Hannah Keeley shares her free program for moms and families dealing with increased stay-at-home time during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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- Has COVID-19 had you and the kids
cooped up for weeks on end?
Well, now it's summer and most pools
aren't open, camps are canceled.
So are you desperate forsomething to do with them?
Well, America's number onemom coach has the answer.
- In the 10 day coach challenge. Now, I'm-
- [Narrator] Hannah Keeley, founder
of Mom Mastery University andthe mother of seven children,
understands the challengeof keeping your kids happy,
busy, and engaged duringquarantine and beyond.
- Share this, because there area lot of moms that are like,
"Oh my gosh. What am I gonna do?
They're already driving me crazy."
You're talking to a mom with seven kids,
veteran homeschooler. Igot you, you're safe here.
- [Narrator] In the 14-DayCoronavirus Family Retreat Kit,
Hannah shares tips andtricks to help your family
not only survive these difficult times,
but have fun doing it.
Well, Hannah, on behalfof moms everywhere,
I welcome you to(laughing) "The 700 Club."
It's good to have you with us.
- Thank you so much.
I really appreciate this, so much fun.
- Well, as the mother of seven children,
you had your own setof parenting challenges
(laughing) before COVID.
What did you realizeyears ago that helped you
create a better life for your family?
- Well, it's funny,because we hear so much
about the negative aspectof quarantining at home,
sheltering here, and we forget
that God works all things out for good,
and so we can actually takeadvantage of this time.
What a perfect time toconsciously reconnect as a family.
- Sometimes I think people don't know
where to begin with that.
You're known as America'snumber one mom coach.
What's the scripture that's the foundation
of your coaching strategy, and why?
- Well, the scriptureis, "Do not be conformed
to the pattern of thisworld, but be transformed
by the renewing of your mind."
That way we can test andprove what God's will
is for our life is good,is pleasing, is prosperous.
That's Romans 12:2.
And I believe that we can either conform
to the way this worldoperates, and you can see
that really doesn't getyou (laughs) anywhere,
or you can be transformed when we renew
our mind to His Word.
And He designs for usto enjoy being together,
to enjoy our families, andto glorify Him through it.
- And to enjoy the gift that life is.
You've gone beyond helpingmoms keep their kids
occupied in positive, meaningful ways.
You've helped women payoff debt, lose weight,
salvage their marriages, et cetera.
What do you say to them?
- I am truly, it's sohumbling to see what God
will do through one personwho is willing to say,
"Okay, let's do this.
What do you wanna do?"
I remember, in my own overwhelm, Terry,
I was just in the pit.
I was overwhelmed. I was depressed.
My house was cluttered.I didn't know what to do.
And God really just instructed me,
just like He said, "Get up,pick up your mat and walk,"
He said, "Get up andfold up your clothes."
And that one littlecommand, when I'm obedient,
He started revealing moreand more and more to me
about how to really notjust survive this life,
but to thrive and enjoy it.
And through that, I just started
helping other moms createthat same abundant life
that Jesus wants them to live,
and it's just grown and grown.
It's totally His doing.
- Sometimes I think when we get stuck
in those places like you're talking about,
we just need somebody tosay, to come alongside
of us and say, "You can dothis," and "Let's start here."
You've created the 14-DayCoronavirus Family Retreat Kit,
and it's absolutely free.
Tell us about it.
- Yeah, absolutely.
At FamilyRetreatKit.com,we just created a kit
to help moms right now, families,
who are a bit overwhelmed and like,
"Okay, we're at home, we'redriving each other crazy.
What do we do besides justscroll on our phones?"
There's so much we can do.
And we have a specialtheme for every single day,
supplies you can get, justthings to add a bit of fun to it.
Things from Self-Care Day,fun things like Retro Day,
we're all putting on leg warmers,
flashback to the '80s, having fun there.
So just a lot of activities you can do
instead of just, seeingeach other every day
and saying, "Okay, what do we do?"
(laughs) There's so many possibilities.
- Well, and sometimes justhaving a plan is so helpful.
That's what you've reallycreated for us as moms.
So I don't have to comeup with some genius idea,
(laughing) I get to borrowyours and do it with my kids.
What are some of the things that your kids
have enjoyed the most?
- Oh, so many things,Terry, so many things.
Well, one day we hadArt Day, and we decided
to get some canvases at the store,
they're super cheap,it doesn't take a lot,
some acrylic paints, andwe watched YouTube videos
to show us how to paintpictures and use acrylics
and use watercolors,and it was so much fun.
I would never show you the artwork,
it is not something that would be hanging
in a gallery (laughing)anywhere, but it was fun,
and it was just enjoyable to sit around
and do that together.
We've also played a lot of card games,
board games, we've gone outside
and done a lot of outdoor activities.
There's so many things you can do.
And you're right, whenyou're in the middle of it
and you're like, "I don'treally know what to do.
I've got all the kids here,I still have all the things
I have to do at home,the laundry stacking up.
I just need someone to come aside me, say,
'Hey, girl, I got ya. I'lldo the same for you.'"
So that's why we created this,
just so you would have a plan.
And it's very simple, like,
"Okay, today we're gonna do this."
Like today is Carnival Day.
Today we're gonna be face painting.
But you gotta be careful with that.
I remember one time when Iwas doing this with my kids,
I have seven kids, and theywere really young at the time.
So we painted each other's faces
and I totally forgot about itand went out to Target later,
(Terry laughs)and I got some
really weird stares'cause I didn't realize
my face was pink! (laughs)
- You needed a mask!
(both laugh)
- I did, I did.
That would have come inreally handy at that time.
- (laughs) So how do ourviewers get your free download?
- Yeah, you can go toFamilyRetreatKit.com.
And also I have mywebsite, HannahKeeley.com,
it's pretty simple there.
And we're always doingthings on social media
to encourage moms andjust be able to laugh
through this and havefun and use this time.
Instead of griping our way through it,
we can just reallyenjoy this and have fun.
- Thank you, Hannah Keeley. It's amazing.
Folks, if you didn't get thatconnection, go to CBN.com.
We'll have the Family RetreatKit information there.
Great to have you with us.
Thanks, Hannah.- Thank you.