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Faith Nation: June 8, 2020


(siren wailing)

- [Jenna] Tonight defunding the police.

- That makes absolutely no sense.

- [Jenna] The push for reformin the wake of the death

of George Floyd and nationwide protests.

- And we're going tocreate a fear-free future.

- [Jenna] This as Democrats in Congress

unveil a sweeping police reform bill.

- We cannot settle for anything less

than transformative structural change.

- [Jenna] And join us.

- Dr. King reminded us more than once

that you can't drive outdarkness with darkness,

you drive out darkness with light.

- Inside the vicepresident's listening session

with black church leaders.


(plane engines roaring)

Marking 76 years since D-Day

in a lonely commemoration inNormandy amid the pandemic.

All this and more tonighton "Faith Nation."

(upbeat music)

Growing calls tonight todefund law enforcement.

Hi, everyone, and thanks forjoining us, I'm Jenna Browder.

In cities across the country this weekend,

we saw protestors demanding change

after the death of George Floyd.

And now in Minneapolis,the city council says

it will dismantle the police department

with hopes other communities follow suit.

CBN White House CorrespondentBen Kennedy joins us

from the North Lawn withthe president's response.


- Jenna, President Trumpsaid he is appalled

by the defund police movement.

But organizers says theydon't plan to stop rallying

until police are held accountable.

Press Secretary KayleighMcEnany said today

in the Briefing Roommoments ago that her boss

recognizes the unjusticedone to George Floyd

but believes the nation'slaw enforcement are quote

"the best in the world and good people."

- It is extraordinary and whenyou think the left has gone

far and they couldn't possibly go farther,

'cause we all rememberthe defund ICE movement,

they want to defund immigrationand custom enforcement,

and now they want to defund the police.

This is extraordinary.

This is rolling back the protective layers

that protect Americans in their homes

and in their places of business.

- Protestors are askingto redirect the money

from police departments to other programs

and are even calling forbanning police choke-holds

and revamping law enforcementtraining programs.


- Reopening after getting hit very hard

by the coronavirus pandemic.

You, of course, were in today's briefing.

What is the latest on the pandemic front

from the White House?

- Jenna, it's been exactly 100 days

since the city's first confirmed case.

The Big Apple was lockeddown for roughly three months

and as they reopen,they are also preparing

for the possibility of a second wave.

I asked McEnany if the country could

see a Phase 4 relief bill anytime soon.

- Speaking of the economy,New York City began

reopening its economy todayafter a very long lockdown.

Does President Trump think we need

another coronavirus stimulus package.

And if so, what would he want to see in it

before he signs it?

- He's remained open to a Phase 4.

There was some discussion about this.

There was a meeting lastweek at the White House

about that actually.

I won't get ahead of him but he had said

there are several things he wants,

payroll tax holiday was one of them

because that directlyadvantages low income workers.

Several other things that he would like

to see in the package,won't get ahead of him,

but he's certainlystill open to a Phase 4.

But it can't be, as he's noted,

just state and localbailouts for blue states

that have run their states into the ground

because of decades of Democrat policies.

- So bottom line, wenow wait for lawmakers

to make some sort of a decision,the White House to respond.

The virus has claimed more

than 110,000 lives in the US alone.

This as COVID-19 cases areon the rise in 20 states

and as growing concerns about the spread

after hundreds ofthousands of people marched

against police brutality.


- All right, CBN White Housecorrespondent Ben Kennedy,

great reporting, thank you.

And here now for our "FaithNation" political panel,

CBN's chief political analyst David Brody.

David, it's good to see you.

Let's start with these angry calls

to defund the policedepartments across the country.

Today we saw the Biden campaign come out

in opposition to that.

But do you think this couldbecome a Democratic platform?

- Yeah, possibly, but I can tell you this.

Remember, Joe Biden will bethe candidate for Democrats

and I can guarantee you JoeBiden's campaign is gonna

say to the DNC, "Hold on for a moment,

"we're not putting this in the platform."

And I think that's gonnabe the ying and yang here

as to how far the Democrats go.

I think Joe Biden has twoopponents in the general election.

He's got Donald Trump, we all know that,

but the other opponent,the silent opponent

and maybe not too silent opponent,

not as many people are talking about

is the far left of the Democratic Party.

