President Trump's Executive Order on Police Reform, Bans Chokeholds as a Tactic
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- Well John, the executiveorder does address
the ban on police choke holds.
President Trump said hespoke to Faith leaders,
members of the lawenforcement community and even
the families of victims of excessive force
to get their input indrafting and creating
this executive order.
- This is a big, big step.
- [Announcer] That step motivatespolice agencies nationwide
to adopt best practices of use of force.
It also requires sharing ofinformation about officers
who engage in misconduct.
- Nobody wants to getrid of them more than
the overwhelming number of really good
and great police officers.
- [Narrator] The executiveorder on safe policing
for safe communities alsolaunches a corresponder
program where health and social workers
would join officers on non-violent calls.
- We will provide moreresources for corresponders
such as social workerswho can help officers
manage these complex encounters.
- [Narrator] In the wakeof George Floyd's death,
the order even addressesneon neck and choke holds.
- Choke holds will be banned,except if an officer's
life is at risk.
- [Narrator] Criticsmaintain the executive order
doesn't go far enough.
Reverend Al Sharpton calls it toothless.
Tweeting, "We don't needstudies, we need police
"that commit crimes to be punished.
"All police that usechoke holds claim their
"lives were threatened, what's new?"
- What's needed now is not more stoking
of fear and division.
We need to bring lawenforcement and communities
closer together, not to drive them apart.
- Now that executive order,which President Trump
signed today did stop short in addressing
or banning, that is, no knock warrants.
That is one of the demands.