(stately music)
- Well, welcome to "The 700 Club."
The future of Israel ishanging in the balance.
Well, what's going on?
Well, as a criticalmove in the coming days
that not only risksstability in the Middle East,
it'll also threatenthe Israeli government.
Well, what's going on,
and why has it putPrime Minister Netanyahu
and Benny Gantz at odds?
Our Chris Mitchellexplains from Jerusalem.
- [Chris] From the Middle East to Europe
and across the Atlantic,
world leaders are debatingwhether Israel can annex
nearly one third of the WestBank, or Judea and Samaria.
But David Parsons sees theterm annexation as misleading,
since Israel is not seizing land.
- Because they are essentiallyjust asserting their title
to something that they alreadyhave a right and claim to.
The international communityrecognized it 100 years ago
at the San Remo Conference.
The League of Nations mandate in 1922 that
the Jewish people have aclaim to this entire land.
- [Chris] President Trump'sso-called deal of the century
triggered the possible claim to the land.
- What's interesting is thatPresident Trump has said
if the Palestines won't cometo the table right away,
Israel can start the process
of incorporating this 30%, up to 30%,
into the modern sovereign state of Israel.
- [Chris] After meeting withadvisors to both Netanyahu
and alternate Prime Minister Benny Gantz,
Joel Rosenberg says they don'tsee eye to eye on the timing.
- When I sit with close advisorsto Prime Minister Netanyahu
they make a very interesting case.
They say, "Okay, Joel, whyis this summer different
"from all other summers?
"We didn't pick this summer."
The President of the UnitedStates is the first president
in history to lay out apeace plan that allows us
to have more territory in Biblical lands
than we ever have been offered by, I mean,
nobody has ever offered us that.
When you talk to the close advisors
to Defense Minister AlternatePrime Minister Benny Gantz,
they say, "Well, wesupport that, the idea,
"and we support thePresident's peace plan.
"However, is this the right moment?"
- The division betweenBenny Gantz and Netanyahu
has led some Israeli political pundits
to speculate whether annexationwill collapse the government
and lead to new elections,
but for now, the focusis on the White House
and whether Israelisovereignty will be declared
over at least part ofIsrael's Biblical heartland.
Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.
- Well, in other news,
a political firestormis blazing in Washington
and it's not just about John Bolton's book
"Fanning the Flames."
Attorney General WilliamBarr is under fire,
and Efrem Graham has that story and more
from the CBN Newsroom, here's Efrem.
- Pat, House Democrats arecalling for an investigation
into Attorney GeneralBarr's role in the removal
of a U.S. district attorney,
with one saying he should be impeached,
and Bolton's book is out this week,
even though a judge saysit risks national security.
All this as the Presidentreturns to the campaign trail
over this past weekend.
Gary Lane has the story.
- Campaign 2020 is now in full swing,
with the President holdinghis first rally since March
and as pre-Fourth of Julypolitical fireworks erupt
in Washington.
In Tulsa, the President blamed the media
for spreading fear andnegativity about the rally.
He also said protestors outsidethe arena blocked access,
leading to a smaller thanexpected crowd and empty seats.
- You are warriors, thank you.
We had some very bad people outside.
(crowd cheering)
We had some very bad people outside,
they were doing bad things.
I stand before you today to declare
the silent majority isstronger than ever before.
(crowd cheering)
- [Gary] The silent majority is the least
of the President's concerns this week.
A federal judge has ruled that this book,
"The Room Where It Happened" written by
former Trump NationalSecurity Advisor John Bolton,
can be released.
In an exclusive interview with"ABC News" Martha Raddatz,
Bolton accuses Trump ofputting his own interests
ahead of the country's.
- He was so focused on the reelection that
longer term considerationsfell by the wayside.
- [Gary] Slamming Trump on hisnegotiations with North Korea
and Russian's President Putin.
- [John] I think Putin thinks
he can play him like a fiddle.
- [Gary] In his ruling, thejudge said Bolton gambled
with national security and opened himself
to civil and potential criminal liability,
but drafts of the book arealready in the hands of the media
and there's no calling them back.
The President says Bolton'sbook is full of lies
and he may be prosecuted
for revealing classified information.
Bolton says he's confidentthere's no classified information
in the book.
Senator Tim Scott saysBolton should have appeared
when given a chance to testifybefore the House last year.
