] Days after insistingon a payroll tax cut,
in any coronavirus rescue package,
the President declaring, in a tweet,
that the Democrats have stated strongly
they won't approve a payroll tax cut,
and is ready to move on without it,
in a $1 trillion relief package.
- And this is about kids and jobs.
- The White House'sfocus, reopening schools,
and the economy.
The bill is set to provide upto $25 billion for testing,
and up to 105 billion to schools.
Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin saying,
"A Republican planwould decrease the level
of unemployment insuranceset to run out this month."
- This is intended to be wage replacement.
So we're focused on thepercentage, which is about 70%.
So nobody's gonna get more than $600.
But again, if you were making $300,
you're not gonna get $600 this time.
- [Ben] House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
countering that the GOP planis too little, too late.
- And what we have seenso far falls very short
of the challenge that we face,
in order to defeat the virus,in order to open our schools,
and to open our economy.
- [Ben] Democrats are insisting
that any relief bill include hazard pay,
and food and rental assistance.
- How about instead of shieldingcorporations from immunity,
we shield renters from eviction.
- [Ben] As to those grapplingwith adding to the deficit,
that top House Republicans signaled
that a GOP bill is thelesser of two evils.
- There's a real concern,the amount of debt we have.
I watched it, the Democratswanted to spend 3 trillion.
- [Ben] And with the extraunemployment benefits
set to run out next week,the clock is ticking.
It is not clear if removingthe payroll tax cut
will be enough to get Democrats on board,
with the Republican led plan.
John, Jenna.- Thanks, Ben.
And sticking with unemployment,new figures out today
paint a picture, and it is not pretty.
It shows a growing number of people
requesting help from the government.
1.4 million additional workers
applied for jobless benefits last week.
That's up about 100,000,compared to two weeks ago.
That rise ends a 15 week stretchof declining applications.
The number had been going down,
since unemployment peaked in mid April,
during mass lock downs and layoffs.
Besides the 1.4 trillion,
an additional 975,000people applied for help,
under a program for selfemployed, and gig economy workers.
- Well tonight that country closes in
on 4 million confirmed cases of COVID-19.
Data from Johns Hopkins University
shows nearly a quarter of those
coming in just the last 15 days.
Among the cases, more than143,000 deaths in America,
and north of 1.2 million recoveries.
Even with a surge of new cases,
President Trump continues to push
for schools to reopen this fall.
But Coronavirus Task Force members say
they need more data to be sure it's safe.
(wind whooshing)
- What we're really trying to do right now
is to really look at what theantibody levels are already,
in children under 18.
So we're launching avery large CIRO survey,
across all age groups,to really understand
where has this virusbeen, who has it infected,
who is infectible, and whois transmitting the virus.
- Well many states are setting
record setting numbers of infections,
research compiled by "The Washington Post"
shows 21 states reportdecreasing, or flattening rates
of positive tests.
- Tonight more moneyfor the U.S. military.
Senate passed, the Senate rather,
passed a massive funding billfor the Department of Defense.
The $740 billion measurecalls for a 3% pay raise
for military personnel,
and requires military bases
bearing the name of Confederateleaders to be changed.
The House passed thebill earlier this week.
President Trump had threatened to veto
over the name change provision,
but the Senate overwhelminglyapproved the measure today,
in a vote 86 to 14.
The House and Senate must now reconcile
their competing versions, before it's sent
to the President's desk.
- Another health crisis isdevastating America's military.
It's not COVID, or cancer, orheart disease, it's suicide.
- And for five years now, Jenna, in a row,
the suicide rate amongAmerica's servicemen and women
has gone up, and it's affecting everyone,
from current troops, to veterans,and even their families.
- Yeah, that's why Second Lady Karen Pence
recently helped launch a new campaign,
to combat veteran suicide.
Today, she spoke
with CBNs Chief PoliticalAnalyst David Brody,
and David joins us now with more.
David, what is behind theSecond Lady's latest move?
- Well, you have tounderstand here with COVID-19,
this is actually a very good opportunity
to talk about despondency, and isolation.
A lot of people feeling a lot of fear,
there's an unknown, andthere's a PREVENTS program,
P-R-E-V-E-N-T-S, PREVENTS,that Karen Pence,
the Second Lady of theUnited States heads up.
And one of the key things here
is that she wants to make sure the stigma
attached to suicide isn'tnecessarily so horrible.
