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Christian World News - Spirit of Love Comes to Angry Streets - June 19, 2020

At the intersection where George Floyd died and angry protests raged, people are coming together in a spirit of love, repentance and unity. Read Transcript

- This week on Christian world news,

the site of a horriblecrime that rocked America,

and angry protest calling for justice.

Well, now it is a scene of worship baptism

and racial reconciliation.

- Opening a door into the time of Jesus.

How a home renovation led tothe discovery of a lifetime.

- And he traveled theworld in search of God.

When his journey nearly ended in despair,

a simple prayer showedhim the way forward.

Hello everyone, welcometo this week's edition

of Christian world news I'm George Thomas

- And I'm Wendy Griffith,

A move of God is happening in Minneapolis

following the death of George Floyd,

- Christians and people ofall faiths and even no faith

are coming together in aspirit of love, repentance

and unity, Charlene Aaron has the story.

- Father release glory right now

- [Charlene] Worship and peace

now fill the air onceflooded with riots and chaos,

after the death of George Floyd,

believers from all walks of life and race

are gathering at the Memorialsite, crying, praying,

and worshiping together.

It's a move that was started

by Dr. Charles and pastor Lindsey Karuku.

- We knew on the day of Pentecost,

we need to be on that groundwhere George Floyd was killed,

and we need to go

and proclaim the name of Jesus Christ.

Into a place of healing.

- [Charlene] On the CBNnews program Prayer Link,

the couple talked about feeling compelled

to be the catalyst forinterracial healing.

- There's a lot of peace and that area

where George's memorial is,

it's been declared as

a sacred and Holy Ground.

And so we're seeing worship and salvation

and really true reconciliation between

people of all different colors,

- [Charlene] Miracles and even baptisms

are also taking place.

- We had a man who was in the military,

deaf on one ear for 15 years,

God instantly open his deaf ear.

♪ And power in the name of Jesus. ♪

We've had people coming andsay, I'm suicidal and suicidal,

can someone help me?

And we pray for them, they get delivered

We baptized them in water,we're getting people saved,

giving their hearts to Christ

and a lot of people hugging each other,

crying over the shoulders of interracial

healing and reconciliationthat is taking place there

- [Charlene] More than 50churches and ministries

from across the region havepartnered with the outreach.

- This is awesome, CharleneAaron joins us now to talk

more about this amazing reviving

Charlene it really is amazing

to think what actually took place there

and now what's going on,

I know you and I interviewed

Dr. Charles and Lindsey Karuku.

They said they felt called to Minneapolis.

What more can you tell us about that?

- I tell you Wendy whenI look at this story,

it just gives me goosebumpsand it makes me cry

because it is so powerful,

it is truly a move of God happening there.

They felt, first of allthey were on a 40 day fast

prior to any of this happening.

And they just feltcompelled by the Holy spirit

to go to Minneapolis.

They pastor a church about 25miles outside of Minneapolis,

but they felt called by God specifically.

I mean look at him, he's African American.

I mean, he's from Kenya,but he's, he's a black man.

He's married to a white woman.

And what a picture ofracial reconciliation

that is happening there.

And God just really sentthem at the right time.

- Absolutely, hey truly are a picture

of racial reconciliation.

What else has been takingplace their i understand

you know, baptism people that have been

deaf aren't can now hear,

I mean, just so manymiracles after miracles.

- Wendy when I watched the video

they had a time ofrepentance and forgiveness,

which we didn't includebecause it's on their website,

but you can see it it's so powerful.

It was a time when Caucasian Christians

embraced African Americansand they repented,

they asked for forgiveness for the sin

of slavery committed by their ancestors.

And that just broke, I mean the watershed

of tears that were happening,the healing that took place,

people are being justhumble, broken repentance

and forgiveness is flowing like a river

that is happening there in Minneapolis.

And it's just a pictureof what needs to happen

across the United States, powerful.

- That is so true, wellthere was a prophesy

about a move of God takingplace in Minneapolis.

What can you tell us about that?

- There is another prophetic voice.