Defund the police, Joe Biden just said,

"No, I don't wanna defund the police."

So clearly, he's putting his marker down

in the center in themore of the moderate lane

but that's not gonnawork for the far left.

They're very active, they're very loud

and Biden needs all of themto mobilize against Trump.

If he starts to fracture with them,

that's a problem for him in November.

- You think we'll see PresidentTrump pounce on this idea?

- Absolutely.

I think the contours have become this.

Far left Democrats aresaying, "Defund the police."

And Donald Trump is saying,"Defend the police."

And I gotta tell you, if it'sbetween defund and defend,

you tell me, Jenna, how moderates

and independents aregonna go in the suburbs.

They're not gonna gofor defund the police,

that's not an ideological statement,

that's not a politicalpartisanship statement,

that's the facts.

Just wait until thepolling comes out on this.

There is no way that defundthe police is gonna play

in Peoria, if you will,around this country.

Absolutely, 100% no.

- Today, David, Biden, hevisited George Floyd's family.

This, of course, as PresidentTrump, he doubles down

as the law and order president.

Which response do you think is resonating

more with Americans?

- Right now, I thinkthe consoler in chief,

something that Joe Bidenis playing very well,

is resonating.

We're seeing that in some of the polling

that Americans want to come together,

they're very fractured andthey're very frustrated

right now in this country.

And Donald Trump is playing into that

as the law and order president.

I think Donald Trump hasa real opportunity here

to do something on racial injustice,

a racism reform, ifyou will, when it comes

to the police departmentand law enforcement overall.

It's been way too much withDonald Trump of law and order,

not enough on the compassionate side.

And I gotta tell you,we know in the Bible,

we know law and order is important,

we also know compassion isvery important in the Bible.

And the mix of the two is crucial.

Donald Trump right now islopsided on the law and order part

and he has an opportunityto show compassion

to do something legislatively.

But we'll see, I'm not quitesure it's gonna happen.

- David, speaking of polling,

a new Wall StreetJournal/NBC poll finds 80%

of Americans feel like the country

is spiraling out of control.

How do you think this sentiment bodes

politically for President Trump?

- Let me just say, I know thatsounds like a high number.

Honestly, Jenna, I kindathought it was a bit low.

Don't we pretty much all think the country

is spiraling out of control?

The good news is we have Jesus,

so that's the most important part

and I don't want to bury the lead.

Jesus is the lead.

I think ultimately whatwe've seen with these is that

they haven't necessarily been reliable.

Let's remember, within those polls,

that CNN poll, Michigan, it shows that

Joe Biden is up 14 points inthe key state of Michigan.

Guess what?

In 2016, Hillary Clintonwas up 12 points over Trump

just a month before theelection in Michigan.

Let's take these pollswith a grain of salt,

see how it all plays out.

- All right, CBN chiefpolitical correspondent

David Brody, thank you very much,

happy Monday.- Thanks.

You too.

- To Capitol Hill whereHouse and Senate Democrats

are pushing to pass sweeping police

and criminal justice reforms.

Today they unveiled their legislation.

This, of course, aslocal leaders are dealing

with those calls todefund law enforcement.

CBN Capitol Hill CorrespondentAbigail Robertson

is following this story forus and joins us with more.


- That's right, Jenna.

House and Senate Democratsunveiled this sweeping

legislation for police reform as cities

like Minneapolis become the first cities

to lay out plans to defund the police.

- Our commitment is to endour city's toxic relationship

with the Minneapolis Police Department,

to end policing as we know it.

- [Abigail] Their planwould divert funding

over the next year fromthe police department

to community-led publicsafety initiatives.

- It is your voice.

It is your fight thathas got us to this point.

- [Abigail] New York MayorBill de Blasio announced

similar plans althoughGovernor Andrew Cuomo questions

that move given recentlooting in the Big Apple.

Acting Homeland SecuritySecretary Chad Wolf

calls the whole idea ofdefunding the police absurd.

- It makes no sense to me.

I think it's a verypolitical statement to make,

but it does not protect our communities

at the end of the day.

- [Abigail] House and SenateDemocrats are taking action

from the federal levelunveiling a sweeping

police and criminal justice reform bill.

