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First Original TV Series About Jesus Christ Takes Off During COVID-19 Shutdown

First Original TV Series About Jesus Christ Takes Off During COVID-19 Shutdown Read Transcript

- Are you the messiah?

Are you the messiah?

- No, I'm not.

- Bible characters andstories come to life

in the streaming series, "The Chosen"

with Dallas Jenkins in thewriter and director's chair.

How did we arrive atthe name, "The Chosen?"

- Three things actually.

We look at and have used the term

for Christ as the Chosen One,

so it refers to Christ in many ways.

The Jews are God's chosen people,

even as an Evangelical I believe that.

And the people thatChrist chose to follow him

and to be in his team, as we like to say,

it's a little bit of a nod to that.

- He performs miraclesand seeks no credit?

What does he look like?

Is he a member of Sanhedrin?

Would you at least knowhim if you saw him again?

- You might say telling Biblestories is in Dallas' blood.

His father is co-author

of the popular "Left Behind" book series.

How would you say doing aseries about the life of Christ

is different than the filmswe've seen on the Bible,

the Resurrection of Christ?

How's it different?

- Yeah, that's a great question,

so when you do a movieabout the life of Christ,

you've got 90 to 120minutes to try to cover

quite a lot of ground.

And so oftentimes it goesfrom miracle to miracle,

Bible story to Bible story.

Jesus is typically the main character,

and so you're just seeingthings through his eyes

and you're encountering these people

for a very brief amount of time.

In a show, a multi-season show,

the kinds of shows that we binge watch

usually together as families,

we're able to really explore,in depth, these people.

- Put that down for a catch.

A little farther out.

- I don't have a quarrelwith you, teacher,

but we've been doingthis all night, nothing.

- Seen here with Peter inthe Miracle of the Fish,

Jonathan Roumie is a familiarface in the leading role.

- Grab the net, grab it!

- What it is like to playthe role of Jesus Christ?

- It's life changing,in a couple of words.

It's something that I've beendoing now for about six years.

It's humbling, it'soverwhelming, it's inspiring.

It's faith inducing, faith strengthening.

Yeah, it's kind of indescribable.

- How is this particularseries different for you?

What's special about it?

- It's different in thatwe're getting to see sides

of Jesus' ministry that's never been

depicted on film before.

- On the day of our visitto the set of "The Chosen,"

preparation is being madeto shoot a pivotal scene

just beyond that wall,the Wedding at Cana,

where Jesus performedhis very first miracle.

- They have no idea who sits before them.

(cups clatter)

(children laughing)

- To be a child again, yes?

- We're exploring what it's like to be

at a 1st century wedding,

what it might have been like to have Jesus

as a guest at a wedding.

It's a very joyous occasion and, again,

one that I can scarcelyrecollect ever having seen

put to film before.

We're getting access to ahumanity that people often,

I think, forget.

He felt the things that we feel.

He experienced loss andsadness and frustration

and happiness and joyand all those things,

temptation, but without,you know, conceding to that.

- The role intimidating in any way?

- Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah, I mean anybodythat says otherwise

either is not familiar withwho Christ is or was, will be,

or they're letting theirego answer that question.

- How do you prepare?

- I pray a lot.

I read.

I go to church.

Mostly through prayer.

I did not come to deliverthe people from Rome.

- Then from what?

- From sin.

From spiritual death.

God loves the world in this way,

that he gave his only son.

- [Efrem] God began answeringprayers for this series

even before production began.

- Lock it up.- Locking it up.

- "The Chosen" is the numberone crowd-funded media project

of all time with donationsof more than $10 million.

What's it like to takethe pages of scripture

and bring them to life?

I can't imagine the feelingof reading the pages

and then seeing--- Yeah.

- [Efrem] What we get to see.

- Yeah, that's really coolhow you just phrased it,

bringing them to lifeand then seeing them.

That's how I feel even thoughI'm the one who's doing it.

I'm the director

and I'm the one who'sliterally writing the words

and seeing them come to life,

and I'm even dictatinghow they come to life,

and yet I still feellike I'm following along

and I'm just listening.

- God did not send his son into the world

to condemn it, Nicodemus.

He sent him to save it through him.

- Efrem Graham, CBN News, Dallas, Texas.

- Whoever believes in himwill not be condemned,

but whoever does not believestands condemned already.

- Have you ever heardanything like this before?

- Shh.


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