His name is Joshua Giles,

He's actually going to be a guest

on Prayer Link comingup in a couple of weeks,

but he has churches there in Minneapolis

and he's just one ofmany, who we're working,

helping to baptize people,minister to people,

but he and his church andseveral others have been praying

for quite some time for Minneapolis.

And God gave a propheticword that a revival,

a move of God was goingto happen in Minneapolis.

This was prior to George Floyd's death,

that God was going to do amighty move in Minneapolis

and that it was going tospread across the nation.

We're now seeing thattake place it's powerful

- Charlene before we let you go,

could you pray that that happens,

that that racial reconciliationjust takes off like wildfire

And Leaves Minneapolisand goes across the land.

- Absolutely Father in the name of Jesus,

we thank you for theoutpouring of your spirit.

Lord God, you evenprophesied in your word,

Father, you gotta pour outyour spirit upon all flesh

Father God, so we'reclaiming in the name of Jesus

that you would cause that healing revival

between the races to take placeLord God, across the nation,

that what's happening in Minneapolis Lord,

would take place incities and States across

the United States Lord,do a mighty work Lord God,

that only you can do Lord God,

knit the hearts of yourpeople together Lord.

And we thank you, FatherGod, that this is not

too hard for you, youare able to do even more

than what we're asking come Lord Jesus,

and just pour out yourspirit, pour out your love.

Let healing flow like ariver from heart to heart

and breast to breast inJesus' name we pray amen.

- A men Awesome powerful prayerhugs to you, virtual hugs.

- Love you.

- All right love you, thanks Charlene.

- That's fantastic, doyou know churches across

the country have shiftedtheir focus to racism

and how the church should be fighting it.

- There's all kinds ofdiversity in our church.

And if I celebrate that diversity,

but never addressed the disparity

to me that's hypocrisy.

- Because I'm willing to stepinto other people's reality

so that I can feel what it,what it's like to be them.

The challenge is I don't often see that

coming the other way, becauseif there's ever empathy,

then we wouldn't seethis lack of humanity.

- The Boner Group hasreleased a new survey

on the church and racism,it finds 94% of pastors,

believe the congregationshave a responsibility

to publicly denounceracial discrimination.

76% of church leaders say the church

should support peaceful protest.

And about 62% of churcheshave already made a public

statement about the recent protests.

- A group Christiansin Nashville Tennessee

made their voices heard onthe streets of their city.

Standing outside boarded up businesses,

damaged by rioters, a groupcalled Awaken Tennessee,

joined with Worship City leadersto bring some amazing grace

into the center of theunrest, take a look.

(gentle guitar music)

- If we could get America singing again

and singing about the gospelmessage, that is our hope,

that is our peace, He isbroken down every wall

that maybe we couldbring some hope and joy

in the midst of sorrow.

♪ Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound ♪

- We pray that throughthis people will begin to

do the positive things thatwe need to do in our society

and rather than fighting rather than,

arguing and everybody tryingto get their message in

that we look to God, we needto turn back to God in America.

We need to repent of our arrogance

and repent of ourbickering and quarrelling,

we're not gonna findanything, even the church

we've got to stop fightingwe've got to start loving,

- Powerful words up nextone family finds truth

in the old saying, whenyou dig in Jerusalem,

you never know what you'llfind ain't that the truth,

that story in a moment,

- I don't know if there hasever been a time when our nation

and the world needed a miraclemore than we do right now.

- [Narrator] Get PatRobertson's latest DVD.

Do You Need A Miracle

In this DVD You'll discover

God's awesome power at work today,

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- God showed happenand He worked miracles,

- different doctors would come in

it's like, wow, you're a miracle.

- I knew God had restored him.

- We've also gathered teachingsthat will be especially

helpful to you withwhat we're facing today.

Why it's so important tobelieve God and build our faith.

And this program is goingto help you do just that.

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- I'm Efrem Graham, and thisis Studio 5, cruise with me,

as I discovered the good things happening

in the world of music, sports,television, and movies.

- Ryan Coogler is gonnabe directing the film.

I knew that somethingspecial was going to happen.

- We'll chat with artists atthe forefront of entertainment

and explore the connectionbetween popular culture

and faith.

- I asked my pastor, I said well,

does that mean I'msupposed to be a priest?

