Federal Judge Allows Women to Obtain Abortion Pill Without In-Person Doctor Visits
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- More ripple effectsfrom the COVID-19 pandemic
reaching abortion clinicsand the fight for life,
this time in Maryland.
A federal judge in Marylandon Monday suspended an order
that required women to see aphysician at a medical office
or in the hospital toobtain an abortion pill.
The judge saying thein-person requirements
for patients seeking a chemical abortion
is likely unconstitutional
under the current COVID-19 restrictions.
Pro-life groups are pushing back saying,
the FDA regulations regardingthe pill are necessary
to protect women andshould not be overridden,
saying the in-person visitsare meant to screen women
for risk factors.
Joining us now is Kristan Hawkins.
She's the president ofthe pro life organization,
Students for life of America.
Kristan, tell us more about this ruling.
What are the risks involved
with not requiringin-person doctor's visits?
- Well, let's just state this outright,
abortion does not cure COVID.
That is kind of what the abortion industry
has been trying to say,
and this is how they're tryingto get, you know, judges
to change abortion laws in the country
in midst of this pandemic,
and this is exactly whatthey did with this case.
They ran to one judge,
and once again,
have used the courts to impose their will
upon the American people.
This is something that theabortion industry quite frankly
has wanted for a long time.
About 40% of abortions noware chemical abortions,
these chemical pills that women ingest,
and they're cheaper forthe abortion industry.
This actual ruling isactually making even cheaper,
because now they don't haveto see a woman in a clinic
before she ingests the pillto end the life of her child,
they can simply mail it to her.
This is extremely dangerous.
We know these chemical abortion pills,
about five to 7% of women who ingest them
will need a surgical abortion
to prevent a life threatening infection.
The complication risk isabout four times higher
than with the surgical abortion.
The death risk is about 10 times greater
than a surgical abortion.
So there are a lot of risk factors
that need to be screened out,
and why the FDA,
when they approved the saleand distribution of this drug
back in the early 2000s,
mandated that she has to go see a doctor
before she ingests this pill.
- And Kristan, normallythe doctor's visits
require counseling the womenprior to their decision
to take that pill.
Will this not be happening anymore at all?
- Well, it'll depend onwhat planned parenthood
and the abortion industry wants to do.
If they do maybe a Zoomcounseling session.
When you think aboutsome of the risk factors,
there's one really big risk factor
that people aren't talking about,
and that's this RH negative.
If a woman is RH negative and pregnant,
she has to be treated immediately,
during pregnancy and after pregnancy,
to prevent her from not being able
to carry future children to term.
This is something ifshe's not treated for this
during her first pregnancy,
she will not be able to carryany future children to term,
that's why you need a blood test.
So it doesn't really make sense
for the abortion industry to say,
well, it's too risky for herto go and get these pills,
let's mail her these pills,
when they should be practicinggood medicine and, you know,
ensuring that everywoman gets a blood test
to make sure she's not RH negative.
And this is something
that really needs to be talked about,
but no one really is,
and if they're following safety protocols,
she's going to have togo somewhere anyway.
- What could this mean forabortion clinics in other States?
Do you think we're gonnasee more rulings like this?
- Absolutely.
Like I said,
this is the abortion industryhas been trying for years
to get the majority ofabortions to be chemical.
It's cheaper for them,
they don't have to pay forthe disposal of the bodies.
You know, as you all know,
from the Center for MedicalProgress investigation in 2015,
they have a problem withgetting rid of the bodies
of children they abort andthey were selling them.
So this is easier for them.
It's cheaper for them.
We fought a law in thestate of California,
called the SB-24 that now mandates that
every state university campus,
distribute the chemical abortion pill,
and Planned Parenthoodis the paid consultant
who gets to come in and talkabout how to use these pills
on these campuses.
So this is part of their broader agenda,
is to get abortions to bethrough the pill, through mail.
She doesn't have to go see anybody
because they want them to be cheaper
and they want to beable to do them faster.
- All right, Kristan Hawkins
of Students for life of America.
Thank you for your time, Kristan.