'Clear Bias': Despite Massive NYC Protests, Police Hand-Pick 2 Pro-Lifers to Arrest Near Planned Parenthood
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- Two women are speakingout after what they say
was an obvious show of bias byauthorities in New York City.
Pro-life advocates, BevelynBeatty and Edmee Chavannes,
co-founders of At the Well Ministries,
were peacefully protestingabortion in front of the
Margaret Sanger PlannedParenthood facility
in Manhattan when they werehandcuffed and taken away
in a police cruiser for breaking COVID-19
social distancing guidelines.
This as massive crowdsgathered down the street
over the killing of George Floyd.
Bevelyn and Edmee join us now
to share more of what happened.
Thank you for joining us!
- Thank you for having us, Hi!- Thank you for having us.
- So tell us a little more about that day
and why you think you two were targeted.
Bevelyn, let's begin with you.
- Well, as people may know,
New York City is ran by Governor Cuomo,
yeah, Governor Cuomo, he'sthe Governor, of course,
and then Mayor de Blasio runs the city.
And they're Democratran, they're very biased,
and they really couldcare less about life.
The same time we got arrested,men were out looting,
destroying New York City.
Fifth Avenue is gone, okay,there's no more Fifth Avenue.
There's no more Tiffany,Louis Vuitton, none of that.
It's gone, okay?
But they took the time to arrest us
for peacefully protestingbecause they're biased.
This is just the proofin the pudding right now
that they are a biased leadership.
- What is your take,Edmee, on what happened?
- Well, this is not new interms of having to confront
the police when it comesto the pro-life ministry
that we've been doing nowfor a year and a half.
We know most of thepolice force in New York.
They're usually great, youknow, they understand the rules.
The one thing is that thistime they used the COVID-19
virus excuse when itcomes to the regulations,
to get us arrested.
So their excuse is that wedid not social distance.
But my question is, howcome the abortionist is not
social distancing fromthe mothers and the babies
that are being murdered?
It boggles my mind howwe've had to nickel and dime
with the police, whenbabies are being murdered.
I'll ask anyone watching now,
if you had your child in that clinic
being dismembered, being suctioned,
wouldn't you break thewalls to get that child?
And so, that's where we wereand we were telling people
what was goin' on andtrying to get attention
and plead with the mothers.
And we got arrested for doing that.
- Now you have a September court date now,
what are you being charged with exactly,
and do you plan to fight it?
- Yes, we have a team already.
Thomas Moore is defendingus, representing us.
Yes, that's September 25th in Manhattan,
and right now we're chargedwith failure to disperse.
But, the crazy thing is,they do not have record
of arresting us.
They didn't take a recordof actually arresting us,
booking us, anything.
Though it's caught on camera,they did not document that.
All they did was give usa summons at the station,
after sitting there fortwo hours in holding cells.
So, a lot of discrepancieshappened that day,
and I think the policedidn't think we would
get this much exposure, sothey kinda played themselves.
So we don't know how things are gonna end,
but we are more than positiveit's gonna be a victory
and we're gonna sue themto the fullest extent.
And we're gonna do thisfor every other pro-lifer
and abolitionist that stands out there
on that public sidewalkand they're gonna be able
to use their voice and push and fight
for these innocentchildren, God's children.