He says, no, you already have a pulpit

- Watch studio fiveWednesday night at 9:30

- [Narrator] As the worldwatches from the outside.

- It's a big diplomatic tug ofwar here in the Middle East.

- [Narrator] Go inside thestory with Jerusalem Dateline

- Israeli archeologists aretalking about a discovery

that could change the thinkingabout the temple Mount

- [Narrator] Joins CBN Jerusalem Bureau

chief Chris Mitchell andget the biblical perspective

on the events, shaping the world.

- What starts in Israel thenends up going to other places.

- [Narrator] Watch JerusalemDateline Friday night at 9:30

on the CBN news channel

- Folks you're watching theChristian World News Broadcast

Turkey is pounding NorthernIraq with airstrikes

Operation Claw Eagle targetssuspected terrorist groups

in the area, however, NadineMaenza of the US center

for international ReligiousFreedom tells CBS news.

Those attacks are also terrorizing

religious minorities, like the Yazidis.

I was told by (mumbles)a Yazidian leader that,

about 700 families were livingin a camp on Mount (mumbles),

just two kilometers awayfrom some of the strikes.

And so putting their lives in danger,

traumatizing them again andit seemed as if they weren't

trying to hit the targets

as they were trying to makea statement and it's a scare,

was it to keep the Yazidis from coming

or was it to make a pointthat they consider the PKK

to be dangerous and they are worthy,

of these kinds of strikes,even though it did not seem

to match the, the facts on the ground,

- By the way, there areChristian churches in the area

as well, Wendy.

- Well, what if a simplerenovation on your home

unexpectedly opens the door to life

during the time of Jesus?

Well, that's exactly whathappened to one family.

Emily Jones says that storyand more from Jerusalem.

- Welcome to Jerusalem forthis Inside Israel report

where we show you what'shappening in Israel

and the middle East, this week Israel

approved building plans fora new settlement community

in the Golan Heights named after

US president Donald Trump.

Trump Heights is the future home of some

300 Jewish families,Israel dedicated that land

as a thank you to presidentTrump for recognizing

it as under Israelisovereignty last March,

Israel recaptured theGolan Heights from Syria

during the 1967 six day war.

Most of the internationalcommunity considers

it to be occupied territory.

Israel's borders havebeen closed for months,

but Christians around theworld are helping Jews

return to the land despite the virus

this week, dozens of new immigrants

from the former Sovietunion touchdown in Israel,

continued immigration toIsrael during the pandemic

has been made possible largely by

The International Fellowshipof Christians and Jews.

- For anyone who doesn'tbelieve in the Bible.

I just encourage them to come to Israel

and see what the words of theprophets from 2,500 years ago,

coming alive today,there's never been people

who have been exiled for so long,

who then return to their homeland

or turned to their language.

- Israel's minister of (mumbles)and integration estimates

that 90,000 new immigrantswill arrive in Israel

from around the worldin the next 18 months.

If you dig in Jerusalem,

you never know what you might find.

One family recentlyhad a big surprise when

a renovation project revealedan important treasure

from the time of Jesus undertheir living room floor,

just below, they founda 2000 year old mikvah,

a Jewish ritual bath.

They contacted the Israelantiquities authority

and also found pottery and stone vessels.

The home is found in(mumbles) in what's believed

to be the hometown of John the Baptist

- From the beginning of the sixth century,

AD Christianity identifiedthe neighborhood of (mumbles)

with the birth place of John the Baptist

where Elizabeth themother of John met Miriam,

the mother of Jesus.

- Authorities believe theritual bath belong to someone

very important from 2000 years ago.

Thank you so much forjoining us this week.

For more stories like this,

you can watch our JerusalemDateline program at

- Coming up, he traveled five continents

searching for truth, butit was a simple prayer

that showed him the way

- [Narrator] It's about the competition.

- I kind of put that pressure on myself

and I think people had expectations.

- [Narrator] It's about overcoming.

- We use this phrase all the time,

keep chopping, practicing hard.

- [Narrator] It's aboutgoing the distance.

- I think as a father is my job, to lead,

just be the best husbandand father I can be.

- [Narrator] watch Going TheDistance with Sean Brown.