In other words, the point here
is that when it comes to suicide,
look, the reality is isthat we all, at times,
can have suicidal thoughts,
and we shouldn't necessarily stigmatize
certain folks out there.
Now from a veteran standpoint,
20 veterans a day commit suicide.
That is a staggering number,
something Karen Penceand I have talked about,
especially regarding stigma.
(wind whooshing)
- I saw my role as a way to say,
"Let's end the stigma andlet's start the conversation."
You know, David, everybodyhas risk factors for suicide,
every single one of us.
And so it was importantto know the risk factors,
and then your protective factors.
And so PREVENTS started July 7th,
a new campaign called REACH.
We want people to know theycan reach out for help,
or we can reach out to someone,
and ask them if they need help.
And one of the main pointsinvolved in the REACH campaign
is letting people know their risk factors.
And one of the risk factorsright now is isolation.
That talks to all of us.- Totally.
- Yes, so right now I just feellike we have an opportunity
to talk about the stigma of mental health,
and mental illness, and suicide thoughts,
and how to prevent suicide,
because all of us are dealing
with some kind of anxiety,or pressure, or fear.
And so what better time to say,
"It's okay to say you're not okay."
- You know, Karen Pencespending a lot of her energy
on mental illness.
We know about art therapy,
she's an art teacher for 20 plus years.
And so it's really nearand dear to her heart.
- Yeah, David, we do know that the Pences,
of course, have a deep faith.
How does that play into whatthe Second Lady is doing here?
- Well, it's huge, Jenna, hope.
Her faith gives herhope, the faith in Jesus.
We did talk about that, andunderstand that this weekend
is a big push with the PREVENTS program.
They wanna get the faith community,
and many of these sermonsto be talking about suicide,
to get it out in the open,and have discussions.
And this is what you saidabout hope and Jesus.
(wind whooshing)
Congress has been tryingfor a very long time,
to try and solve this, you know,
throw more money at it.
We know it's a bottom up approach.
So, what's your message to folks,
in terms of the hope factor here,
especially as it relatesto faith, because you know,
Congress is not gonna give anybody hope.
This town doesn't give many people hope,
in terms of what Congress does.
But what can you say,from a faith perspective,
as it relates to hope, and whatyou want them to know about?
- Well, you know, hope really is the key.
And you know, for me, asyou know, I'm a Christian.
And so for me, that's where I get my hope.
And if we can have people reach out
in their faith communities,then our pastors,
our rabbis can bring people alongside,
and mentor them and helpthem with their faith.
And I do think that when we're all low,
sometimes the only personwho's there for me is the Lord.
And so, when you actuallycan introduce someone
to that aspect and to say, "You know what,
there is hope, there is hope,
and there is a way past the struggle
that you're in right now."
- Karen Pence, trying tochange the conversation,
let's all talk about it,it's a secret in the room.
She says, it's time to speak about it.
And she hopes the faithcommunity will play their part.
Jenna, John?- Such an important issue,
and David, great interview,thanks for sharing.
- Thanks guys.(wind whooshing)
- Sanctions, hacking, andaction in the South China Sea.
Coming up, the lateston the growing tension
between Chinese leaders andthe Trump administration.
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- Tonight, the world is waiting
for any sign of international trouble,
after the U.S. ordered the closure
of the Chinese consulate in Houston.
- This comes on the heels of claims
that China is sponsoringor protecting spies,
hacking both the U.S. governmentand corporate America.
"CBN News" National SecurityCorrespondent Eric Philips
joins us with more, Eric?
- Well, John and Jenna,
right after the orderto close the consulate
came reports of workers,burning documents,
in metal barrels there.
Now the man in charge saysit's standard procedure
for foreign compounds,diplomatic compounds,
to burn internal documentsbefore leaving a foreign post.
But the quick action is raising suspicion.
The latest move in this loomingshowdown between superpowers
shook up the Chinese console general.
- You're very?- Yeah, yeah,
I surprise and angry.
- [Eric] The Trump administration order
said the Houston consulatemust close by Friday,
accusing Beijing of massive spying.
- Are you saying thestate department is lying?
- I didn't, I didn't mention that.
I think if you want tomake an accusation for us,
give us some evidence.
- [Eric] The order followsa grand jury indictment
of two Chinese nationals,
for hacking into American pharmaceutical
and biotech companies.
While records show the men
have been after intellectual property
for more than a decade,the most recent charge
is related to covetedcoronavirus vaccine information.
Senator Marco Rubio calledthe consulate, "A spy shop."
