- Welcome to "The 700 Club."
Roger Stone made headlinesafter President Trump commuted
his prison sentences over the weekend
but there's a side to Stonestory that you won't hear
anywhere else with a twistthat will surprise you.
CBN News David Brody brings us this
exclusive interview with Roger Stone.
- Now that Roger Stone isno longer going to jail,
he has quite a few people to thank.
Of course, Donald Trumpright at the top of the list.
But spiritually speaking,he has someone even greater
than Trump to thank andthat is Jesus Christ.
So how did this come about?
Well about six monthsago in the middle of all
his legal troubles,Stone attended an outdoor
prayer service in Floridaled by Franklin Graham.
Stone tells me he was desperate,struggling, stressed out.
Graham had met with him before the event
and that night Stone made his move.
- At that moment, I felt the calling.
I stood up with 500 other people.
I wasn't the slightest bit embarrassed.
I confessed that I was a sinner.
I repeated a pledge that he recited,
and it was as if a cementblock was lifted off my chest.
I can't even explain it.
- [David] Stone says it gavehim security about his future.
- I was never scaredand I was never worried.
I was completely confident that the Lord
would guide the presidentto do the right thing.
- [David] For decades, theprovocateur enjoyed a reputation
as the bad boy of politics.
Then came convictions of lying to Congress
and obstructing acongressional investigation
into Trump's 2016 presidential campaign.
- I don't regret anythingthat I did in 2016
'cause I didn't break the law.
They wanted me to lie,to bear false witness
against the president in returnfor some kind of leniency.
- [David] Most politicalobservers would expect Stone
to be on the warpath against his enemies.
But now, despite anger against prosecutors
that he says were dishonestand politically motivated,
Stone says he's on a new path.
- Here's the big difference, David.
In the old days, I wouldhave wanted revenge.
I would have wanted to take revenge
against every one of thembut now I've realized
that vengeance is God's, it's not mine.
I no longer am obsessedwith the Sicilian concept
of revenge, which generallyspeaking is a dish
that tastes best when eaten cold.
- [David] Still, Stonecouldn't resist putting
what he's been through in spiritual terms.
- I really do believethat those who are trying
to undo this president, thosewho are trying to destroy me,
trying to destroy Michael Flynn,
who's a very good man and greatAmerican patriot war hero,
I do believe they're satanic.
They cut corners and what'soutrageous is their arrogance,
their moral superiority, when in fact,
they have no morals at all.
I don't believe that anyof these people involved
in my prosecution arereally believers in God.
- [David] CBN News reachedout to former members
of the Special Counsel's office
about Stone's satanic remark.
A spokesman declined to comment.
When it comes to Stone, however,one thing hasn't changed.
- I can guarantee you I don'tintend to become boring.
- [David] But still he has regrets.
- I do regret the factthat it took this long
for me to return to thechurch 'cause I realized
that I could have had the solitude
and the solace and thestrength and the fortitude
to fight this much earlier.
I went through a year ofhell before I found the way.
- [David] Will he find theway to pray for his enemies?
- The Lord will deal with them
so it's not like they will go unpunished.
That makes it easier to pray for them
for when that moment comes.
- [David] As for Stone's immediate future,
he wants to help re-elect President Trump,
this time from his perch on the outside.
As for his purpose goingforward, he's waiting on God.
- I think God put me in this position
at this time for a purpose.
So if God has a mission forme, He hasn't revealed it
to me yet, but if Hedoes, I'm ready for duty.
- [David] And he can expecta lot of eyes will be on him.
David Brody, CBN News, Washington.
- Thanks, David.
I have been so amazedthat the fo-fo affront
that is being shown by NancyPelosi and Mitt Romney,
people like that thispartner was so horrible.
Let me just show you for the number
of pardons that have been given.
President Trump has 36 pardons.
Barack Obama had 1,927.
Bill Clinton had 459, justto get them in perspective.
But here are the people, now get this,
Bill Clinton pardoned financier Mark Rich.
He had been number six on the government's
list of most wanted fugitives.
He pardoned his own brotherfor distributing cocaine
and he commuted the sentencesof convicted terrorists.
Barack Obama commuted thesentences of Oscar Lopez Rivera.
Rivera was a leader of a Marxist group,
it was once the most dangerousterrorist group in the U.S.
He'd set off more than 130 bombs
and he also commuted the sentence
of Chelsea Manning, a U.S. Army soldier
who provided classifieddocuments to Wikileaks.
And what Trump has done withRoger Stone is absolutely
perfectly in order, it's in his power.
And for the people to sound this alarm,
it just makes me sick in my stomach.
But think of that, 38 pardons by Trump,
1,927 by Obama, Clinton459, including pardoning
his own brother for cocaine possession.
This thing, it shows them there's a hunger
in our society for somethingbetter, for righteousness.
I have a book weintroduced yesterday called
"I Walk With the Living God"and people are just so hungry
for a moral standard.
They're just desperately seeking.
And you read the book?
