Isabella tries to treat an inexplicable rash through aggressive prescriptions but what heals her would leave even her doctor speechless.
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- My name is Isabelle
and I'm originally from Kenya.
And right now we are empty-nesters,
so it's just me and my husband.
For leisure I do have a little garden
that me and my husband put together.
It was around June 2019
when I noticed that I wasreally having an issue
when I started having itch
and feeling like I needed to scratch.
It was a redish rash, itchy,
and it kept looking like it was moving
up and down on both sides.
Then it got to a point, now itwas on the side of my breast.
So painful!
I would go to work and leave my desk
just to go to the bathroomjust to rub on it.
What is this now?
But the hydrocortisone thatnormally helps would not help.
That's when I startedgoing to see the doctor.
All she told me, "I wantyou to use this cream.
"Come back in three weeks to see me".
I did use it for three weeks.
I went back and I told herI don't see any improvement.
And I looked at myself in the mirror.
And I said this thing is not going away.
I'm a believer, too.
I'm on a women prayer ministry,
and you know, you canpray for other people
and they get a breakthrough,
but I've been always asking myother sisters in our ministry
I've been praying for certain things,
but I don't get to see any breakthrough.
And they tell me, calmdown, your time will come.
(dramatic music)
I was watching The 700Club with my husband
after he had mentioned tome that he had watched it
two days earlier and wasimpressed with the program.
And after a few minutes, Terri, she said,
- Someone else, you havean inexplicable rash
that's been spreading on your body.
It's not, you've been to the doctor.
It's not any known disease.
It just hasn't been able to be addressed.
God's doing that for you right now.
It's just gonna begin to disappear
and be gone in Jesus' Name.
- And I said, she is talking about me.
And I'm gonna take it.
I receive it, I'm gonna be well.
(gentle music)
But you know, in my natural sense also
I'm like, okay whenwill tomorrow get here.
So I went to sleep that night.
Yes, the next day I took a shower.
I didn't have the redness.
I dressed up, got ready to go to work.
I had no redness.
The next day!
It didn't take 24 hours.
It was less than 24 hours!
I believe anything is possible.
I don't have the problemthat I had anymore
and I'm enjoying watchingThe 700 Club every day.
There is no distance in prayer.
As much as Terri and Pat were not actually
in my living room, theysaid there in Virginia,
and I'm here in Texas, andthey were able to pray for me.
It was a healing breakthrough
and it came at a timewhen I really needed it.