- Today with the Justice in Policing Act

the Congress is standingwith those fighting

for justice and taking action.

- [Abigail] Democraticlawmakers took a knee

before introducing whatthey say is a long-overdue

response to racial injusticesin law enforcement.

- It will combat policebrutality by requiring body

and dashboard cameras,banning choke-holds,

no-knock warrants in drugcases, and end racial profiling.

- [Abigail] Around the country Sunday.

- I pray that they would meet you today

in the mighty name of Jesus, Lord God.

- [Abigail] Many Christiansjoined peaceful prayer walks

and rallies like thisone in Washington DC.

- We ask Father God inthe mighty name of Jesus

that the people of Washington,they kneel down, too,

because we know at the nameof Jesus every knee shall bow

and confess that Jesus is Lord.

(crowd cheering)

- Republican Senator MittRomney joined the crowd

of Christians yesterdaymarching and praying

in Washington DC saying he was there

because he wants people to know that

he believes black lives matter.

While another RepublicanSenator Tim Scott unveiled

his own legislation that he re-introduced

from 2015 that calls forhis own police reform.

Back to you, Jenna.

- All right, Capitol Hillcorrespondent Abigail Robertson,

thank you.

And here with us now formore is Pastor Dean Nelson

president and CEO of theDouglass Leadership Institute

and chairman of the FrederickDouglass Foundation.

Dean, thank you so much for being with us,

good to have you today.

- Thanks so much.

- What's your take on this movement

to defund law enforcementand how do you think

that fits in to criminal justice reform?

- I think that the whole idea of defunding

these police departmentsis a radical idea.

I don't think that it shouldgain very much traction.

I think it's a bad political idea

and I don't think it'lldo anything for the people

who need to be protected in some of these

urban areas that are oftenvery vulnerable areas.

- These protests have exposed radical

disparities in our nation.

Why, in your opinion,have these disparities

in America been so persistent for so long?

- A lot of people aretalking about disparities

and there some disparities.

But I think that we need toseparate some of these issues.

There are racial issues withinour country and our culture.

There are some racial inequitiesthat we can deal with.

But when it comes to police brutality,

I think that all Americans who watched

that video with GeorgeFloyd should be shocked

and I think our heartsgo out to his family

and to others who have beenvictimized in that way.

I do believe that there's a way that

particularly the Christiancommunity can come together

and offer some common sense suggestions

to remedy the problem.

One of those would bedeescalation type training

that many law enforcementofficers need to have.

In talking to some law enforcementofficers just recently,

they were also lamenting the challenges

that they experience with public unions

in terms in these cities with police

because many times theseunions are protecting bad cops

and sometimes creating a bad culture.

I think that there are somethings that can be done

that would also includeideas of community policing

where people are really better engaged

with those that are in their community.

Certainly if you have a relationship

with the folks in your community,

it's harder to look atthem not as being human.

Anyway, I believe thatthere's some good suggestions

that can come forwardbut some of the things

that we're hearing from theradical left are not going

to do anything to helpthose in urban communities

when it comes to protecting them

which is the firstresponsibility for government.

- In your opinion, is there anongoing human dignity crisis

underlying all of thesetopics we're talking about?

- Without a doubt.

That whole idea of imagoDei everyone of us created

in the image and likeness of God.

I believe that there aresome systemic challenges

that we see within our culture.

We're encouraging Christians from across

denominational lines,from across ethnic lines

to reaffirm the dignityof all human beings

whether it's the innocent pre-born child

in its mother's womb or whether it's a man

who is crying for his last breath.

I think that it is important for all of us

to reaffirm that idea of human dignity.

And certainly racism is anattack against human dignity.

- All right, Pastor Dean Nelson,

president and CEO of theDouglass Leadership Institute,

it's good to see, thank youfor your insights today.

- Thank you so much, God bless you.

- [Jenna] Time forlistening and understanding.

Coming up, we take youinside the vice president's

listening session withblack church leaders.

(water splashing)

(man yawning)

(woman sighs)

- [Announcer] Life is betterwith a good night's sleep.

Get your free DVD or bookletof "Protect Your Sleep."

- [Announcer] As the worldwatches from the outside.

