- Hello and welcome to today'sInnovation Israel series.
In a world that'sbattling the coronavirus,
many people are turning toface masks to keep them safe.
Take a look at an Israeli company
that's turning face masks into weapons
that can kill viruses on contact.
- [Emily] This is Hong Kong,
where people are doing everything they can
to avoid becoming the nextvictim of the deadly coronavirus.
With no vaccine and no certainty
of when the outbreak will end,
many are turning to facemasks to protect themselves.
But the World Health Organizationsays masks aren't enough.
- For people who have no symptoms,
the mask will notnecessarily protect them 100%
because if they don'tapply other measures,
it's not sufficient.
So my message is more thatmask alone is not enough.
- [Emily] An Israeli company
wants to offer a different message.
Argaman claims it's newrevolutionary face masks
are more than justshields, they're weapons
that can kill 99% of viruses,like the coronavirus.
- It kills all viruses,all bacteria, all fungus.
And it will do it 100%of the time, all day,
all night, seven days a week.
You can wash it. You can bleach it.
You can dye it. You canhit it with a baseball bat.
It's gonna do its job.
- [Emily] They claim themask is more effective
than the standard N95 mask thatmillions use for protection,
including from the virus.
- I designed this mask together
with the Hong Kong government
and what's fresh off the press is that
as of last night, they dropped the N95
and they've adopted our Israeli standard.
- [Emily] Israeli scientistsuse invisible sound waves
to inject copper particles
with antiviral properties into cotton.
These engineers then combinethe ancient tradition
of spinning cotton with today's technology
to create the masks.
- We treat it, we reconstituteit, and we ship it back.
Through the process, the machines
don't know that it's treated cotton.
- [Emily] This new tech can also be used
to make hospital bedding,towels, and much more.
- It'll protect you fromexposure to a coronavirus
and from any virus.
And by the way, I developed this mask
primarily for chemotherapy patients.
- While it may sound like science fiction,
the company's presidentsays Argaman's work
is part of biblical prophecy.
- What comes out of this country is,
I believe we're blessed.
I really, I truly believethat we're blessed.
And our blessing should go to the world.
We should be the light upon nations.
And I think that that's afulfillment of the prophecies
and thank God we live in atime when we can do that.
- Argaman is building a newfacility in Northern Israel
to manufacture and export
their potentially lifesavingproducts around the world.
Emily Jones, CBN News.
- Thanks for joining us.
Come back next time when we take a look
at a revolutionary airpurification technology.