Meet the Man Proclaiming Jesus at the George Floyd Memorial Site Where a Supernatural Awakening Has Begun
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- Thank you for having us.
- First of all, you say thatyou felt compelled by God
to go to Minneapolis.
Tell us about that.
- Well, I was on a 40 day fast
that ended the day afterGeorge Floyd was killed.
And when we started the 40day fast the Lord told us
that on the day of Pentecosthe would do a big thing.
We did not know what it would be,
we just kept on praying andfasting for the 40 days.
And the day we ended the fast,
that is the day the riots broke out,
and we knew on the day of Pentecost
we need to be on that groundwhere George Floyd was killed
and we need to go and proclaimthe name of Jesus Christ
and bring a message of unity.
- So we woke up on May 30th
and the day before PentecostSunday, we looked at each other
and God had already spokenthe same thing to each of us,
so it was a no brainer, we'relike, "Yes God, we'll go."
"We don't know what it's gonna look like,
"we don't know what's gonnahappen, but we'll be there."
- What was the atmosphere likeafter George Floyd's death
and how is it now?
- So when we first went down there
we went to go visit andprayer walk the area,
there was buildingsthat were still burning,
there was smoke.
The different people hadcome in like Jesse Jackson,
and people were comingand trying to do things,
and the national guard had been called in
because the problem was so big
that the police force didn'tfeel like they could handle it.
And so, at this point there's buildings
that have been shut down and boarded up,
businesses that are closed permanently.
The effects of it have been pretty bad.
We've had riots,
we've had protesting oftens of thousands of people,
but now what's happenedis there's a lot of peace.
In that area where GeorgeFloyd's memorial is,
it's been declared as asacred and holy ground.
And so, we're seeingworship, and salivations,
and really true reconciliation
between people of all different colors.
- [Interviewer] And I understand
people were getting baptized
and healings are even taking place there.
Tell us about that.
- We had a man who was in the military,
deaf on one ear for 15 years,
God instantly opened his deaf ear.
We've had people coming and saying,
"I'm suicidal, I'm suicidal,can someone help me?"
And we pray for them, they get delivered,
we baptize them in water.
We're getting people saved,giving their hearts to Christ,
and a lot of people hugging each other,
crying over the shouldersof interracial healing
and reconciliation thatis taking place there.
- The baptisms have been fun
because we set out abaptismal on the street,
right there on the curb,
and sometimes we arrive there
and other pastors havealready been down there
on the ground evangelizing,
and we find them baptizingpeople when we get there.
Other people are being baptized
during the revival servicesthat are happening.
They're giving their lives to Christ
and saying, "Yes, I want totake that step to be baptized."
So yeah.
- [Interviewer] Amazing, wow.
That is so powerful.
- [Journalist] That video is incredible.
You guys are partnering withclose to 500 ministries,
is that right?
- It's not 500, it's like 50 right now,
and we are partnering
with all kinds of churches and ministries,
even the Catholic church,
two Catholic churches,are on board with us.
There's a lot of Lutheranchurches on board with us,
a service of God, and othernon-denominational churches,
plus other ministries that are all over
and coming together towork for the kingdom.
- Pastor, why do you thinkso many want to get involved?
- There's a humanitarian crisis
and this is the ground zero
of what has sparked riotsand protests across America,
and even around the world.
And so, the significance of this moment
plus the humanitariancrisis that is in the area
is causing the local Christians to stand
and move into this place
and bring the light of Jesus Christ.
So this is really a hugeshout to all the churches,
the body of Christ is coming together
and rallying to help this community.
- Yeah, if I can add to that.
We've seen, you know,people have been praying
and people have been sewing seeds
into this area for so long.
I mean, generations,even across the country,
and we've been praying andbelieving God for revival,
we've been praying and believingGod for reconciliation.
And so, when this began
it was like God just stirredup the hearts of the people
and the body of Christ at large,
and everybody's just kinda on board like,
"What are we gonna do?"
"Let's join up."
And people from the suburbs especially,
you know, suburbs arepredominately white people,
but they're saying,
"I wanted to go but I didn'tknow what to do by myself."
So when we said we're going,
it's like it gave them the permission
to feel like they can also come too.
And so, we've just seen Godbring the church together.
There's so many boots on the ground,
we're not the only ones.
And so, I feel likewe're riding on the waves
of the generations before us
and the people that havebeen sewing for so long.
- [Journalist] Beautiful.
- How would you guys encouragebelievers to pray for you all
and those who are involved?
- Number one, we need prayerfor safety of everyone
and peace to continue in the community.
We also need prayer for moreunity in the body of Christ,
and God to also begin to heal the land.
We feel like the voicethat we are bringing
is a voice of unity,
and we would like to seeracial reconciliation
take place in our generation.
My wife and I believe
that racial reconciliationis possible in our time.
- And real quickly,
how long do you guys plan tostay there in Minneapolis?
- As long as the Lord allows (laughs).
- We don't have any plans of pulling out.
We're gonna stay for the long haul.
- Okay, amen.
Dr. Charles and Pastor Lindsey,
thank you so much for sharing
what's going on on the ground there.
Very exciting.
Our prayers are with you.
God bless you.
- [Both] Thank you.