- It's a big diplomatic tug ofwar here in the Middle East.

- [Announcer] Go inside thestory with "Jerusalem Dateline."

- Israeli archeologists aretaking about a discovery

that could change the thinkingabout the Temple Mount.

- [Announcer] Join CBNJerusalem Bureau Chief

Chris Mitchell and getthe biblical perspective

on the events shaping the world.

- What starts in Israel thenends up going to other places.

- [Announcer] Watch "Jerusalem Dateline"

Friday night at 9:30 onthe CBN News Channel.

- [Announcer] Life.

It's meant to be lived fully.

Jesus said it, "I came to give you life,

"life to the fullest."

Life in your family.

Life in your finances.

Life in your body, mind, and spirit.

Life in your every day.

At, we're takingwhat Jesus said seriously.

We're here to help you discover life.

Life, live it fully.

- Welcome back.

Tonight, we are waiting tosee results from a meeting

between Vice PresidentMike Pence and leaders

at a high -profile blackchurch in Maryland.

It's all about hearing their perspective

on how to move the country forward.

CBN News National Security Correspondent

Eric Philips joins us with more.


- Jenna, if the Trumpadministration wanted

to get a true sense, theypicked the right crowd.

Vice President Pence heard plenty

during this no-holds-barredsession sparked

by challenges grippingour nation right now,

many of them rooted an inequality.

- I think that minorities needto hear that they're valued,

that the lives of people really matter.

- [Eric] Vice PresidentMike Pence listened

as he visited Hope Christian Church,

a mostly black evangelicalchurch in Beltsville, Maryland.

- My prayer is that weas a nation have ears

to hear to listen to oneanother and open hearts.

- [Eric] Leaders there spokeout on a variety of subjects

including the recent riotsgrowing out of protests

that followed the policerelated death of George Floyd.

- The looting, unacceptable.

It's illegal.

But what's happening is the abuse that

they have been taking is illegal, right?

And so they're saying, "My rights,"

and "The law is not protecting me so

"why should I abide by yours?"

- [Eric] Another major topic,

the pervasive concern forblack parents already simmering

after the shooting deathof jogger Ahmad Arbrey.

Derrick McCoy said he hastwo sons about Arbery's age.

- You can't go everywhere.

Don't go running around byyourself, make sure you check in

and make sure that you come home, son,

because as a dad, I'm concernedto make sure they come home.

- [Eric] Bishop Harry Jacksonpastors Hope Christian Church.

He and I spoke on "Faith Nation"

just days before the meeting.

- Someone's got to speak ina sense in the name of God

to the heart of all our minorities.

- [Eric] The vice presidentsaid the administration

sees the inequities and is establishing

Economic Opportunity Zonesproviding better choices

for those in inner-cityeducation and supporting

black colleges to helplevel the playing field.

- It will not be enough justfor us to heal our economy.

We've got to heal that which divides.

- [Eric] A slight difference in tone from

what the president saidFriday in the Rose Garden

when asked what his plan isto address systemic racism.

- Our country is so strongand that's what my plan is.

We're gonna have the strongesteconomy in the world,

we almost are there now.

- It's not what yousay, it's how you say it

and sometimes we got to take a step back

and figure out how we say things

and the tone of where it comes from.

And I think right now we're in a place

where America is listening and we have

to have the right tone.

- And here's an interesting tidbit.

During a press conference today,

the White House press secretary was asked

if President Trumpbelieves there is systemic

racism in police departments.

She said no, that hebelieves there are instances

of racism but that by and large

police officers are good people.


- All right, Eric, thank you.

Up next, COVID-19 and a vaccine.

Why it may involve aradio frequency ID chip.

You're watching CBN's "Faith Nation."

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(man yawning)

(cereal clattering)

(juice splashes)

- [Announcer] Life is betterwith a good night's sleep.

Get your free DVD or bookletof "Protect Your Sleep" today.

[Announcer] Life.

It's meant to be lived fully.

Jesus said it, "I came to give you life,

"life to the fullest."

Life in your family.

Life in your finances.

Life in your body, mind, and spirit.

Life in your every day.

At, we're takingwhat Jesus said seriously.

We're here to help you discover life.

