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'Revival Breaking Out': Thousands Choosing Christ in CA, and One Megachurch Even Quadrupled

'Revival Breaking Out': Thousands Choosing Christ in CA, and One Megachurch Even Quadrupled Read Transcript

- Amen.

Well churches in California

were starting to get to aplace of being able to meet

if they adhere to socialdistancing guidelines,

wearing masks, etcetera,

were you able to do so?

- Well The Rock Church is quite large.

And so, we have chosen to remain online

and to be the church out in the community.

So we've put our emphasis onreaching out to the community

and serving a lot of the needs.

We put together 307,000 N95 masks.

We have homemade masks.

We're feeding the poor.

I mean, we're being thechurch out in the community.

Our online viewers though,

our church has quadrupledin size as far as

the amount of people hearingand responding to the gospel.

- That's amazing Pastor.

And I understand that back inMarch churches in San Diego

were required to shut it's doors

in order to help flatten the curb

and inhibit the spread of the virus.

And San Diego did that successfully,

but at the start of Julythe governor ordered

for church members tonot sing during service.

Do you see that as anoverreach of the government?

- Well that depends onwho you are reading,

but it's not just churches,

all indoor gatherings.

And so, that was the challenge.

So businesses, hair salons, churches,

all aspects of business,restaurants, you can't be indoors.

We believe it's overreaching for sure

when there's a lot of other activities

that are probably moredynamic in spreading the virus

that are not being impacted,

but, you know, God is faithful.

We're accommodating those limits

and as you noted,

during times of persecutionthe church grows.

Our church is growing,

the influence and impactof the church is growing.

We're serving the firedepartments, police departments,

those that have been impacted.

There's a growing impactof emergency responders

that are getting COVID

and we have chaplain corps that are there

that are actually comingalongside each individual

to provide support, guidance, counsel.

And so, we're in,

and just so many ministryopportunities are just growing.

- See, I think that's thebeautiful thing that's coming out,

the silver lining that's coming out

of COVID-19 and this pandemic

is that the church isgetting outside of it's walls

because it can't be in it's walls.

Can you share a story Pastor

about one of these servicemembers, these frontline people

that you guys have ministeredto that was really touched?

- I mean, there's hundreds,

but we have certain areas of our city

that have higher incidentsof COVID exposure.

We have a large homeless population

at one of our beach communities.

And so, they are bothpolice and firefighters

that are responding to the community needs

and they have all the properPPE, but they are impacted.

So I'm personally workingwith a number of personnel

that were impacted in that community,

and they have to be in isolation,

and we're making sure they have food,

all the things that they need,

and they're on lockdown,but, you know what?

It's amazing talking to these individuals

because they are justwanting to get better

so they can get back onto the frontline.

- [Host] Wow.

- And it's just amazing people

that are putting themselves out there.

And the medical services, youknow, the medical personnel.

We've been blessed toprovide over 9600 meals

to medical personnel, nurses, doctors,

as they're being busy.

And yet you're talkingabout prayer revival,

we've had 135 churches inSan Diego come together,

we had a prayer event at11 different locations.

We had over 15,000 peoplearound San Diego or online.

We call it "We Pray SanDiego", praying for an hour

for the Lord, his work, hisrevival to be taking place.

And there's a breakingout of worship services

out in the beach communities, outdoors

that are up and down the coast right now

with thousands of peoplegathering to worship,

people repenting, gettingbaptized, coming to the Lord.

They told us we can't sing,but in the church you can hum.

(hosts laugh)

So I told the county, wellwe'll do a bell ringing service

and we'll hum and we'llcall it a humdinger service.

- [Host] Humdinger service(laughs), that's awesome.

- But you can't hold back the worship.

People are worshipingand revival breaking out.

And so, God is faithful.

- Wow, Pastor, do you think churches

will ever have theopportunity to reconvene

or are we entering a whole new area

where churches will never look the same?

- Well I don't know what the future holds,

but the early church started in homes.

And so, the church hasbeen multiplying into homes

both online and in some communities

where they're allowed around the country

to gather still in homes.

And we're having just a greatincrease of small groups

that are meeting,connecting, having community,

whether online or in person,

that it's like a revivaltaking place in small groups

where people are getting more discipled,

and I'll just share, reachingout to their neighbors.

We have that theme, love your neighbor,

you know, love God and love each other,

and our pastor constantlydrives home love your neighbor

and all of us have thisprivilege to do that.

- Amen.

Well Pastor Mickey Stonier,thank you so much for your time.

We loved hearing these stories

and seeing those peoplepraying in San Diego.

It's just amazing, powerful.

Thank you so much, God Bless.

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