- So, for $29.95,
he can monetize hisnational security clearance,
but under oath, he would'vehave an opportunity
to answer questions andnot just make assertions.
- [Gary] Meanwhile, atthe Department of Justice,
political fallout for thePresident and the Attorney General
over the firing of the federal prosecutor
for the Southern District of New York.
Geoffrey Berman sent thePresident's personal attorney,
Michael Cohen, to prison
and was looking into currentTrump lawyer Rudy Giuliani
for his work investigatingHunter Biden and Ukraine.
House Judiciary CommitteeChairman Jerrold Nadler says
Attorney General Barrdeserves to be impeached
for doing the President's bidding.
President Trump deniesinvolvement in the firing.
(helicopter whirring)- Well, that's all up
to the Attorney General,
Attorney General Barr is working on that.
So, that's really up tohim, I'm not involved.
- [Gary] The President'scritics says he's been pushing
for Berman's firing for months.
Nadler's Committee will investigate.
Gary Lane, CBN News.
- A lot happening there, Pat.
- Well, that Southern District of New York
is a real hot bed, but thetruth is that these attorneys
serve at the pleasureof the President and...
Preet Bharara was theone who was so adamant
about leaving when they,they dismissed him,
but also, the current...
U.S. Attorney had to resign, I mean,
he serves the, he said hewas appointed by judges
and therefore judges hadto take him out but that,
he's resigned and...
There's no way you can impeach the...
Attorney General on firing some...
District attorney, I mean, some, but,
this guy was sure goingafter the Trump people,
and the other thing, therally that the President had,
I'm under the impressionthere was some organizations
that handed in...
Requests for invitation,they had to sign some waivers
about liability and a lot of 'em did that
and it inflated the crowdsand then they didn't show up
and so it wasn't just fake media,
there was people playinggames and those games
can hurt if you...
Plan an event based onthat kind of a crowd,
and then the crowd is diminished.
But so, it's, it's hardballthey're playing and...
You know, there's no holds barred, Efrem.
- Pat, President Trump may be considering
a change of directionin his Venezuela policy.
Axios reports in an Oval Office interview
with the President,
he said he's open to meetingwith Dictator Nicolas Maduro.
The Administration has pursueda maximum pressure campaign
to force Maduro out,
publicly backing VenezuelanNational Assembly Leader
Juan Guaido as the legitimate leader,
but the Presidentreportedly is not impressed
with Guaido's failure totake control from Maduro,
and while he's still firmly opposed
to Maduro's socialist policies,
he said he's neveropposed to meetings, Pat.
- I think a meeting withMaduro would elevate Maduro
in the eyes of the peopleand make him look like
he's a legitimate leader.
He is a thug, he has destroyed Venezuela.
We should have sent the,
riots for the OAS, they shouldhave moved against Maduro.
He is supported by Cuban troops
and he has troops thatapparently are loyal to him
and it's those armed forcesthat are keeping him in power,
and for the President of the United States
to sit down and parlay witha guy like that is wrong.
He is just a thug, and we should,
if there was ever a timethat the United States,
but I ask not just the US, but the OAS,
the Organization of American States,
they should a long time agohave come against Venezuela.
That country has beenabsolutely destroyed.
It has been made a basket case.
People are in desperate condition.
They are starving.
There isn't enough money,
the inflation is running out of sight,
and I understand that there was some
surreptitious gold shipments,
where he sent the gold inplanes out of the country
to Iran or some place like that,
because he's out of,not only out of gold but
the oil has just about run out, too.
So he has no source of income
and for the President of theUnited States to meet with him
would be a tragic, tragic mistake, Efrem.
- Pat, here in the United States,
there have been two shootings in Seattle's
occupied protest zonein less than 48 hours.
That's the six blockarea in Downtown Seattle
where protestors have taken control
after police deserted their precinct.
The latest shooting happened Sunday night.
The victim is in the hospitaland is in serious condition.
That shooting comes afteranother before dawn Saturday
in the zone.
It killed a 19-year-old boy
and left a 33-year-oldman critically injured.
Body cam video shows police moving in
then protestors forcing officers away.
- [Officer] Please move out of the way
so we can get to the victim.
All we're trying to dois get to the victim.
- [Efrem] Volunteer medics took the victim
to the hospital.
No arrests have been made.
Police have only been going into that zone
if there is an active shooteror a mass casualty situation.