- I read the book and whatI love is the the miracles
and to see the power of God demonstrated
in one person's life andyou were a new believer.
So we get to walk along with you
as you're learning how to walk with God
and you can't put it down.
It's such a faith builder.
And you realize God isno respecter of persons.
A that what He did for youHe can do for all of us.
- It's the unvarnishedtruth and I am happy
to report the results.
It has been one or twoon Amazon of faith books,
Christian faith and it'smoving up in terms of sales.
I'm very pleased to see.
- I loved your first memoir that you wrote
about 25 years ago.
Lots happened since then so this has that
plus all the details, I love details,
and especially when it comesto God and answered prayers.
It's really fascinatingso if you haven't gotten
Pat's new book yet it is wonderful.
- "I Walk With the Living God."
I'm just hoping it'lltouch many, many lives.
In other news, a potential vaccine
for the coronavirus is readyfor the final phase of testing.
Why are scientists encouragedby the data so far?
John Jessup explains that.
- Thanks, Pat.
Tests on a potential vaccineare showing promising results
as the biotech companyModerna releases data
from a phase one clinical trial.
It shows that all 45people who took the shots
developed antibodiesneeded to fight the virus
at a level four timesgreater than those found
in patients who'verecovered from an infection.
Scientists point outthere's still no evidence
that antibodies createimmunity or for how long.
However, once said, theseare the kind of results
that you want to see from an early trial
Moderna is set to begin thethird and final phase of
trials later this month aimingfor 30,000 participants.
The company says it hopes to distribute
500 million doses a year starting in 2021.
And that's welcome news with cases
skyrocketing across the country.
More than 3.4 million Americansare infected with COVID-19
with at least 38 states nowseeing a resurgence in cases.
Florida saw its deadliest day Tuesday
with more than 130 virus related deaths.
In Texas, hospitals arerunning low on ICU beds,
antiviral medication, and personnel.
The head of the CDC sayshe fears the situation
will get worse before it gets better.
- We think the fall and the winter of 2020
and 2021 are going to be probably one
of the most difficult times that
we've experienced inAmerican public health.
- Dr. Anthony Fauci sayshe hopes life can get back
to normal soon but by soon he clarified
that he meant at least 12 to 18 months.
In the early days of the pandemic,
the nation of Israel was hailed as a model
in fighting COVID-19 butnow a second wave is causing
havoc including record high unemployment
and protests in the streets.
CBN Middle East Bureau Chief
Chris Mitchell explains from Jerusalem.
(sirens blaring)(people yelling)
- [Chris] In Jerusalem Tuesday night,
several thousand demonstrators both rioted
and protested the government's handling
of the COVID-19 crisis.
Just days ago, thousandsof Israelis gathered
in Tel Aviv to protestthe government's lack
of support for Israelis out of work.
- We are not workingalready nearly five months
and unfortunately mostof us have not received
any compensation fromthe Israeli government
and this is really a tragedy.
How you can feed your familyand pay your employees
after five months with zero income?
- [Chris] In an attempt tostop the economic bleeding,
Prime Minister Netanyahu promised relief.
(speaking in foreign language)
- I directed the immediateestablishment of a joint forum,
round tables, togetherwith the self-employed
and with the business owners so that
we can resolve the problems.
- The economic problems are daunting.
Israel is experiencingan unemployment rate
of more than 20% and oneof its main industries,
tourism is among the hardest hit.
You can see the evidencedriving around Jerusalem
where dozens of tourist buses sit parked,
hotels remain closed, and manytourist shops are shuttered.
So how did Israelis gofrom a shining example
of handling COVID-19 in April to today?
Some believe it's simply because
Israelis didn't follow the threerequirements for reopening:
wearing face masks,maintaining social distance,
and personal hygiene.
Since then, daily cases have risen
from just double digitsto more than 1,000.
Tuesday saw a record ofmore than 1700 new cases.
The crisis has led to ashortage of the drug Remdesivir
and a threat of a nationwide strike
by the nurses union whosay they're overworked.
One Israeli official said the country is
"one step from a full lockdown"
while some hard-hit areashave been quarantined.
- We respect those decisions because
for us a life is a life andit's not just another number
and so we want to make surethat everybody is safe at home.
- [Chris] The governmentalso sent mixed messages.
For example, when theKnesset overruled the Cabinet
for its closures on pools and gyms.
All this has led to a dramatic fall
in the polls for Netanyahu.
In April 30% of Israelis were unhappy
with his handling of the crisis,
now that poll has doubled to 61%.
Meanwhile, on an optimistic note,
United Airlines announcedit will open a new route
from Chicago to Tel Avivstarting this September.
Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.
- Thanks, Chris.
- You wouldn't thinkthey'd be having this kind
of trouble but that's what happens.
This is virus is just deadly.
It doesn't respect any religionor any group of people.
We encourage you to pray forIsrael during this pandemic.
We have a free booklet to help you,
it's called "How You Can Pray For
Israel During the Corona virus Pandemic."
Just call the number onyour screen, 800-700-7000
and we'll give you a free copy.
And we think we should.