Prophecy Fulfilled: Ukrainian Jews Return to Israel After Thousands of Years in Exile
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- In the early morning, 130 Ukrainian Jews
landed in Tel Aviv to begin a new life.
Many see the moment whenthese new immigrants
step onto the tarmac hereat Ben Gurion Airport
as the time when the words of the Bible,
written thousands ofyears ago, come to life.
- There has never been a people
who have been exiled for so long,
who then return to their homeland,
return to their language,
and so there's the propheticreality of this that's so huge
that each one of these people
Isaiah saw, Jeremiah saw, they saw them,
they saw this happening, andnow we are here to witness it.
We are here to be part of it.
- [Chris] Their flightmarked the one-year passing
of Yael Eckstein's father,Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein,
the founder of theInternational Fellowship
of Christians and Jews nowsimply called the Fellowship.
- He always felt a callingthat it wasn't him,
but God working through himto unite Christians and Jews,
to bring biblical prophecy to fruition.
- [Chris] Although theirtrip ended in Tel Aviv,
the life-changing journey beganmore than a thousand miles
and a number of choices away.
We wanted to find out whythey made their decision.
- We know that Israel is the best place
because we have also ourrelatives there, friends.
- Israel has many advantages.
It's much safer.
You just can go out at midnightand feel perfectly safe.
It's so different fromhere, and it's warm.
So it's not as cold ashere, so it's important.
- [Chris] Some saw opportunity,like 53-year old Eugene.
- My future is no good in this country.
I know in Israel I have a future.
I have job, I have a pay.
- [Chris] Some escaped thewar in Eastern Ukraine.
(speaking in foreign language)
- [Translator] It was very dangerous.
In the past three years,we've spent most of our time
in the occupied territories
with severe shortagesof electricity and water
and we survived the shellings.
- [Chris] For some, itwas a matter of faith.
- It's a decision, not onlymine, it's decision of God.
It's decision for my family.
- [Chris] The Fellowshiphelped smooth the way
by providing documentation,logistics, and finances
to bridge the gap fromtheir lives in Ukraine
to a new start in Israel.
This orientation helped provide
the information about their next step.
Benjamin Haddad is directorof aliyah for the Fellowship.
- We want to get higherthe joy and the hope
and get less the afraid.
But there is all thetime, this moment together
in the hearts of the people.
They're frightened from thefuture, from the unknown,
and the big hope and the happiness
about new beginning in new country
and a new future that is waiting for them.
- My message today to them wasthey made the right decision
because when they will bethere, it'd be difficult,
but the end will be very successful.
- Rabbi Foshedski prayedfor the immigrants
as workmen outsideorganized their luggage.
Each person's belongings get a number,
and they're permitted 70kilos, or just over 150 pounds,
to start their new life.
With last-minute instructionsand documents in hand,
some headed back to their apartments
for a last-minute goodbye.
It's about 11:00 here in Kiev,
just outside the Kovalenko apartment.
They're loading their last belongings,
and in a few hours they'llbe on their way to Tel Aviv,
but they haven't toldmost of their neighbors.
- [Woman] Only one neighbor from this home
knows about my departure.
- Only one neighbor?- Only one neighbor.
- And because you don'twant the other ones to know,
but why; why don't you want them to know?
- Because people didn't like me,
didn't want that me andmy family will be happy.
- Because you're Jewish?- Yes.
- [Chris] Irena keepsa mother's hope alive.
- I dream about oranges,
and about strawberry for my daughter.
You see, it's a very simple wish,
but I think it's a mother'swish for her children.
- The hardest part wasleaving her best friend.
After they finished loading their luggage,
a last hug and goodbyeto their best friends,
the family then headed toKiev International Airport
for a few more hours of waitingbefore boarding their plane.
It's about a three-hourflight from Kiev to Tel Aviv,
but for most of the newimmigrants on this plane,
this flight will be thebiggest step of their lives.
- Not only mine, the step of my family,
my husband and my daughters.
(passengers applauding)
- [Chris] A safe landing on a new land.
- Now I appear in my real motherland.
I returned with mychildren and my husband,
and now I so happy, so proud.
The most important thing in my life.
- [Chris] For some, itfulfilled a hope of generations.
- It was a dream of my grandmother.
(speaking in foreign language)
- [Translator] She died,and if she was here,
I would tell her, I madeyour dream come true!
I'm here, I'm in Israel, I'm home!
That's why I'm crying.
- [Chris] With threats
to the Jewish people rising worldwide,
Eckstein believes it's time
for the Jews of the world to come home.
The Fellowship typically brings 5,000 Jews
to Israel each year.
- Sometimes I think thatthe reason why Isaiah said
that the Jewish peoplewould come home to Israel
in the end of days is because he knew
that antisemitism would onceagain raise its ugly head,
and if they didn't come home to Israel,
the only country wherethere's a Jewish government,
where there's a Jewish army,
whose only concern isprotecting the Jewish people,
unlike anywhere in the entire world,
that there wouldn't any Jewishpeople left in the world
because of all the antisemitism.
And so I look at this as you never know
when the borders are gonna close,
you never know whenit's gonna be too late.
And so the Fellowship, as soonas we have the opportunity
to bring a Jewish personhome, we do it immediately.
- [Chris] Chris Mitchell,CBN News, Kiev, Ukraine,
and Ben Gurion Airport, Tel Aviv.