President Trump has criticizedthe city's Democratic mayor
and the state's Democratic governor
for allowing this zone to continue, Pat.
- The right of the people to peaceably...
Address their governmentfor redress of grievances
shall not be abridged.
There's nothing in theConstitution that gives people
the right to take over blocks of a city
and set up a separate government in it,
and I tell ya, the fact that,
we should go in there with full force
and teargas and let those people have it.
We cannot allow thiskind of thing to go on
in the United States.
If it happens in Seattle,the next thing you know,
it's gonna happen in San Francisco
and then it's gonna happen in Cleveland,
and it's gonna happenall across the country.
We cannot be allowed,
and the Governor and the Mayor should know
that they've done something wrong,
and I heard a suggestion,it was a very good one.
Cut off their power,cut off their utilities,
cut off their cell phone,
block the cell phones sothey can't talk to anybody,
and then if you have to, starve 'em out,
but if not, go in with maximum force.
You know...
Peaceable protests shouldbe allowed to continue,
but this isn't a peaceful protest,
it is a revolution.
We cannot allow ourcountry to be taken over
by these people,
and it's time for theGovernor and the Mayor
out there in Seattle to stand up,
and if that city, it'sgonna be torn apart,
and Seattle is a very lovely city,
but it's now gonnabecome known as the place
where the war zone was,
and if it spreads, it'llbe like a contagion.
When you talk about the coronavirus,
there's nothing thatcan match the severity
of a revolution if it'sallowed to continue,
and I've been reading books about
all the way back to George Washington
and there was a whiskeyrebellion in the western...
Part of our country,
and they tried to revoltagainst the country
and George Washington senttroops and said no way.
Well, that's the model we should follow.
You send in the troops,
but this is state sovereignty,
and the Governor, I mean, whywould we want people like that
running these cities andrunning these states?
It is an abomination, Efrem.
- Pat, the White House ispreparing for a second wave
of the coronavirus,
restocking the nationalsupply of medical equipment
in the case of a surge in the fall.
At least 11 states set recordhighs in cases this weekend
and hospitalizations are up in 17 states.
One former FDA official warnsArizona, Texas, and Florida
could see exponential growth this week.
In Florida, more than half ofthe reported cases Saturday
were patients younger than age 35.
The coronavirus has redefinedthe way we do church.
Sunday in Virginia Beach,they came by boat and beach
for what's being called "boat church."
Wendy Griffith was there.
♪ You alone I long to worship ♪
- [Wendy] It was apicture perfect morning.
♪ Worthy of my praise ♪
- For those torn between being outside
on a beautiful summerday and going to church,
boat church here at the Narrows
at First Landing StatePark in Virginia Beach
offers the perfect solution.
- We have just reallymissed being in church,
as I'm sure so many families have,
and we have four kids so,
for them to be able to beout here on a beautiful day
and worship and hear theWord and play on the beach,
it's just been a really special morning
on Father's Day, for sure.
- [Preacher] For God so loved the world
that He gave His one and only son.
- [Wendy] Several localchurches are taking part
in boat church.
Sunday, Adam Cates, thepreacher at Big House Church,
gave a message on God's love.
- In the Gospels, Jesus preachedsome of his best messages
from a boat.
There's a reason people come to the shore,
come to the beach, or loveto get out on their boat.
There's something thatconnects us in the Spirit
through water.
- [Wendy] Organizer andformer Governor Bob McDonnell
says the inspiration for boat church came
from a similar experience he had
at Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia.
- We kinda copied the SmithMountain Lake boat church idea
and started the planning about a year ago.
I think this is just...
Providential, that the planningended up with this concept
to start in the middle of a pandemic
when people were looking for a way
to be together to worship.
- [Wendy] Co-organizerCheryl McLeskey says
the hope of boat churchis also to inspire those
who don't know the Lord.
- I've always wantedto bring in people that
don't believe in the Lord and
people that don't go tochurch on Sundays and
if we're touching one person,
then this is worth it and we're just
so, so pleased.
- [Wendy] Boat church plans tomeet every Sunday at 10:00 AM
at First Landing StatePark until September 6th.
Wendy Griffith, CBN News, Virginia Beach.
- Boat church, nice concept, Pat.
- It's really nice ifyou're living on the water,
as we are in Virginia Beach, I mean,
that is really beautiful.