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Ben Shapiro Exposes Agenda to 'Destroy America in Three Easy Steps'

Ben Shapiro Exposes Agenda to 'Destroy America in Three Easy Steps' Read Transcript

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- A growing number of Americans

are trying to tear down this country, how?

By canceling our shared history,

our ideals, and our culture.

Radio host and author Ben Shapiro

writes about this dangeroustrend in his book,

"How to Destroy Americain Three Easy Steps."

Ben, welcome, it's a fascinatingbook, and here it is,

ladies and gentleman,"How to Destroy America."

Ben, talk to me about 1619.

Why is that supposed tobe an important date?

I thought it was 1620,I thought it was 1607.

What's 1620?

- 1619 is the date thatthe first African slave

arrives on American shores.

And according to "The New York Times"

and Nikole Hannah-Jones,who is the defacto editor

over there now, 1619 is the true founding

of the United States.

America really is notabout the liberty of 1776,

it is not about the history of Jamestown.

It's not about Plymouth Rock.

America is really about slavery.

All of the institutionsof the United States

are built on the bedrockof bigotry and racism

and cruelty toward others and therefore

the entire system must be torn down.

"The New York Times" haspromulgated The 1619 Project

with millions of dollars.

They're gonna try andteach it in public schools.

Nikole Hannah-Jones won a Pulitzer Prize

for an essay that was so bad

that four other PulitzerPrize-winning historians

said that the historywas just pseudohistory.

But it doesn't matter,it's about attempting

to destroy all the ties that bind us.

If we don't share avision of American history

that says America is agreat and good country

that was rooted in excellent,enduring principles

in the Declaration of Independence,

that we haven't always livedup to those principles.

The story of America hasreally, really dark periods

and really dark spots,but the story of America

is about how we overcame theendemic nature of human sin

in order to create a betterAmerica and a better world

by extension by living up tothose founding principles.

Instead of saying that that's our history,

instead The 1619 Projectand disintegrationists,

as I call them, like to claimthat America's real story

is a story of exploitation,brutality and evil.

- Well, Ben, you know, 1619,if "The New York Times"

is pushing it, we've done the story

about the Ochs and the Sulzberger family

that came up from Chattanooga, Tennessee,

they gave money to theStone Mountain Project

that had a statue of Robert E. Lee

and they not only owned slaves,they bought and sold slaves

and they have "The New York Times."

How in the world can afamily that does that

come out with the 1619 nonsense?

- I think the basic idea hereis that the only good people

who have ever been born live right now.

It's a very anti-Judeo-Christian worldview

that human sin is actually only a product

of the systems that human beings live in.

Right, if you're Jewishor if you're Christian

or if you believe theJudeo-Christian worldview,

if you're religious of any sortactually you tend to believe

that human beings are endemically sinful,

that human beings havethe capacity for sin,

and that the fact that humanbeings have done bad things

over the course of historyis not always the result

of a system, but if you are a member

of the disintegrationist leftthen what you actually believe

is that human beings are widgets

that are surrounded byforces beyond their control

and if we just change those forces,

human beings will be good.

And so the idea is that all inequalities

in modern American lifeand all past inequalities,

all past evils, those canbe attributed to systems.

And that's exactly what yousee from "The New York Times."

As far as the Sulzberger family,

obviously they'rehypocrites, but you know,

the way that they buy off the woke left

is by simply ignoring their own hypocrisy

or apologizing for their ancestors,

for apologizing forpeople who died long ago

and suggesting that theyare themselves different

and they're so differentthey're gonna hand the keys

to the car to people who really

don't like the country very much.

- Ben, in your book,what you're pointing out

is that everything in oursociety is somehow controlled

by racism and that the Blackpeople were taken advantage of

and it's because of them, you pointed out

they want reparations and you said

you've got an immigrant ofthree or four generations

has come in from someplacein Eastern Europe

and he's got to pay money to Colin Powell

because of the sins against his ancestors.

They're asking for reparations now.

How do you pay reparations for slavery?

- The case for reparationsis extraordinarily weak,

but the case for reparations is again,

based on the idea that the storyof America is unending sin.

The claim is not just thatslavery was a bad thing

that happened a very longtime ago and has aftereffects.

The claim is that Americareally never got past slavery.

That slavery transmuted into Jim Crow,

and Jim Crow didn't end,Jim Crow just transmuted

into what they call systemic racism.

This is the case that's madeby people like Robin DiAngelo.

It's a case made by Ibram Kendi.

It's a case made by Ta-Nehisi Coates.

All these folks basically claim

that what racism reallyis, is not the belief

that a group is inferioror superior based on race.

That's what normal people think racism is.

Instead what they say racism is,

is any system that ends withany level of racial inequality

is a racist system, and ifyou don't fight the system

then you are not anti-racist.

That's the language that you'reseeing being used right now.

So if you're not for slavery reparations

that's because you're notfor tearing down the system

and that's because you arein fact complicit in racism.

It's a really dangerous ideology,

and it's an ideology thatdestroys the foundations

of the freest and by theway most tolerant society

ever devised by man.

America 2020 is the mosttolerant society on planet Earth.

- Well you've pointed outas you've gone through

some very interesting history,but we did have some problems

along with we couldn't havegotten the Constitution ratified

if we hadn't changed a few things in it

having to do with givinga percentage of the people

in the Electoral College to the slaves.

But in your book you'resaying that capitalism

as we know it in Americais essentially racist,

that everything that we seeof any of the good things

in America, they're all founded on racism

and the money that was broughtabout because of slavery.

Is that the prevailing norm?

- That is the disintegrationist claim.

That is the claim that's beingmade by people in the media

is that all of the thingsyou see in American life,

all the systems that surround you,

everything from how you get your iPhone

to the internet to traffic patterns,

all of these things are rooted in slavery.

Now, that's historically inaccurate,

but it does allow for a group of people

who really don't like the American system

and wish to rebuild it in a different way,

in a sort of utopian mold,it allows them to argue

that even though Americais indeed prosperous, free,

and generous, that Americaactually is rooted in brutality

and therefore the system has to go

no matter how many people it has helped.

And the fact of thematter is that America is

the most prosperous, free, generous nation

in the history of the world.

Seeing it as the opposite,seeing it as endemically cruel

and bigoted and notlooking at American history

as the story of overcoming human sin

in order to fulfill theprinciples of the founding,

which by the way is what MartinLuther King talked about,

that's what FrederickDouglass talked about.

Both of them talked aboutfulfilling the promises

of the Declaration of Independence,

not about tearing down theDeclaration of Independence.

If you talk about tearingdown the Declaration

what you're talking aboutis tearing down the country.

There are a lot of peoplerooting for that right now.

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