Protest, Prayer, and Praise: Christians Join Peaceful Demonstrations for Racial Justice
Read Transcript
(soft tense music)
(camera shutter snaps)
- [Protester] Black lives matter.
(camera shutter snaps)
- [Protesters] Black lives matter.
(camera shutter snaps)
- [Protesters] Black lives matter.
(camera clicking)
- [Male Voice] George's lastwords was I can't breathe.
(soft instrumental music)
With a knee on his neck.
- [Male voice] Father God
- {crowd} yes God
- [Male voice] fatherthe people that are here,
- [Male Voice] thank you Lord.
- [Male Voice] frustration,
- [Male voice] Thank you
- [Male Voice] anger
- [Male Voice] thank you
- Negativity, finishthem all of them, God.
- [crowd] yes
- I have been there Lord
I have been there this week Lord.
- [Crowd] yes Lord
- But I can understand fatherGod that you reign supreme
so I have hope in (mumbling).
We ask father God inthe Mighty name of Jesus
that the people who are watching,
they kneel down too
- [crowd] Yes.
- Because we know
at the name of Jesus
- (crowd) amen
- Every knee shall bow
- And every tongue hall confess
that Jesus is Lord.
- (crowd cheering and clapping).
- Oh God, I'm not afraid of the law.
- (crowd) hallelujah!
- Am not afraid of the promised land
- [crowd] Hallelujah
- [Male voice] Am not afraidof facing medical pressure.
- (crowd) hallelujah.
- [Male voice] Am notafraid of fire (murmuring).
- [crowd] Hallelujah
- [Male voice] Because I'm fired in.
[Soft Instrumental Music]
[protesters singing]
- ♪ from the cross to the grave ♪
♪from the grave to the sky ♪
♪ Lord I lift your name on high ♪
- [Male voice] Everyoneraise our hands high
because God sees you.
- [Lady praying] (mumbling) meet you today
in the mighty name of Jesus, our God.
I pray whatever we're lacking Lord God
you said that you will supply
all of our needs
according to your riches in glory
lord (mumbling)
- ♪ I hear the chains falling ♪
(people praying)
- (male voice) yeah
♪ I hear the chains falling. ♪
- ♪ I hear the chains.... ♪
- [Crowd] ♪ I hear the chains falling ♪
- ♪ so break every chain,break every chain ♪
♪ break every chain ♪