- It's kind of the central nodeof a massive spy operation,
commercial espionage, defense espionage,
also influence agents totry to influence Congress.
- It has been long discussed,
and asserted that theoffice here in Houston
was engaged in inappropriate forms
of information gatheringand influence operations.
It's not necessarily surprising.
One would expect foreign governments
to be very aggressive incollecting information
that would be helpful totheir own national interest.
- [Eric] China calls the closure,
"A political provocation,"
and experts predict retaliation.
- It is important to note that China,
certainly from the perspectiveof the Trump administration,
is a true economic and global power.
So getting into a conflict with China
I think raises some questions
as to what the next step might be.
- And some predict the next step
will be China closing theAmerican consulate in Wuhan,
where the outbreak of a coronavirus began.
But how this will all end
is something of greatspeculation and concern,
John and Jenna.- All right, thank you, Eric.
Joining us now, Dean Cheng,senior research fellow
with the Davis Institutefor National Security
and Foreign Policy atthe Heritage Foundation.
Dean, thanks for beingwith us this afternoon.
Let's start off rightthere where Eric left off.
China called this move,"Malicious slander,"
and said that it, quote,"Breaks down the bridge
of friendship between theChinese and Americans."
So where do things go fromhere? Are we in for escalation?
- It's not clear whetherwe'll be in for escalation,
but I would certainly expecta reciprocal shutdown,
as your correspondent noted.
There's been some discussion
about whether Wuhan Consulate would go.
It would be, in some ways, the easiest,
because the U.S. actuallyshut down that consulate
once COVID-19 had permeated the city.
Whether it, but what I don'tthink is going to happen
is some kind of militaryaction on either side.
- Dean, what do you makeof the document burn
at the Chinese consulate in Houston?
Of course, speculationthey were burning evidence,
confirming spying.
- Well, the U.S. State Department
only gave the consulateapparently a few hours notice,
that they would have to leave by Friday.
Any consulate, anydiplomatic establishment
is gonna have a lot ofsensitive information,
not all of which will be intelligence.
For example, they willhave copies of cables
that were sent fromChina to the embassies,
and to the the consulates.
Not all of that intern is goingto be very easily removed,
especially if you onlyhave a few days notice.
So it is fairly typical toburn sensitive documents,
that don't have to beintelligence related,
in the sense that they'rereports from your spies.
That being said, given thestate department's reference
to a theft of intellectualproperty and espionage,
it's certainly possiblethat there are, in fact,
various records, indications,
clues that might be used to figure out
who is working for China.
- Dean, you recently wrote a piece
about China's Wolf Warrior diplomats,
saying that China intendsto play a major role,
shaping the post COVID-19 world.
Can you talk about what may be in store?
- What we have already seen
is a much more assertiveChinese diplomatic corps.
Most famously, the Chineseforeign ministry spokesperson
said, "COVID-19 wasactually something perhaps
that the U.S. brought to China."
Other Chinese diplomats have said
that rather than criticizing China,
the world should be thanking China,
for its prompt action regarding COVID-19.
We've seen them in Europelecture, for example,
the Swedes, saying, "Youare a featherweight,
we're a heavyweight, don'tget into a fight with us."
So around the world, we areseeing diplomatic moves.
We're also seeing some military moves.
China India border hasseen now soldiers killed,
over the borders.
On the South China Sea haslong been a cockpit of tension.
So what we're seeing is amuch more assertive China,
whether it's diplomatically,in the intelligence world,
in the military world,and of course, economic.
- Dean, how should the U.S. respond
to counter a dominant China?
- Well, I think that theChinese, in some ways,
are sort of following Stalin's observation
about how to use a bayonet,
when you're probing, ifyou hit something soft,
keep pushing, if you hitsomething hard, pull back.
I think the United Statesneeds to make very clear
our principles, our positions,
what we are not prepared to compromise on.
This administration, to its credit,
has made very clear to Chinathat intellectual property
is one of those focal points.
The whole point of thetrade war and the tariffs
is about getting China to stop
its theft of intellectual property.
- All right, Dean Cheng ofthe Heritage Foundation,
we have to leave it there,really interesting topic.
We appreciate you joining ustoday with your great insights.
Thank you.- Thank you for having me.
(wind whooshing)- Coming up,
why one NBA star is tradinghis ball and Jersey,
to take on the human rightsrecord of a world leader.
That story when "Faith Nation" returns.
