- That's right, Jenna.
House and Senate Democrats
unveiled this sweepinglegislation for police reform
as cities like Minneapolisbecome the first cities
to lay out plans to defund the police.
- Our commitment is to endour city's toxic relationship
with the Minneapolis Police Department,
to end policing as we know it.
- [Abigail] Their planwould divert funding
over the next year fromthe police department
to community-led publicsafety initiatives.
- It is your voice, it is your fight
that has gotten us to this point.
- [Abigail] New York mayor Bill de Blasio
announced similar plans,
although Governor AndrewCuomo questions that move
given recent looting in the Big Apple.
Acting Homeland SecuritySecurity secretary Chad Wolf
calls the whole idea ofdefunding the police absurd.
- It makes no sense to me.
I think it's a verypolitical statement to make,
but it does not protect our communities
at the end of the day.
- [Abigail] House and Senate Democrats
are taking action from the federal level,
unveiling a sweeping police
and criminal justice reform bill.
- Today, with the Justice in Policing Act,
the Congress is standing withthose fighting for justice
and taking action.
- [Abigail] Democraticlawmakers took a knee
before introducing what theysay is a long overdue response
to racial injustices in law enforcement.
- It'll combat police brutality
by requiring body and dashboard cameras,
banning choke holds, no-knockwarrants in drug cases,
and end racial profiling.
- [Abigail] Around the country Sunday.
- I pray that they would meet you today
in the mighty name of Jesus, thy God.
- [Abigail] Many Christiansjoined peaceful prayer walks
and rallies, like thisone in Washington, DC.
- We ask Father God inthe mighty name of Jesus
that the people are watching,they kneel down too.
Because we know, at the name of Jesus--
- Amen!- Every knee shall bow.
And everyone shall professthat Jesus is Lord.
(crowd cheering)(crowd applauding)
- Republican senator Mitt Romney
joined the crowd of Christians yesterday
marching and praying in Washington, DC,
saying he was there becausehe wants people to know
that he believes black lives matter.
While another Republicansenator, Tim Scott,
unveiled his own legislationthat he reintroduced from 2015
that calls for his own police reform.
Back to you Jenna.