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Cancer Disappears Between Check-ups

Ken, devastated by a cancer diagnosis, dedicates himself to prayer and fasting while he waits for the results during a second round of biopsies... Read Transcript

- When Dr. Merchant said you have cancer,

that was like a body blow.

(inspiring music)

- [Reporter] On March19, 2007, Ken Johnston

of Midlothian, Virginiawent for a routine checkup.

But the results of his bloodtest showed elevated PSA.

A marker for prostate cancer.

A 12 sample biopsy confirmedthe diagnosis, cancer.

- My heart sank because mymother had died of cancer

and she had a fairlylengthy lingering death.

So that was very, very sobering.

- [Reporter] His urologist,Dr. Wilson Merchant

recommended surgery, but Kena pastor for over 30 years,

wasn't convinced surgery was the answer.

- I wanted to experience what God had said

in his word in James 5, about healing.

And so I suggested tohim that maybe we pray

about the situation.

- Prostate cancer progressesslowly over 10 to 20 years.

So I was okay with waiting a few months

and I was certainly fine withpraying about the situation.

- We prayed right there in his office.

And he actually led in prayer.

- I prayed in the name of Jesus Christ,

who I believe is the Son of God

and walked on this earth.

And He healed people.

I think we, as physiciansneed to always turn

to God to heal.

- [Reporter] Ken toldhis church and asked them

to pray for healing, but hequickly pushed his concerns

and prayers for himself aside.

- There are always lots of urgent things

that demand attention now.

And so it's difficult toget an extended period

of time to seek God.

- [Reporter] Two months later,his PSA had risen to 15.5.

- I was concerned that theremight be some progression.

And so I suggested that heconsider a surgery at that time.

- It was a little bit frightening.

I had been regretting the fact

that I had not really sought God

as seriously as I might have.

I didn't give it all I hadin terms of seeking God.

- [Reporter] In spite of Ken'sreservations about surgery,

he scheduled it for later that fall.

But since Ken opted for anewer procedure using robotics,

another doctor in thepractice had to take over.

So a month before the surgery,

the new doctor had Ken goin for another PSA test.

- I wasn't too sure if Ishould be looking for a miracle

or if I should just simply go for surgery.

I just prayed a little prayerout in the parking lot.

God, I need a sign fromyou as to which way to go,

because I realized thisis serious business.

I have a wife, I have two children.

It's not just about me.

- [Reporter] Inside, Kenmet medical assistant,

Rebecca Whittle.

- I jokingly said to her,I need a good report.

And then I said to her,actually what I really need

is a healing.

- And I just say, well,you know, God sent you

to the right place.

I had cervical cancer and God healed me.

So God will heal you.

And that's when he got to talkin' about,

you know, he was a pastor and everything

and he preached it.

I said, well, then you need to live it.

If you preach it, you needto live it because it's true.

I said, I put my faith with pure that God

is gonna heal you from there.

- [Reporter] Rebeccatook his blood sample.

Soon after she got the report.

Ken's PSA had dropped from 15.5 to 7.4.

- And I thought to myself,this has to be God.

This is God sending me a message.

- [Reporter] Ken postponethe surgery again.

But this time he went to a friend's cabin

where he spent the nextthree days alone with God,

praying and fasting.

Halfway through the second day...

- There came an assurance downover me that I was healed.

And I felt like God was saying to me,

I want you to fast one more day.

And then you can go home.

I knew that I knew I was healed

because I found that I could not pray

for healing anymore.

- [Reporter] Three monthslater in January, 2008,

he went back for anotherPSA test and a new biopsy.

Ken's hopes were high,

but the test results were disappointing.

His PSA had jumped from 7.4 to 8.7.

- I thought, if I am healed,

why is this number a little higher?

So I was nervous about that.

And God seemed to speak tome very clearly and say,

"Wait for the results of the biopsy."

- [Reporter] A few dayslater on January 18th, 2008,

Ken got the biopsy results.

- All of the 12 biopsieswere free of cancer.

- I was ecstatic becauseI thought, all right,

we have seen the power of God here.

This is the manifestationof the power of God.

And that thrilled my soul.

- [Reporter] Since that time,

Ken has been clear of prostate cancer.

He credit's prayer withchanging his outcome

and his doctor agrees.

- I had no problem sayingthat this was evidence

of God's healing.

And He heals in different ways.

Sometimes He will use physicians

and their surgical procedures to heal.

I see God behind it in all things.

- The Bible say, it'simpossible to please God,

without faith.

So you just put your faithout there and believe in him,

believe in him and God isnot gonna let you down.

- He came through in a wonderful way.

And so I have more confidencewith regard to praying

for whatever it mightbe, as well as healing.

(inspiring music)

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