- Hi, my name is Alitheia
and I am a host on "The Superbook Show."
One of my favorite episodesI did is How to Listen.
Chandler was a great partner to work with
and I feel that themessage of this episode
was one of the most important ones to me
and came at a great time.
I am often guilty ofjumping to conclusions
and not paying attention,even when I think I am.
This episode was a great reminder to me
that paying attention toothers and listening to others,
especially when I reallywanna say something,
is the most important.
I hope you enjoy thisepisode and its message
as much as I do.
Hey, you ready to start?
- Er, just a minute.
- We have to start now, what do you say?
- I love it.
- Okay.
Three, two, one.
Welcome to "The Superbook Show."
- Wait, we're starting?
(mobile chiming)
(upbeat music)
- I asked you if you were ready to start.
- I thought you said,"Are you ready for art?
Art, I love art.
- Why would I say that now?
- I don't know, you can bepretty random sometimes.
I'm not judging.
- Maybe we should talktoday about listening.
(phone keyboard clicking)
- Okay, so you wanna talk about what now?
- Listening.
- Oh I love listening.
- Just like art, huh?
- Yeah, how'd you know?
- You just said--
- Er, should you be interrupting
while you're talking about listening?
I don't love that.
- You interrupted me interrupting you.
Know what, never mind.
- You know I'm glad you brought this up.
The Bible says we should bequick to hear, slow to speak
and slow to get angry.
- Quick to hear?
- Yeah, it's a common faultto speak before we have
all the facts.
And in spite of whether or notwe have anything good to say.
- You've got a point.
- Also, listening makes theperson you're talking to feel
like you actually care.
- How so?
- Well, I know that yourfavorite food is tropical punch
fruit snacks and I know thatTuesdays are your hard days
at school because of your extra class.
And I know you can bepretty random sometimes
but you mean well.
- Aww.
- See by taking the time tolisten to what you told me
it shows that I care.
- Aww.
- Listening also demonstrates humility.
- What do you mean?
- Have you ever talked tosomebody who's a know-it-all?
- Oh, yeah.
- Well Proverbs 12 says,"the way of the fool is right
"in his own eyes but a wiseman listens to advice."
When someone's a know-it-allyou can't tell them anything.
- I gotta say I kinda feellike a know-it-all today.
- Really, how so?
- I was expecting to be theone who taught on listening
because you weren't listening earlier.
- Well that's the thing Alitheia.
- What's that?
- I asked you to wait aminute before we started.
The text was from my mom and an emergency.
She always takes precedence.
- You said, "Wait a minute."
So I, I'm so sorry.
- It's cool.
His word is forever alive.
- Listen, you should be swift to subscribe
and download "The Superbook" app today.
- And please don't beslow to go to our Facebook
and superbook.cbn.com.
- [Both] Keep listening.
Keep listening.
- I went.- It's fine.
- I like swooped it up.
- Keep listening.
Here let me go back.
You go front, I go back.
- [Woman] Yep.
- Keep listening.
- [Woman] Try it that way.
- Hello?
- Okay yeah, suggesting I have an ear.
- It's probably because youdon't have anything good to say.