Saturday night at 7:30on the CBN news channel,

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- A young man search for meaningtook him across the world,

studying all the major religions,

but he was still not satisfied.

- He wasn't until he made a simple prayer

and a friend gave him asmall, but powerful gift.

Take a look.

- I kept asking the question.

Is there more to lifethan what I'm seeing?

Is there more to life than what

the social environment is teaching me?

How can I find more meaningmore purpose in my life?

In my existence,

- [Narrator] Dr. Dradoshson who grew up in Romania

in the years after the fall of communism,

although he was drawn tovarious world religions,

Christianity was not one of them.

- I saw people going through the motions

of bowing down to the bones of the dead,

of going up to light candlesfor Easter or Christmas

or growing up with the belief that

you have to go through the priest

if you want to go to the living God.

But because of that, becauseof the religious environment

I grew up in, I simplyrefused to have anything

to do with Christianity.

- [Narrator] Instead thatDradosh worshiped knowledge

and education, while living in Germany,

he received a PhD in SatelliteBased Intelligence Studies.

- I took the path of science,the path of engineering,

because this is what thesocial context was showing me.

You have to get a job clingonto it as hard as possible

for as many years as possible.

And if you've made it allthe way into retirement,

you're successful

- [Narrator] Dradoshexcelled in his career

and received worldwide acclaim.

He studied with NASA and was even featured

in national geographic magazine,

but he still was empty inside.

- I investigated every,

or almost every spiritualtradition around the world

because I had putChristianity on the side.

I did not want to read the black book

with the cross on the cover.

- [Narrator] His journey took him

from the frozen ice caps of the Arctic

to the deepest jungles of the Amazon

across five continents, Dradosh searched.

- So I had spent about seven years

researching, practicingmeditating, studying

all of these spiritual traditions.

However, the more I studied,the more I could not get

to the knowledge of the truth.

Almost every area of my life crumbled.

My relationship ended after six years,

my startup company didn't work,

as I was hoping it would work.

And it ended up with mein my parents' apartment,

in depression and such wretched pain.

- [Narrator] His despair even brought him

to the brink of suicide.

- It got so bad that I waswalking past graveyards

as I was coming back from work.

And I was cursing the dead forwanting to be in their place

- [Narrator] One eveningat his parents' apartment

Dradosh decided to pray.

- The pain was so intense.

I just took my pillowand I cried out to God

from the bottom of my heart,from the bottom of my being.

I said, God, if you're real, I need you.

You have to come to me becauseI cannot do this anymore.

- [Narrator] Shortly afterhe called a friend in Hawaii,

- I flew to Hawaii and this friend of mine

who wasn't even a Christian,

he doesn't believe in the Bible.

He said to me, if you, ifyou have the chance to read

something by Kathryn Kuhlman,just find the book and read.

Maybe it will help, I go online.

The first book that showed up

was called The GreatestPower in the World.

I flipped through the, pages of this book.

And as I read the last row of the forward,

that said, if you have notmade that full surrender

to Jesus Christ, do it now,

when my eyes finishedreading the sentence,

I felt like an electricshock going through my heart

or as if I was struck bylightning, my knees buckled,

I dropped the book in the sink

and I almost went down on the floor.

When I got up a secondlater, I was instantly healed

of all guilt, shame,depression and not only that,

but in that moment, I knewthat I knew that I knew that,

Jesus Christ is the truth.

I had no mental understanding whatsoever

about what this means, butI knew beyond any doubt

that Jesus Christ is the truth,

- [Narrator] Dradosh thenreceived water baptism.

- For four months I repentedof everything I had ever done.

And the more I was repenting,the more I was opening up

to the Heavenly Father, Themore love he poured into me.

- [Narrator] Today Dradoshwants to show the world

through his writing andspeaking that science and faith

need not be incompatible.

- The scientific communitieshave spent more than 40 years

looking into near death experiences.

And after studying thousandsand thousands of testimonies

of near death accounts,some of the best scientists

in the world have cometo the understanding

and the knowledge thatthere is enough that life

and Heaven and Hell are real places.

- [Narrator] He also says heno longer worships knowledge,

but instead the source of all knowledge,

the one who was given his life meaning.

