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America, the Land of Faith and Miracles

William J. Federer shares the miraculous stories in American history where God intervened. Read Transcript

(upbeat music)

- Well, America is under attack

from forces that want to turn our republic

into a socialist state

and wipe out the biblical principles

of the foundation of our nation.

Author and historian, William Federer

is shining a light on the heroes

who fought to keep our country free

and the amazing stories ofGod's miraculous intervention

in American history.

Would you please welcomeback to "The 700 Club"

our good friend Bill Federer.

Now, Bill this book "Miracles

of America's History Volume Two"

fascinating, the history is fascinating.

Tell us about who John Marrant was

and why was he importantto the Cherokee Indians.

- So, the year is 1755and John Marrant is born,

he's a free black in New York.

He's smart, he plays theviolin and the French horn.

He goes with his family, hisdad dies, down to Georgia.

And there he here's theGreat Awakening preacher,

George Whitefield.

He gets saved, he getsso excited for Jesus,

he gets rejected by his family,

so he goes off and lives in the woods.

He's befriended by the Cherokee.

He learns to speak their language

and he is there for several years

and then the British stir up the Cherokee

to fight the Revolutionary War.

So, here we have Georgiaon the verge of war

and the chief catches John Marrant

and is about to kill him

when John Marrant begins topreach to the chief in Cherokee

and the chief gets saved.

Then he gives JohnMarrant freedom to preach

to the Cherokee, Creek, Catawba, Husaw.

And then he goes backto preach to the slaves

in South Carolina andthe British catch him

and impress him into the British Navy.

And then he winds up in England

and he preaches the gospel in England

and then he goes to Nova Scotia,

Greens Harbour, New Finlandand preaches to a great number

of Indian and Whites.

And his life is so amazingthat the Countess of Huntingdon

published "A Narrative ofthe Lord's Wonderful dealings

with the Black Man, John Marrant,"

and it went through 17 editions.

Just an amazing story of a black man

that was born at a time whenGeorgia was on the verge

of war but he let the Lord use him

to bring many, many people to Christ.

- Well, tell us also aboutthe man who founded one

of the first blackcongregations of America.

- Right, so another slave,his name is George Lyle

and his master brings him to church.

He hears a Great Awakening preacher

and he gets so excited,he's preaching Jesus.

His master frees him andhelps him to start a church.

It's considered, possiblythe very first black church

in America, The SilverBluff Baptist Church

in Beach Island South Carolina, 1773.

Well, then the British, again

starting to stir up the war, they,

George Lyle goes to Savannah Georgia

and there is a plantationthat they let him use the barn

for a church.

And one of the people that gets saved

is a black man, Andrew Bryan

and the church, he becomes the pastor

and then Andrew Bryan

renames the church TheFirst African Baptist Church

and it grows to 700 members

and they're sending out missionaries.

One is David George andhe's sent to Novia Scotia

and then to Sierra Leone.

And then when it heats up even more,

George Lyle decides to go to Jamaica.

He puts himself as an indentured servant,

he and his wife and fourkids goes to Jamaica.

He works off his debt, he'sarrested a couple of times

but he ends up starting Baptist Churches

all around Jamaica, 8,000people become Christian.

Just an amazing story.

This is 10 years before William Carey,

the great missionary to India

is this black man, George Lyle

and he's possibly consideredthe very first missionary

sent out from America.

- Bill, there's somethingwe've known about

in history it's called theHaystack Prayer Meeting.

Tell us about that, that changed America.

- Williams CollegeMassachusetts, some students

are walking back fromclass across a field,

there's a downpour of rain.

They hide under a haystackand while they're there

they pray for world missionsand commit their lives

to world missions.

The rain stops, they go to class,

they tell the other students,

they commit their lives to world missions.

They started AmericanBoard of Foreign Missions

and the next 50 years theysend out 1200 missionaries

and they go to Burma and Jamaica

and Korea and Hawaii.

Well, Adoniram Judson is one of these

and he goes to Brown University

and has a classmate named Jacob Eames

that talks him into being an atheist.

And so he graduates and he starts a school

and he's traveling across New York in 1808

and he's staying at an inn

and he can't sleep becausethere's somebody in the next room

groaning and dying and thenfinally gets quiet and dies

and while he doesn't carebecause he's now an atheist.

Well, he's checking out of the inn

and he asks, "Who was that that died?"

Well, it was Jacob Eames, the very friend

that talked him into being an atheist.

And so Adoniram Judson decidesto renew his Christian faith

and he is 23-years-oldand his new wife, Ann,

they go all the way to Indiaand they meet William Carey

and then they go to Burma.

One of the missionaries that went with him

was Luther Rice.

He comes back to America, raises money,

he starts the Southern Baptist Convention.

He starts the George Washington University

where the administration building

is still Luther Rice University

and he's sending money to Adoniram Judson.

Adoniram Judson's arrested,put in the prison,

they think he's a British spy.

He's tortured, hung up by his feet

and then his wife isthe only Western woman

in the entire nation

but finally he ends uptranslating the Bible

into Burmese, it's now Myanmar

and there's over six millionChristians in Myanmar

and they all trace theirhistory to Adoniram Judson

and this Haystack Prayer Meeting Revival

in the early 1800's.

- Well, Bill, I wannathank you for this book

and for the work you're doing.

This is called "Miraclesof American History"

and it's filled with wonderful stories.

You can get this, where'syour book available, where?

- It's,

- Okay, well, it's justfascinating, ladies and gentlemen

to see the history of America.

And we hear all thiscrazy stuff that's going

to tear down our history

and you realize the wonderful people,

Indian people, black people,

people of all races and colors

who have come to the Lord

and doing miraculous things.

We don't wanna destroy that

and Bill Federer has done a great job

in highlighting these things for us.


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