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Supreme Court Gives DACA Thumbs Up, Trump Thumbs Down

Supreme Court Gives DACA Thumbs Up, Trump Thumbs Down Read Transcript

- The victory for so-called Dreamers,

seen as a stunning rebukeagainst President Trump,

after he ended the ObamaEra executive order

on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.

More than 650,000 peopleare currently enrolled

in the DACA program.

- In a five to four decision,the Supreme Court today,

labeled the president'sactions as arbitrary,

the justices ruling theDACA program can continue.

CBN's Paul Strand, hasreaction and analysis

from the Supreme Court.

- President Trump tookissue with this court ruling

against his decision, a ruling instead

to keep alive this ObamaAdministration program.

And the president took a swipe

at other recent court action.

He tweeted out, "These horribleand politically charged

"decisions coming outof the Supreme Court,

"are shotgun blasts intothe face of the people

"that are proud to call themselves

"Republicans or Conservatives."

But there was rejoicing

among the DACA Dreamers,as they are known,

some at the court, chanting,

- [Crowd] Here to stay!

Here to stay!

- I came to this countryat the age of five.

I am now 20 years old.

Majority of my life has beenspent in the United States.

I am an American.

- [Paul] Matt Sorens, of World Relief,

had this to say about theruling, on CBN's NewsWatch.

- We hope Congress won't see this decision

as an out for them,

but actually will moreurgently take this up.

it underscores the needfor broader reform.

- [Paul] Carrie Severino, ofthe Judicial Crisis Network,

blasted the Court's fiveto four decision, tweeting,

"This is nothing morethan a double standard.

"It should have been straightforward

"that the Trump Administrationhad the discretion

"to take executive actionto undo executive action,

"that was unlawful from the start."

Meanwhile, top Democrats are rejoicing.

- 3/4 of the people whovote, support the Dreamers.

3/4, a large number ofRepublicans, Independents,

over 60% of people whosupport President Trump,

support the Dreamers.

- And immigration lawyer,Diane Hernandez warned,

"The Trump Administration is likely

"to try to rescind the program again.

"The path ahead remainsuncertain for DACA recipients,

"most of whom still haveno path to citizenship."

So unless Congress dealspermanently with this issue,

DACA's likely to end up right back here,

at the Court again.

By the way, this is thesecond major announcement

by the Court this week.

And with 15 major rulings still to come,

there's likely to be hugeheadlines out of here

before the term ends in a couple of weeks.

Paul Strand, CBN News, the Supreme.


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