Life, live it fully.

- We keep hearing reports of progress

on a coronavirus vaccine and that

one could be ready as early as this year.

But it could look different than

what we might normally expect.

And yes, include aradio frequency ID chip.

CBN Medical ReporterLorie Johnson explains.

- People who get acoronavirus vaccine may notice

it looks a lot like their eyedrops.

They might also see anRFID chip on the package.

The US government has contractedApiject Systems of America

to make 100 million pre-filled syringes

to quickly distributea coronavirus vaccine.

It would use a high-speedblow, fill, seal technology

used in pre-filled single use eyedrops.

- There are eyedropperfacilities in the US,

not many, but a few, thatwe are going to upgrade

so they can handle vaccines.

Then what will happen is those facilities

will make the containers, right here,

that will hold the vaccine,we will add a needle hub

to them and voila, you have a pre-filled

syringe that's ready to use.

- [Lorie] There's alsospace on each syringe

for an optional RadioFrequency Identification Chip

containing a unique serialnumber for each dose.

It would not be injectedor touch the patient.

The chip would be scannedby health care workers

in order to better trackoverall vaccine information.

- It is designed so thereis no counterfeiting.

It's designed so that we'll know exactly

that the right dose hasn't expired.

However, that chip onlyrefers to the dose.

There's no personal information,no patient information,

it's simply like a bar code,

only we know instantaneouslywhere and when

that dose has been used.

That also helps publichealth officials know,

when there are outbreaks,

"Have we vaccinated enoughpeople in those areas?"

- [Lorie] The pre-filled syringes will add

to the limited number of traditionally

manufactured vaccine supplies such as

specialized equipment to fill glass jars,

stoppers, needles, and syringes.

- People are worried about,

"Do we have enoughmedical glass to be able

"to put all of these doses of the vaccine

"into vials so that theycan be administered"

And that's a serious issueto think about right now,

even as we are anticipating,if all goes well,

that such vaccines may be available

in millions of doses as soon as this fall.

- The Department of Defense says

once the vaccines aremade, they'll be delivered

to health care providers nationwide

with the speed and efficiencyof the US military.

Lorie Johnson, CBN News.

- Thanks, Lorie.

Still ahead, rememberingD-Day 76 years later.

This is "Faith Nation"on the CBN News Channel.

(machine beeping)

(machine whirring)

(paper tearing)

- [Announcer] Life is betterwith a good night's sleep.

Get your free DVD or bookletof "Protect Your Sleep" today.

- [Efrem] I'm Efrem Grahamand this is "Studio 5".

Cruise with me as I discoverthe good things happening

in the world of music, sports,television, and movies.

- The fact that Ryan Coogler was going

to be directing the film, I knew that

something special was gonna happen.

- [Efrem] We'll chat withartists at the forefront

of entertainment andexplore the connection

between popular culture and faith.

- I asked my pastor, I said,

"Well does that mean I'msupposed to be a preacher?"

He says, "No, you already have a pulpit."

- [Announcer] Watch "Studio5" Wednesday night at 9:30.

- Remember for a moment whatit was like to be a child.

You believed every story you were told.

You saw a world full ofendless possibilities.

What stories will the world's orphaned

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We believe the Bible tells the only

story truly worth believing.

We believe that every childshould have the opportunity

to dream, the chance to take challenges

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the chance to stand onthe promises of God,

to recognize their place inthe greatest story ever old.

They have their whole lives ahead of them.

Theirs is a world ofendless possibilities.

They are looking for a story to believe.

We will tell them that story.

Will you join us?

(children giggling)

- And finally tonight,remembering D-Day 76 years ago.

While the pandemic prevented most veterans

from flying in this weekend, a small crowd

still watched the Frenchfighter jet flyover

that left a trail of national colors.

One lone US veteran didmake the trip, though,

and stood to salute his fellow servicemen.

95-year-old Charles Norman Shay paid his

respects during a wreath laying ceremony

at Omaha Beach where he landed on D-Day.

Some 9,000 US troops are buried

at the American cemeteryin Normandy, France.

And we will leave it onthat note this Monday.

Thank you so much for joining us

and we'll see you rightback here again tomorrow.

Have a great evening.

(upbeat music)


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