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- Welcome back, thisFriday for the first time
in nearly 90 years,the Hagia Sophia Mosque
in Istanbul, Turkey, willopen to Muslim prayers,
by order of President Recep Erdogan.
- The move is seen aspart of a wider vision
to expand Erdogan'sinfluence in the region,
and in the Muslim world.
And it comes with a lot of criticism,
from both world leaders,and a major NBA star,
who the Turkish presidenthas personally threatened.
- "CBN News" Middle EastBureau Chief Chris Mitchell
explains why he's speaking out.
- [Chris] Despiteobjections from the U.S.,
Russia, the UN, and theEastern Orthodox churches,
president Erdogan moved forward
on converting the historical landmark.
- It definitely broke my heart,
because I feel like it'sone of Erdogan's games,
and I feel like it's completelypolitically motivated.
- [Chris] Turkish citizen,and Boston Celtic,
Enes Kanter told "CBNNews" why he also objected
to Erdogan's move.
- It's a way for modernTurkey secular rules.
And also Turkey has enoughmosque around that area,
and they're not even half full.
So why would you convertanother church to a mosque?
- [Chris] A Muslim, Kanteris devoted to dialogue,
and reaching out across religious,
ethnic and cultural barriers.
- I feel sad for all my Christians,
my brothers and sisters out there,
because the Hagia Sophia
was a World United Nation Heritage site.
So as a Muslim, I'm deeplypained by the decision.
When I was in Turkey, I hadso many Christian friends,
and they're actuallyone of the most humble,
and one of the most, youknow, this kindest people
I've ever met.
- [Chris] For years, Kanter,a human rights advocate,
has spoken out againstTurkey's human rights record.
- Turkey is the number one in the world
that put the most tourists in jail.
That shows no freedom of speech in Turkey.
True original expression,there's no democracy
or human rights.
And just because of Itold about these issues,
Turkish government basicallydeclared me as a terrorist.
I actually answered them back, and said,
"Only thing I terrorizeis the basketball game."
- [Chris] This outspokennesshas cost Kanter,
and his family, a price.
His father has spent sevenyears in and out of jail.
- I get death threats almost every day.
Yesterday, I actuallyposted a couple of 'em
on my social media, butin America, I'm safe,
but Turkish governmentput my name on Interpol.
So I just because I'mnot American citizen yet,
if I leave America, then theycan deport me back to Turkey.
So I'm just waiting tobe an American citizen.
- [Chris] Kanter becomes anAmerican citizen next year,
and for him, it's about speaking out,
for those unseen and unheard.
- Well, you guys know mystory because of I'm in NBA.
But there are countless stories out there,
their situation is way worse than mine.
That is one of the biggest reasons
that I'm still spoken aboutwhat's happened in Turkey,
just because there's so manypeople in jail right now,
waiting for help.
- [Chris] Chris Mitchell,"CBN News," Jerusalem.
- Thanks, Chris.
Israel may be on the brink
of another nationwidecoronavirus lockdown.
Today, a special advisory committee
met for a second time thisweek to discuss the prospect.
It comes as the Holy Land
hits a record number of peoplecontracting the disease.
Just over 2000 new caseswere confirmed Thursday.
That is the highest daily rate seen
since the beginning of the pandemic.
Recently, the Israeli health minister
warned a new lockdown could come,
if cases exceed 2000 a day.
(wind whooshing)
- [Jenna] Well, fromfighting the pandemic,
to throwing curve balls, still ahead,
who's getting called up to pitch,
at tonight's WashingtonNats baseball game.
(dramatic music)
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- Finally tonight, it isgame night in Washington.
In about an hour, the reigningWorld Series Nationals
will kick off their shortened season.
- Although the coronavirus means
crowds can't be on hand tonight,
one superfan will not only be there,
to see the action in person,he's actually getting in on it.
- Yeah, Dr. Anthony Fauci,
the nation's topinfectious disease expert,
and a big Nats fan willthrow out the first game,
the first pitch of the game.
And while Fauci says it's been a while,
this is not his first time on the field.
(wind whooshing)
- I used to play baseball as a young boy,
as a kid in school,
and I hope I don't bounce it too much.
- I'm sure he'll be just fine.
Well, Dr. Fauci is a long time Nats fan.
He's even been seen on Capitol Hill,
testifying, wearing a maskcovered in that Nats logo.
- Jenna, I'm looking forwardto seeing his pitching arm.
- I know, play ball, and go Dr. Fauci.
- That's gonna do it for "Faith Nation."
- Have a great evening.
(happy music)