- The only thing that has purpose for me

in this world right now is for Him

to be pleased with me.

All I care is that the onewho saved me when I was

on the edge of the grave, whenI was struggling in despair,

He reached down from heaven.

He grabbed me from near death.

He put me on the rock, Hegave me a new life of hope

of love of power now,all I care is for Him

to be pleased with me, Jesus Christ for me

is the beginning and theend, the Alpha and the Omega

the meaning, the purpose and the life.

- Amen, what a story what a journey well

God will answer even thesimplest prayer as we just saw.

That's right.

- Stay with us folks,

- [Narrator] From WashingtonDC uncompromising stories,

interviews and analysisfrom veteran journalists,

David Brody.

- That could be the next stepin this escalating fight.

- [Narrator] Jenna Browder,

- Robert Mueller chosehis words carefully.

- [Narrator] Ben Kennedy.

- Is asking Christiansto get the word out,

- [Narrator] Bringing you thepolitical news at matters.

- Get out and tell thestory of the progress

that we're making in this country.

- [Narrator] Watch Faith Nation,

weeknights at six on the CBN news channel

- [Narrator] Nutrition, exercise,

essential oils,

weight loss, and more.

It's Healthy Living with Lori Johnson.

- Talk about what's in this.

- [Narrator] join CBN healthreporter, Lori Johnson,

to get the latest information

from today's top health experts.

- This is fantastic.

- [Narrator] Find outwhat you need to know

to live a healthier life.

Watch healthy livingTuesday night at 9:30.

- I don't know if it has everbeen a time when our nation

and the world needed a miraclemore than we do right now.

- [Narrator] Get PatRobertson's latest DVD

Do You Need A Miracle, inthis DVD you'll discover

God's awesome power at work today,

featuring incredible, truestories of divine intervention.

- God showed up and worked miracles.

- Different doctors would come in and,

it's like, wow, you a miracle.

- I knew God had restored him.

- We've also gathered teachings

that will be especially helpful to you,

with what we're facing today,

why it's so important tobelieve God and build our faith.

And this program isgoing to help you do just

- [Narrator] conquer fear,find hope, and be encouraged.

Get, Do You Need A Miracleyours When you become

a CBN partner call now 1-800-700-7000

or go to available now.

- Well, finally this week,a 10 year old Cambodian girl

didn't know what to believe about

who created the world and all its people.

Good question.

- Right, until she watched aspecial episode of Super Book,

it not only answered her questions,

but inspired her to tell others as well.

- 10 year old (mumbles)from Cambodia was curious.

She wondered who made theworld and everything in it.

- one friend said Buddha, crated people.

Another person said it was a Hindu god,

but I didn't believe thembecause I didn't understand

how they could have done it.

- Then a Christian friendtold them that Jesus created

the heavens and the earth.

She said He also made Adam and Eve.

- I didn't believe theChristian girl either.

- But one Sunday Len decidedto go with her friend to church

that morning they happened to be showing

the CBN Super Bookepisode in the beginning,

- I was surprised that theywere showing that episode.

I finally understand howJesus created the world.

First He made the light,then he made people

from the dust of the earth

- That day, Len prayedto become a Christian.

She remembered the prayer.

- I said, Oh, Heavenly Father,

let me become one of your children

- With her mom's permission,Len returned to the church

and watched more episodes of Super Book.

And Len's mom noticed somebig changes in her daughter.

- (speaking in foreign language)

- Now mom, take me tochurch sometimes too.

I feel so happy when she takes me,

but I don't think shebelieves in Jesus yet,

but I am praying for her.

- Len has also invited herBuddhist and Hindu friends

to watch Super Book with her.

One of them has prayed tobecome a Christian, too.

- I want all my friendswho believe in Jesus

so they can have their sins forgiven

and be with me in the Heavens Kingdom.

Thank you everyone who helps me know Jesus

through Super Book,

- Absolutely Super Book, doinggreat stuff around the world,

telling that story, theageless story of Jesus Christ.

- Amen, I know it's your favorite

- it is Well, folks, thanksfor joining us this week

- Till next week from all ofus, goodbye and God bless you.

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